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Rym and Scott, Captians of the U.S.S Egotistical

FUCK YOU GEEKNIGHTS. I am so sick of your ego's. Your 'Tuesday adventure'image wasn't worth a whole fucking show. I don't know why you couldn't tell the whole thing in 5 minutes on Wednesday. The Entire episode was just a fucking ego stroke and a waste of time. "well we took the AM track track out and were so awesome" GOOD FOR YOU! It's nice to know that you can fucking problem solve, It's a skill that they teach you in elementary school.
AURRG! you guys are so egotistical. Your like me, when I was 10 and thought I was smarter than all the other kids in the school. And I see you guys haven't grown out of that.
You both need to be a little more humble about what you do and who you are, 'cause guess what I'm sick of your attitude and being a little more humble might help the show. I know you are both very out going and are into your selves. You could even say that your GeekNights Geeks.

...I'm done. <_>


  • Ummm, don't listen?
  • edited March 2008
    I like the show and I learn a lot, but their ego's piss me off sometimes.

    Think of this as an open letter to GeekNights.
    Post edited by CHOIS CHOIS CHOIS on
  • If you don't like like it don't listen. Rym and Scott are full of themselves but most people listening to them just ignore that. I'm sure that, even though they say this is how they talk in real life, that in person they are a lot less full of themselves but they are two relatively insignificant people given a microphone and an audience, shitcockery happens.
  • Wait is there such thing as a personality on the radio who is not in love with his own voice?

    I suggest taking a break for a bit, taking a few deep breaths and then start listening again ^_^
  • I'm so used to it I forgot that trait about them. Meh, I don't really care.
  • I feel that they are genuinely awesome people who have the mutant ability to have interesting things happen to them plus the added power of being good story tellers.
  • How can you be awesome, if you don't believe that you are awesome? If you aren't awesome, how can you be the star of an awesome show?
  • You appear to be forgetting the number one rule.
  • edited March 2008
    shut it

    The Lower case 'S' is meant to show my emotion of telling you that I really don't care.
    Post edited by CHOIS CHOIS CHOIS on
  • edited March 2008
    If it gets under your skin that much, then leave. Door's to your left.

    EDIT: On second thought, I hope it hits you hard on the way out.
    Post edited by Katsu on
  • edited March 2008
    Yes, Rym and Scott have egos. Haven't you been listening to the show? Quite frankly, if they weren't as egotistical as they are, I probably would not like the show. Who wants to listen to two guys saying how mediocre they are?
    Post edited by whatare on
  • How can you be awesome, if you don't believe that you are awesome? If you aren't awesome, how can you be the star of an awesome show?
    That is not 100% true.
    I mean doctors working on the worst conditions on third world countries are awesome, but they do not even think about it because they are doing their best to help others to survive. Yeah, they can leave it all behind and live a pretty comfortable life somewhere else but they stay there, why? I do not know, ask them.
    Good teachers are awesome, but they do not know that until a student go to them and said that to them. But I am pretty sure they will not feel good because a student told them that they are awesome, he will feel good because he will believe that he made a difference in a young person's mind.
    In the beginning I was kind of tick off at the way Scrym act but then I said to myself "live and let live" . What is it gonna get me to be angry at them for the way they are? Are they gonna change? (fat change). So I just go with my life and and listen to them every time I can (which in nowadays is not that much, thanks to college).
  • mean doctors working on the worst conditions on third world countries are awesome,
    They are not trying to put on a awesome show ^_^
  • I think you need to take a chill pill.

    Just because Scrym like to be full of themselves doesn't mean you need to get worked up and be an asshole to everyone. Really, all you did was get all of the forum riled up, show that everyone thinks you need to calm down, and show your complete lack of intelligence.

    Also, mind your got-damned grammar and spelling, it's a forum rule!
  • edited March 2008
    I like the show and I learn a lot, but their ego's piss me off sometimes.
    Please reread this above...

    I do like the show and I do think that they are awesome guys, but there attitudes just rubs me the wrong way sometimes, especially the last Thursday show.

    Erwin, what was that all about?
    If it gets under your skin that much, then leave. Door's to your left.

