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Weird dreams/nightmares

edited March 2008 in Everything Else
I was kept up last night because I kept waking up from this weird nightmare/dream thing... I got raped (although it never did it in the dream..) and then I had to deal with being pregnant and.. when I woke up I was going to go and feed my crying baby.

I don't have a baby... >>;

So yeah. I'm a bit sleep deprived due to that little fun happy time of a nightmare/dream.

Has anyone else woken up, about to go somewhere or do something that you were doing in your dream, or tried to continue something from your dream? Or any nightmares that scare/weird the crap outta ya?


  • You're late?
  • XD; No, thank god. Or.. I dun think I am. That kinda thing requires you know, tracking and thinking and recording shit. It's not as easy as it sounds.
  • I had a dream in which Porky Pig led the attack on the Death Star, everyone else on the Red team were the same characters from the movie, but Porky was Luke. It was weird.
  • I had a dream about making a hot dog with two wieners.
    I failed.
  • edited March 2008
    There was already a dream thread but whatever.

    I had a dream when it was an old school cartoon. I was a cartoon mouse and me and my mouse friend when to get some sudaes at the corner store. The store was empty but we took them and ate them anyway with the intention of paying when the store owner came back. When he came back he was mad and sicked his cat on us. I ran so fast and hard but it wasn't enough and I got caught, killed and eaten.

    I had another when I was staff at Katsucon 20 and I went to get the chairman and she was interviewing the voice actress of Trixie of Speed Racer. They were naked. Ew. Then I was led up and down the DC con center (Katsucon was like Otakon in the future) by them. Ew.
    Post edited by Viga on
  • There was already a dream thread but whatever.
    ^_^; Actually, I only looked up 'nightmares'. Never even thought to check 'dreams'.. >>;
  • When I was a kid I had some messed up nightmares.
    You know how people say those stupid things about Nightmares... "You can't feel pain", "You can't die"
    I experienced it all, or at least I have memories of experiencing it all. ^_^ I can never tell you anything 100%.
  • Okay...this is weird.

    I was at a huge party with my boyfriend who was an Arab prince who dressed like Ali G. I was cheating on him very obviously with a hot chick. I got caught and ran away and hid in the party. I hung out in the front where the band was going to play. Geeknights was a punk nerdcore band. Rym on bass, Scott on drums and Emily on guitar. I don't know what emily looks like so my mind created a Knives Chau mixed with Ramona looking person. Sex Bob-Omb was there and I hung with them but I kept ducking in and out of the stairwell. I kept talking to Tony K of No Doubt about me breaking it off with Gwen Stefani for the Arab Prince guy. I just needed advice from him since he broke up with her before and all. I decided to do so and went back to enjoy a good rock show.

    Lesson learned: Too much Scott Pilgrim, podcasts and music creates weird dreams. Maybe?
  • I had a dream last night, but I forget what it was.
  • I had a weird week long recurring dream back in my high school days that I actually took the time to write down. Pretty bizarre stuff. These days my dreams are fairly boring.

    I occasionally have one of those, "Why am I in California when I have to get to work in half an hour" dreams. Or I get the ones where I think I'm still in the Army even though I'm living in my house and on my way to work.

    I also have the occasional one where I am with some woman I do not recognize when I suddenly look down and see my wedding ring and have to leave. Those are fairly rare.
  • I had a dream last night, but I forget what it was.
    You dream every night, everybody does. However, you never remember them due to not being conscious enough to do so. There should be a different word for either dream as it's used generally in society (i.e. the dreams you remember), or for those you don't remember.
  • edited March 2008
    Have you ever considered how strange it is that, every night, you become unconscious, comatose, hallucinate vividly and then have amnesia?

    I don't know how but in a dream I had yesterday, I had one of those super powerful sniper rifles used by the US military (A Barrett M82, just looked it up.) and I shot someone point blank with it (the back end was resting on the floor and I was holding onto it half way up while this dude was looking down on me holding a gun to my face.) and the bang was so painfully loud. Thing is, as it was inside my head and my ears had nothing to do with it (and I had never heard it before), why was it painful?
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Pain, as with so many other functions of the human body, is processed by the brain.
  • I just had a dream just now. For some reason me and some FRC peoples, but I don't remember who, were on a train from an unidentified place in Northern Europe that was taking us due South to London. Yes, I realize that makes no sense. The train was one of the trains we use to get to work. The train eventually started going around the streets of London on trolley tracks. Yes, I realize that makes no sense. We got out of the train somehow and went into a fancy store that was some cross between a science museum and an arcade. When we went outside the train was gone, and I started running after it. I caught up to the train a little, but not enough. Then I woke up.
  • ...that was some cross between a science museum and an arcade.
    In other words, paradise.
  • GeoGeo
    edited March 2008
    ...that was some cross between a science museum and an arcade.
    In other words, paradise.
    I think I might've been to a science museum somewhere in Boston that somewhat fits the description of Scott's dream.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • I think I might've been to a science museum somewhere in Boston that somewhat fits the description Scott's dream.
    Boston Science Museum is pretty high quality. I've been there multiple times, but that was at least a decade ago. Libery Science Center has also reopened relatively recently, and is just as awesome.
  • edited March 2008
    I'm volunteering at the Maryland Science Center's Crosby Ramsey Memorial Observatory, so I can get people in for free if they come to Baltimore . . . and I'm feeling generous.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • Yes, I realize that makes no sense.
    Yes, I realize that makes no sense.
    Isn't that... normal for a dream? It would make no sense if you did not dream something weird and strange since afaik your brain processes whatever the heck happened to you the day before. Any highly educated biologists/neurologists here that can confirm or correct this statement?

