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Professor Layton and the fucking awesome village



  • Why am I not playingthisgame?
    THAT'S IN-GAME!?!? *dies*
  • edited February 2008
    Why am I not playingthisgame?
    I believe that's the sequel coming out. If you saw the release date it says 11/29/07. The first one came out in 02/15/07. Also at the end it said in romanji it said Layton vs (kanji I can't translate) Vampire. I'm at 90+ puzzles found/solved in-game and there are no vampires.

    The sequel looks extremely badass though!

    Edit: Looks like it's called Prof Layton and the Devil's Box. Source
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • When you watch the animation sequences, is anyone else feel almost as if they are watching something done by Miyazaki? Or is it just me? >.>
  • I absolutely love this game. My only complaint is that it's pretty short when it all boils down to it, but that's probably just because I played it a lot. I'm definitely going to get the sequel as soon as it gets an English release.

    ...Though I'm really surprised that people had trouble on the mouse puzzle. I thought it was incredibly obvious what the answer was from the get-go.
  • When you watch the animation sequences, is anyone else feel almost as if they are watching something done by Miyazaki? Or is it just me? >.>
    I thought something along the same lines. The mood, the somewhat steampunkish setting, and the music gave me a Miyazaki-like impression, although not so much the animation style.
  • Well, I've finally beaten the game. I found most of the puzzles that were possible to find, however there are a few I need to either find, or go to Granny's shack to solve them.

    I really enjoyed the game, even though I do agree with Diddgery that the game was pretty short. I still need to unlock The Decorator's House and The Puzzle Master's House in Layton's challenges.

    One thing I thought was really cool was when you complete the game, the game unlocks a "Top Secret" area where you can rewatch all the animated scenes, listen to the various themes in music, and read profiles of the characters in the game. There is also a "Hidden Door" where you have to enter the password to unlock it. The thing is, the password is in the instruction booklet of the sequel game, which of course isn't out yet. I'm sure it's on the internets somewhere.

    My other only gripe is the lack of new weekly puzzles. I've tried downloading something each week, and nothing new yet. :/

    Regardless, great game. I recommend it to anyone that enjoys solving puzzles.

    My favorite puzzles were probably either the puzzles that involve the chess board and the queens, and the ones where you had to get the ball to other side or red block out.
  • Been playing the game since last night. I've seen many of these puzzles before. I haven't met a puzzle I couldn't solve yet, but some of them take some time. It's definitely fun, and worth playing at least once. The weekly puzzle downloads work perfectly. If you are having a problem, your wireless is busted.
  • My wireless works now. I finally got the 2nd downloadable puzzle. It was pretty easy, at least to me.

    I'm still stuck on the Princess 2 puzzle.
  • Been playing the game since last night. I've seen many of these puzzles before. I haven't met a puzzle I couldn't solve yet, but some of them take some time. It's definitely fun, and worth playing at least once. The weekly puzzle downloads work perfectly. If you are having a problem, your wireless is busted.
    Or the DS doesn't do WPA.
  • They're slated to do a movie pretty soon. I think this is the website for the movie.
  • Or the DS doesn't do WPA.
    And it doesn't, which I find amazingly inconvenient. I ended up hunting down a Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector to use when I want to take my DS online so I don't have to dick around with reconfiguring my router's wireless security. The convenience of being able to enable it and disable it at will (and ability to use a hacked set of Buffalo drivers along with a hex-edited copy of the ASUS WLAN controller software to make it work as a universal soft AP instead of being tied to the crappy Nintendo software) made it worth the extra expense.
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