Power is the damage you do. The more units you kill and the more damage you do to the other team, the more power you have.
Power is the greatest number of enemy units you kill DURING ANY SINGLE day throughout the battle.
Technique is a more general measure of efficiency... If you find that during the course of the mission you have a lot of extraneous units that don't do much, that is poor technique.
It's number of units built versus number of units lost: nothing else counts. Building more units and combining damaged units instead of losing them will increase this score.
"Day of Completion" = Day that mission was completed "Speed Limit" = Singular day that 100 pts. can be achieved "Days Tardy" = "Day of Completion" - "Speed Limit"
The 150-pt. speed mark is half that of the 100-pt. one.
Power depends on the amount of damage dealt and the number of attacks done. This is the most complicated calculation, but Translucent Air has found the algorithms.
The 100-150 pts. formula:
["T.D." + ("N.o.E.D" * 100)] / "N.o.A."
The sub 100 pts. formula:
2 * ["T.D." + ("N.o.E.D" * 100)] / "N.o.A." - 100
"T.D." = The total of all Damage Percentages displayed during attacks explicitly executed by the player during player's turns "N.o.A." = Number of times the player explicitly executed attacks during player's turns "N.o.E.D." = Number of enemy units destroyed by attacks explicitly executed by the player during player's turns
Technique depends on the ratio of allied to enemy units.
In the words of Translucent Air,
"In other words, the "overall size" of the allied army (number of units deployed + number of units lost) can be 1.25 times the size of the enemy for 100 pts. of Technique, and the "overall size" of the allied army can only be 0.6 times the size of the enemy army for 150 pts. of Technique."
What does this mean? You can calculate your technique score with one of the two following equations:
I'm now up to 289 points for mission C6. I passed the 100 point mark on technique by only building one more artillery unit. I just can't get power over 100. Has anyone been able to S rank this one?
In the record section you get small medals for doing things in 25, 50 and 100 time increments. On the top screen there are a bunch of awards you can win (I have the first medal so far). Has anyone seen a master list of what these awards are and what they are for?
In the record section you get small medals for doing things in 25, 50 and 100 time increments. On the top screen there are a bunch of awards you can win (I have the first medal so far). Has anyone seen a master list of what these awards are and what they are for?
After you get enough, you can figure out the requirements for each pretty handily. Just play some more.
In the record section you get small medals for doing things in 25, 50 and 100 time increments. On the top screen there are a bunch of awards you can win (I have the first medal so far). Has anyone seen a master list of what these awards are and what they are for?
After you get enough, you can figure out the requirements for each pretty handily. Just play some more.
I know what the ones on the bottom screen are for (except for the two rows that are all question marks) but what about the awards on the top screen?
Power is the greatest number of enemy units you kill DURING ANY SINGLE day throughout the battle. No.
It's number of units built versus number of units lost: nothing else counts. Building more units and combining damaged units instead of losing them will increase this score.
They need just a little bit more support over the next 6 days for the stretch goal of mobile versions (iPad, Android, Ouya) on top of the PC game.
Quya. Fuckin' insane mage in your living room.