Eliot Spitzer resigned today after admiting his involvement in a prostitution ring.
I really couldn't care less what the man does with his penis. Moreover, I think prostitution should be legalized and regulated as it is in Nevada. That being said, as prostitution is currently illegal, he did break the law and should pay the consequences.
It is really disappointing, I had such high hopes for him.
He hasn't resigned yet, as far as I know. Rumor is that he may resign and swear in the Lt. Governor at 7 PM tonight. I won't believe a damn thing until I see it in front of me from multiple sources.
However, I think he should resign. I like the man's politics, and I also think prostitution should be legal and regulated, but I mean, HE BUSTED UP PROSTITUTION RINGS. He sent people to jail for doing the same thing he was doing. Don't forget that he also vowed to clean up the state and root out corruption and all that jazz.
He probably just should've tried to put through legislation to legalize prostitution. That way, he'd be covered.
EDIT: And before anyone asks, yes I work for the state of New York, but no, I don't have any special information as to this whole affair.
Is there something about attaining political power that drives seemingly normal people to do scandalous things? Oh well.
You might want to check your facts. He has not resigned as of the time you typed this.
Do you think he should?
Sorry, it was too obvious. ^_^
Also, I think he's going to be indicted. I saw some news articles mentioning that. At this point, it'd probably be best to resign.
He COULD try to pull something like, "Alright, I did it, it was wrong, and I admit it. No more cover-ups, I'm going to be totally honest from now on," but that's a hard sell if you don't have charisma. Spitzer built himself on his appearance of honesty and integrity, and now he's really kind of shot that down. I don't think anyone's really going to trust him again.
As it stands, he's the DEFINITION of a hypocrite.
As for "bad people playing it somewhere else," I honestly don't understand his objections. It doesn't hurt me if someone, no matter how silly that someone may be, plays my show out there. If he's really worried, he should use a non-commercial, no derivatives license.
Apparently, the Republicans in the state government are going to impeach him if he doesn't resign.
Meanwhile, all the Republicans are probably having torrid gay sexual affairs of their own. Notice how the Democrat sex affairs are usually hetero? The Democrats have only one gay affair guy and the Republicans have only one straight affair guy. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I'm just sayin' . . .
I saw in a couple of articles that the trysts were held at the Mayflower Hotel. My first document review job was right across the street from the Mayflower Hotel. It's so weird to see places that you know in big news stories like this. When I was living in KY, you never saw anything from KY in a national news article. You still don't of course, but I hope you catch my meaning.
This is the same thing that led to Rush Limbaugh's drug problem being discovered. He was drawing out $9,999 at a time from the bank ($10K is the IRS trigger) and ended up being investigated. For some reason the government feels that anyone who spends large amounts of cash must be doing something illegal. They also feel that anyone with large sums of cash stored in their home must have earned it via some sort of crime and will confiscate said money until you prove you earned it legally.
AFAIK prostitution is still illegal. Should he lose his job over it? That is a bit tricky.
As Joe mentioned above Republicans often end up in gay affairs and lose their jobs. They don't lose the job because they are gay as much as because they are proven to be hypocrites. In this case Spitzer looks like a hypocrite because he is guilty of doing things that he considered to be crimes when he was the AG of New York. Because of that he should resign.
Sources: Spitzer Resignation Expected Wednesday
Spitzer Got Tripped Up Laws He Enforced
Official: Cash Triggered Spitzer Probe
Looks like the $10K law is no more. Banks can alert the feds over any transactions they deem suspicious.
You are right about one thing, I should not have used the word guilty. I should have written "appears to be guilty". There is a more accurate word than appears but it eludes me at this moment.
Spitzer himself was investigated by the DOJ. The investigation was pursued under the White Slave Traffic Act of 1910, sometimes called the Mann Act, a federal law, which is all they think they can prove at this point.
Spitzer went after the people actually doing the prostitution, i.e. the pimps and prostitutes. The DOJ is focusing on Spitzer and not prosecuting the actual prostitutes. In fact, I don't think there actually is any federal prostitution law. It's dealt with federally through RICO.
So the similarity is pretty superficial.