    EDIT: On second thought, I hope it hits you hard on the way out.
    WOW, not cool, how 'bout you and I pull out the Shinis (god I know I spelled that wrong) and fight it out in a good kendo spar? (Just kidding, It's been a while since I've done kendo and i had to quiet due to medical reasons, but the at is a completely different story).

    I Didn't mean to come off as an ass, eventhough that is how it sounded, but all I was asking Rym and Scott to do is to be a little less egotistical.
    Post edited by CHOIS CHOIS CHOIS on
  • edited March 2008

    WOW, not cool, how 'bout you and I pull out the Shinis (god I know I spelled that wrong) and fight it out in a good kendo spar? (Just kidding, It's been a while since I've done kendo and i had to quiet due to medical reasons, but the at is a completely different story).
    While you may have been kidding, I am not. Regular kendo, bokutoh kendo, or even with fukuroshinai; I'll fight you with any of them.
    Post edited by Katsu on
  • edited March 2008
    Yeah, I kind of took it out of context and it looks like my brain stopped after the first interrogation symbol.
    Anyhow I would recommend to listen to this, it really chilled me out a lot. It is from Bob Lennon
    Post edited by Erwin on
  • Apostrophes. Oh gods, the apostrophes. They are not used for pluralization.
  • edited March 2008
    Posted By: KatsuIf it gets under your skin that much, then leave. Door's to your left.

    EDIT: On second thought, I hope it hits you hard on the way out.And so many grammar and spelling errors. Oh so many.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Most of what I learned about the Internet, anime, and computers comes from Rym and Scott, and I apperittcate that.
    They are also the reason why I am proud to call myself a geek, and That was one of the hardest things for me to learn; accepting who I am.
    They are awesome guys and I know that, but that night, I was tired, 3 very late nights in a row, and stupid English paper.
    asshole to everyone
    I wasn't insulting 'eveyone', only Rym and Scott. I'm sorry, I going to take a break for a while.


  • I Didn't mean to come off as an ass, eventhough that is how it sounded, but all I was asking Rym and Scott to do is to be a little less egotistical.
    They wont. Although I would make a bet that if they weren't that way it would affect the show as it is now. *shrugs*
  • Kid, anyone who's successful has an ego. While I'm not going to go as far as Scott and say that being egotistical is a prerequisite to being great, it certainly helps.
    You're young. You're growing up in a world where if you're nice and humble, you're rewarded. Take it from the king of the pushovers, kid. After school, that doesn't work.
  • You're a fucking nut.

    /end of discussion.
  • I wasn't insulting 'eveyone',
    Your continued, egregiously poor grammar and spelling do insult us. If you're not doing it on purpose: take the time to look at your writing before you post it. If you are doing it on purpose, well, it's one thing to be a bad speller. It's another to willingly antagonize the members of a forum that prides itself on not being one of "those places."
  • edited March 2008
    Does? ^_~
    Post edited by Zeehat on
  • Captians? Is this a joke?
  • Before we know it, this is going to pop up in the "Why Rym and Scott are gay" thread.
  • Heh. I've noticed something. The reason that Scrym has only had to use the ban hammer once before is because most of the people who we don't like or are idiots we insult and ostracize until they leave or change their habits. The one person who had to be banned in order rid ourselves of them was just too stupid to do either of those things =P
  • @Zeehat: It's acceptable. Do they insult us? They do.
    It just depends on if you read "grammar and spelling" as singular or plural.
  • jccjcc
    edited March 2008
    You might enjoy a topic I started a while ago, called Rym & Scott: Jerks, or regional variation? :). They are full of it, but to be fair, this is a common geek failing. ;) Plus, a big part of it is the two of them together, I think. Rym or Scott on their own, only moderately full of it, and fairly reasonable human beings. (I note this aspect often in Scott's forum posting, for instance.) But Scrym brings it to a whole other level... It's like some sort of Captain Planet summoning cut-scene, with each half providing different aspects of snark. :) It really is useful for radio entertainment purposes, though. I mean, take the rants, smug certainty, sarcastic jokes, and over-the-top opinions out of talk radio and suddenly you're listening to CSPAN. :)
    Post edited by jcc on
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