    As for dreams (the remembered kind), don't have them really. I do have episodes of dreamery when I'm in a state of waking up on a day off. I.e. when I get woken up by my alarm at about 9 in the morning, but stay in bed till 12. I am concious and I realize I am having a dream, and remember I enjoy them, or at least not detest them, but the moment I open my eyes, or turn around, or do anything basically, I've forgotten what the dream was about, and even if I had one.
  • I'm volunteering at the Maryland Science Center'sCrosby Ramsey Memorial Observatory, so I can get people in for free if they come to Baltimore . . . and I'm feeling generous.
    Was this a dream or a statement? If it was a statement... awesome. The Maryland Science Center is quite top-notch.
  • It's a statement. I've been volunteering there since this past January.
  • It's a statement. I've been volunteering there since this past January.
    If I wasn't podcasting, I could volunteer somewhere cool. Damns.
  • I'm volunteering at the Maryland Science Center'sCrosby Ramsey Memorial Observatory, so I can get people in for free if they come to Baltimore . . . and I'm feeling generous.
    Oh neat, what do you do around there as a volunteer?
  • edited March 2008
    Oh neat, what do you do around there as a volunteer?
    Mostly hang around, move the telescope into position to view the sun, give people mondo-strong filters so they can look at the sun before they view it with the telescope, tell them about the telescope and its history, tell them about the filters used on the different telescope eyepieces, help them actually view an image through the telescope, tell them about the prominences that can be viewed on that particular day, tell them what cause the prominences, tell them about sunspots and why we can't see any right now, tell them other facts they might not know about the sun, show them websites like this, tell them about upcoming events like meteor showers or eclipses, tell them about what we might see when we're open on Friday night, move the telescope back into the locked position after we close up, and try to look as cool as possible while still wearing a dorky "volunteer" vest.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • I had a dream over the weekend that involved a murderer of Pokemon who ate them as delicacies and I was tracking the guy, as a cross between Sherlock Holmes and Rick Deckard.
  • More "Oh wow, neat.", and I now demand a picture of that dorky volunteer vest for the internets.
  • edited March 2008
    More "Oh wow, neat.", and I now demand a picture of that dorky volunteer vest for the internets.
    I'll see what I can do. I won't be there again until Sunday.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • For some reason, I very rarely remember my dreams, and even less often do I remember them for more than a few hours. I don't ever remember dreaming of "flying" or whatnot, but I do remember an odd dream when I was little.

    I was in a giant bathtub full of water. On the other side, Captain Hook was laughing evily, following me around the tub. It was pretty scary back then.

    Has anyone ever had a dream where they either "won" the dream or realized it was a dream and "took over"? I have long since had a theory that dreaming is the body's creative process and subconscious at its most visible, and that sleep is basically a defragmenting for your memory. Aside from that, I believe dreams can be won with a "good ending" in situation where they are more like a game.

    Regardless, dreams and nightmares are one of the most intriguing parts of human nature I think.
  • When I was about eight years old, I had a recurring nightmare of being chased by a huge human-shaped muscular monster. The strange thing was that one side of its head sprouted an enormous eye which connected that side of his head with his shoulder.

    Then some years later, when I was in 8th grade, a kid moved into our town and entered into my class. He was a huge Resident Evil fan and also had some comic books of it as well. I became friends with him rather quickly and he borrowed me those comic books, and when I read through it, some scientist mutated into something quite similar to the thing from my nightmare. It was rather bizarre.
  • When I was four I had a dream Bert and Ernie tried to kill me. i was being chased on a building under construction. Big Bird came to help finish the job. I was on a metal beam but I fell and they looked down at me falling saying "Bye bye, Vikki. Die die, Vikki."

    Surprisingly, I still loved sesame street.
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