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California limits home-schooling



  • I did not specify he had to turn adie-hardFlat-Earther or Scientologist from their beliefs.
    If you are a Flat-Earther or Scientologist you are already die-hard about your beliefs. You cannot "kinda" believe these ideas.
  • I did not specify he had to turn adie-hardFlat-Earther or Scientologist from their beliefs.
    If you are a Flat-Earther or Scientologist you are already die-hard about your beliefs. You cannot "kinda" believe these ideas.
    Well that depends. If I was dating a real hot girl who was into one of those two things I think I could play along for a while.
  • Well that depends. If I was dating a real hot girl who was into one of those two things I think I could play along for a while.
    Wow, I couldn't. I cannot stand having a relationship with anyone whose brainless.
  • Well that depends. If I was dating a real hot girl who was into one of those two things I think I could play along for a while.
    Wow, I couldn't. I cannot stand having a relationship with anyone whose brainless.
    Relationship? I said play along for a while.
  • Well that depends. If I was dating a real hot girl who was into one of those two things I think I could play along for a while.
    Wow, I couldn't. I cannot stand having a relationship with anyone whose brainless.
    Relationship? I said play along for a while.
    Are you actually this disgusting or is this type of statement the only way you can get attention?
  • Well that depends. If I was dating a real hot girl who was into one of those two things I think I could play along for a while.
    Wow, I couldn't. I cannot stand having a relationship with anyone whose brainless.
    Relationship? I said play along for a while.
    Are you actually this disgusting or is this type of statement the only way you can get attention?
    In my younger years, perhaps...
  • I know many of you may be shocked and scared at this fact, but just today I taught a class. It was very small, four students, and on philosophy, so all I really needed to do was get them to start talking with each other, but afterwards I got parents and kids thanking me saying the class was lots of fun. This is a 10 week course I'm doing and today was the first class, but if the rest goes like today did then the kids, and even the parents who just listen in, are going to know a whole lot about philosophy. Although I know a decent amount of, and about philosophy I'm not nearly qualified to teach this class, yet I seem to be doing a good job because I know enough, and I'm able to get the kids engaged. That's what I think of as important is a teacher. They need to know the subject, but more importantly, they need to get the kids excited about it.
  • Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.

    Matthew 15:14
  • How can you expect a government school to teach people to stand up against the government?
  • How can you expect a government school to teach people to stand up against the government?
    I went to a government school. I'm standing up against the government.
  • How can you expect a government school to teach people to stand up against the government?
    I went to a government school, and many of my political views are considered radical at best.
  • How can you expect a government school to teach people to stand up against the government?
    I went to a government school, and I believe that government is almost always the worst solution to a problem.
  • But did the school teach you that, or was it some other influence, perhaps your family.

    What happens to the kids that never learn this, and their parents never learned either.
  • What happens to the kids that never learn this, and their parents never learned either.
    They go through life unable to properly use question marks.
  • But did the school teach you that, or was it some other influence, perhaps your family.

    What happens to the kids that never learn this, and their parents never learned either.
    Definitely primarily spun out of social studies and history classes. When someone teaches you that your country was born of a revolution, and now it sucks, all you can think about is how you want to have a revolution again.
  • What happens to the kids that never learn this, and their parents never learned either.
    They go through life unable to properly use question marks.
    Grammar Nazi, I salute you!
  • This is the reason there need to be limits on home schooling.
  • JayJay
    edited April 2008
    Well that is unfortunate. Those kids are screwed. I like the point made that even though they're probably smarter than children of equivalent age there is still a dangerous possibility they can be manipulated due to the fact they’re not used to questioning things. Damage can be done due too the culture that the child is brought up in with no outside influences. Even if the education level is adequate in all other regards.

    Now, is there a feasible way to test if a home educator is not only academically adequate (themselves or the people they pay) and also ensure that the child is also being given the chance to develop socially as well? Probably not. At least laws can be put in place to ensure that half those requirements are met. Is it more inconvenient then sending your child to public schooling? Probably. But the onus should be on the individual to prove that the child they are carrying for is being educated properly. I also believe that the parent should be given money from the schooling system if they decide to find other means to education there children as well. As it may be cost prohibitive for a poor parent that recognizes that there public schooling system is poor to be able to afford education via other means.
    Post edited by Rym on
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