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GeekNights 080207 - Sport Spectating

edited February 2008 in Everything Else
Tonight on GeekNights, we talk about spectator sports and sport fandom. In the news, the Do Not Call registry is going to become permanent, the civilian death toll may have been exaggerated in Iraq, and every human being on Earth should read Carl Sagan's Cosmos.

Scott's Thing - Look Up
Rym's Thing - Erotic (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)


  • The link doesn't work.
  • Yeah I get an error message that says, "Authorization is needed to access ''." =/

    I'm sure by the time I wake up in the morning, it will be fixed.
  • I'm getting the usual Access Denied XML document Libsyn puts up when there's no MP3 at the URL you used.
  • Epic fail for Rym not uploading.
  • edited February 2008
    Epic fail for Rym not uploading.
    True, it seems Mr. perfect (Rym) messed up.
    Post edited by CHOIS CHOIS CHOIS on
  • He's got some 'splainin to do with that Thing of the Day, too.
  • edited February 2008
    e's got some 'splainin to do with that Thing of the Day, too.
    We will never know until they get off their asses.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Epic fail for Rym not uploading.
    Oh, I uploaded it. I tested it, too. Everything was fine. Libsyn clearly deleted the file for whatever reason. We have plenty of overhead in the account, so I have no idea what happened. I've emailed support, but, well, Libsyn has basically zero competent support people...
  • Sigh.. This ep will be up tonight when I get home. It's too bad, really. It was a great episode.
  • Question, Thursday episode, but no Wednesday episode? Or have I missed something?
  • Oh, we skipped Wednesday. We explained that Thursday. =P
  • Question, Thursday episode, but no Wednesday episode? Or have I missed something?
    No Wednesday show. Wednesday was a bad day.
  • Sorry to hear that your day was bad.
    My day was also bad, I had to walk all the way to class without hearing my morning geeks talk about things that I may or may not be interested in. ^_^
  • That's what archives are for.
  • But what if you've listened to all the archives?
  • .....Dave and Joel?
  • edited February 2008
    To be honest, I have no problem with no show. I listen to maybe one geeknights show a week. Even then I pick and choose. At times I get sick of listening to it so often sometimes.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • Listening to GeekNights is a privilege, not a right. End of story.
  • edited February 2008
    The above post is wrong. Listening to Geeknights is consumption of a service.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • RymRym
    edited February 2008
    Listening to GeekNights is a privilege boon given unto man by the very gods themselves, to be honoured and venerated into the ages for all time.
    There. ^_^
    Post edited by Rym on
  • Why did I not expect that? It could be seen miles away, yet it escaped my attention o.O
  • Man, I've been trying to download this morning. I need to get my Fix!

    Good luck getting things back up, I miss the episodes guys.
  • If it's causing this for only two missed nights imagine a week or more. I think people are going to start eating each other. :P
  • Yeah, and turn into flesh-eating zombies. Someone write a fanfic on that.
  • edited February 2008
    Scrym: Shouldn't you change the post so that people who don't use the forums will know what is going on?
    Awesome, Geeknights is a plot to cause the zombie apocalypse.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Scrym: Shouldn't you change the post so that people who don't use the forums will know what is going on?
    What post? ;^)
  • Won't deleting the post confuse people even more?
  • Wooot! Flesh-eating zombies! If only GeekNights had that effect on me.

    Idea, rerecord the opener to say GeekNights Friday.
  • edited February 2008

    Idea, rerecord the opener to say GeekNights Friday.
    Confuse the masses more! Make them speculate and panic ADV style! *laughs evilly*

    Awesome, Geeknights is a plot to cause the zombie apocalypse.
    Screw viruses and voo doo. Podcasts will eventually equal the zombie apocalypse.
    Post edited by Viga on
  • Geeknights should make more podcast when I have work do and less when I don't. The rest of the world revolves around me so you guys need to get with the trend.
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