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Rym and Scott, Captians of the U.S.S Egotistical



  • The Scrym are jerkwads, but they have class so it's ok.
  • We all know that they are egomaniacs. It's up to us to listen or not.

    I personally catch about every 4th or 5th episode.

    I agree that the train story was a 10 minute story turned into an episode.

    Oh well. With so many episodes, there are bound to be a few misses. Overall the content is still impressive.
  • To me, if you are going to be an egotist, you must be ready for the slings and arrows of other with ability. By in large, R&S walk the walk. When they make specific errors, they are made aware of them here. It is no crime to be egotistical, especially if you can back it up.

    I am impressed that someone was able to anger Katsu to the point of discussion of violence. While I don't know Katsu, I certainly know of him by listening to the show. My goodness.

    As far as the show in question is concerned, Emily was the hero, not R&S.
  • I don't care in the least about their egos, although I sometimes become cross at their boundless, pollyanna-ish optimism. Scrum could go to war and end up like Joe Bonham in Johnny Got His Gun, and he'd say, "This is awesome! I'll probably make lots of money as a sideshow attraction and things will get continually better all the time!" Well, he couldn't actually say that, because his face would be mostly gone, but he would tap it out in morse code.
  • Wow... truly this conversation has made me comment in the longest while, for me I listen to them for both entertainment and information on the topics that interest me if it isn't interesting, than I skip it. It is simple and clean, but for me their ego stroke makes me giggle.
  • Yeah, that's pretty much why I skip over most of the Thursday shows after the TotD is done.

    Simply click the pause/stop button and move on to a different podcast; they're isn't any reason to get bent out of shape.
  • Opposed to many views, I love their big egos. That is the backbone to the show. As Rym mentioned in another discussion, "you need to act like you, and everything you do is awesome. Therein lies the success to Geeknights."
  • I really dislike Scryms character and I couldn't "hang out" with them I think, but that doesn't matter. I still find there show very entertaining and funny, so I listen.

    BTW: Why are you all so harsh to Morio-Kun? It seams you all agree with him that Scrym are quite egotistical.
  • It seams you all agree with him that Scrym are quite egotistical.
    This is true, however, do not look over the fact that some of us may be the same way.
  • Even so, fact is: Rym and Scott have a huge ego.
  • That's already been established ten times over.
  • As a staunch comrade of the duo, I must say that the discussion of humility versus over-confidence comes up a lot. I tend to be competitive, but on the whole I tend to be less confident, less of a braggart than either member of Scrym. In truth, though, Rym's particular brand of of egotism usually reminds me of Peter Pan from the original J.M. Barrie book. "Oh, I'm clever, oh the cleverness of me!" he crows out. The kid is smart, but he knows he is smart and he revels in it, so although it is somewhat frustrating it is such an optimistic attitude that I don't mind it as much as I would otherwise. I think working at his new job has tamed his ego slightly, and that working under a nuclear physicist and a military strategist is probably good for him. What bugs me most is that the two of them read stories of foolishness on the internet and dismiss most of humanity as idiots. It's when the egotism gets pessimistic and rude that I start to bristle. They are young, and somewhat naive, but when talking to them in person they are not quite as harsh as their radio personas. The best way to deal with Rym and Scott is to blow them off when they start blowing hot air. It's harmless.

    The Amtrak adventure was not as big a deal as they made it out to be. It was more just a lesson in "if stuff gets screwed up, don't freak out and try to make the best of it if you can." Thus, don't yell at train conductors in Grand Central, go out to dinner in K-town and visit gamestop instead. You will be happier and its probably better for your blood pressure. That's really all they wanted to say, I think.
    But Scrym brings it to a whole other level... It's like some sort of Captain Planet summoning cut-scene, with each half providing different aspects of snark.
  • The Amtrak adventure was not as big a deal as they made it out to be. It was more just a lesson in "if stuff gets screwed up, don't freak out and try to make the best of it if you can." Thus, don't yell at train conductors in Grand Central, go out to dinner in K-town and visit gamestop instead. You will be happier and its probably better for your blood pressure. That's really all they wanted to say, I think.
    I haven't listened to that particular episode, but something very similar happened to me last week when the MARC train from DC to Baltimore was 45 minutes late. I was really inconvenienced, but it would have been of absolutely no use to become cross with anyone, so I just waited.
  • jccjcc
    edited March 2008
    Giving it some further thought, I'd suppose that the issue isn't really with them thinking too much of themselves as much as it is that they think too little of the capacity of others. Having an "I am so smart! S-M-R-T!" type moment is fine as long as it doesn't come after a 10 minute sneer-rant on the idiocy of humankind. :)
    Post edited by jcc on
  • I'd suppose that the issue isn't really with them thinking too much of themselves as much as it is that they think too little of the capacity of others.
  • edited March 2008
    Wow I think it's been ages since I've been to the forums! Anyway, to the subject at hand.

    I agree with Morio-Kun (Even though I wouldn't have worded it that way) in saying that Rym and Scott do seem to have a somewhat over active ego. I started listening to their pod cast in December of last year and I got hooked. I really liked their information and incite into different anime, manga, and games. Over time however, their ego's did start to get on my nerves as well. I still listen to them from time to time but not as much as before. I see nothing wrong with the information they provide or their logically based arguments. Rym and Scott's egotism shows in their presentation of the show. To some people they sound like a bunch of know it all's and most people don't like that. I think perhaps Rym and Scott act that way to weed out some of the noobs but in the process they also weed out people that actually want to learn about the subject matter. They seem to act like everyone is basically a noob which isn't far to anyone. If someone acts like a noob, one should treat them accordingly. If someone just simply wants to learn something from you, don't treat them like a noob. (I guess that’s just a little of my own philosophy). Not every one is fortunate enough to have had the same education and opportunities as Rym and Scott had. Do those people deserve to be grouped with the noobs? I say no, however the way Rym and Scott dictate them selves makes it seem like everyone is of lower intelligence then they are. There is nothing wrong with confidence but there is a line between confidence and egotism. Well, this is just my opinion. This took longer then expected and could go for a nice cup of OJ now.
    Post edited by LadyRelena on

  • I agree with Morio-Kun (Even though I wouldn't have worded it that way) in saying that Rym and Scottdoseem to have a somewhat over active ego. I started listening to their pod cast in December of last year and I got hooked. I really liked their information and incite into different anime, manga, and games. Over time however, their ego'sdidstart to get on my nerves as well. I still listen to them from time to time but not as much as before. I see nothing wrong with the information they provide or their logically based arguments. Rym and Scott's egotism shows in their presentation of the show. To some people they sound like a bunch of know it all's and most people don't like that. I think perhaps Rym and Scott act that way to weed out some of the noobs but in the process they also weed out people thatactuallywant to learn about the subject matter. They seem to act like everyone is basically a noob which isn't far to anyone. If someone acts like a noob, one should treat them accordingly. If someone just simply wants to learn something from you, don't treat them like a noob. (I guess that’s just a little of my own philosophy). Not every one is fortunate enough to have had the same education and opportunities as Rym and Scott had. Do those people deserve to be grouped with the noobs? I say no, however the way Rym and Scott dictate them selves makes it seem like everyone is of lower intelligence then they are. Well, there is my rant of the day. I think I need a nice cup of OJ now.
    Although you went quite off topic, I agree with most of what you said. ^_~
  • I did go a little off topic didn't I. I though it was still somewhat relevant though.
  • Rym and Scott are egotistical in real life, but they amp it up somewhat for the show. I honestly find it entertaining. It can be a bit much at times (both on the show and off), but we all have our flaws and quirks, and at least theirs is entertaining. In fact, one might say that their flaw is far more appealing than getting so upset over a podcast that you write in ranting and raving that you are "done". If you want to be taken seriously and attempt to convince them to change their show, try writing a thoughtful, well reasoned e-mail to the directly to them. Waiting until you are so fed up, and then writing an inflammatory message on the forum will not only guarantee that you are not taken seriously, but also get you mocked. It is counterproductive, whiny, and -quite clearly- a character flaw far worse than being full of yourself for entertainment purposes.
  • That's really all they wanted to say, I think.
    Good post :) Confirming a lot of my thoughts, however, don't talk like an old person! "Kid" for Rym!?
  • Rym and Scott are egotistical in real life, but they amp it up somewhat for the show. I honestly find it entertaining. It can be a bit much at times (both on the show and off), but we all have our flaws and quirks, and at least theirs is entertaining. In fact, one might say that their flaw is far more appealing than getting so upset over a podcast that you write in ranting and raving that you are "done". If you want to be taken seriously and attempt to convince them to change their show, try writing a thoughtful, well reasoned e-mail to the directly to them. Waiting until you are so fed up, and then writing an inflammatory message on the forum will not only guarantee that you are not taken seriously, but also get you mocked. It is counterproductive, whiny, and -quite clearly- a character flaw far worse than being full of yourself for entertainment purposes.
    Wow, well said.
  • edited March 2008
    Does the increased ego have anything to do with homosexual tension between the two?

    Also, is U.S.S. Egotistical a water ship or space ship?
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • edited March 2008
    Also, is U.S.S. Egotistical a water ship or space ship?
    Probably water, so they can play the Village People's "In the Navy" all day long.

    Post edited by Double Z on
  • Also, is U.S.S. Egotistical a water ship or space ship?
    Probably water, so they can play the Village People's "In the Navy" all day long.
    This is frighteningly close to the truth.
  • I'm not sure I would find GeekNights nearly as interesting without the ego. It's a bit much at times, but makes for interesting podcasting.

    Since this is a ship, do they have separate captain's chairs or do they take turns sitting on each other's laps?
  • All good radio personalities (is not podcasting a form of radio) have large egos. Who wants to listen to someone who is afraid of his own shadow or feels they have no sense of worth? 'of course they have egos, why else would they be podcasting?
  • Whatever the ship is, I am sure it's filled with a plethora of semen.
  • Damn. Every thread dissents into the chaos of gay!
  • It's a plague which slowly spreads through all the (active) forum members.
  • Damn. Every thread dissents into the chaos of gay!
    Well, it didn't help when Rym's girlfriend referred to him as her comrade. Not exactly lovey-dovey. :)
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