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Weird dreams/nightmares



  • oston Science Museum is pretty high quality. I've been there multiple times, but that was at least a decade ago. Libery Science Center has also reopened relatively recently, and is just as awesom
    That still is one of the best science museums I've ever been to. Whenever I go to other science museums, I try to find a setup that is somewhat similar to the Boston Science Museum. I fail every single time however :(.
  • When I was four I had a dream Bert and Ernie tried to kill me. i was being chased on a building under construction. Big Bird came to help finish the job. I was on a metal beam but I fell and they looked down at me falling saying "Bye bye, Vikki. Die die, Vikki."

    Surprisingly, I still loved sesame street.
    The fact that you mentioned Sesame Street in a thread about weird dreams caused me to unearth something that I forced myself to forget because it traumatised me so much.

    I had night terrors as a kid. They started when I was four years old and stopped when I was nine years old. My night terrors always consisted of a tiny flying saucer flying into my room and I was always really frightened yet somewhat intrigued (at least the first time I had it, afterwards I was always frightened) of it. A section of the saucer would open and a tiny metallic ladder would lower down and (I swear to god I'm not making this up) out came the Yip-Yips from Sesame Street. They started moving around everywhere and going "Yip-yip-yip-yip". I would always scream bloody murder and the first 40 times these night terrors occurred, my mom would rush in and ask what happened, and I always told her what happened. She always said that I was dreaming, but I knew I wasn't. After she left, the Yip-Yips would come back. However they would stay silent and float around as if to taunt me until I fell asleep. No one except my friends Freddy and John believed me. To this day, whenever I see the Yip-Yips in any form, I always yell and run away.
  • I shall go to my dream journal and post one of my favorite dreams ever (from a while ago):


    I think the best dream, and the clearest was the one that I had last night. I was at track practice, and I wasn't being very cooperative. I kept goofing off and trying to get out of running laps and I wasn't listening to anything Coach Lucky had to say. I had two white tins, about the size of my fist, with little computer smiley faces on them and I was playing with these instead of running. I was so enamored with them, having recently acquired them from somewhere, and they where supposedly full of nano-bots. One was in solid form, like a cube, and it rattled in the tin, the other a liquid form. Finally practice was over and mom and dad came to pick me up. Had run probably a total of two laps, and laughing I went through the door, into the school to leave. (the door was where the turnstile of Hartwood Park should have been. Anyway, the coach was angry and a few teachers kind of ganged up on me and basically told me I had to get rid of my nanobots, because they were a distraction. I grumbled and went to dump them in a puddle in the grass outside. Once the liquid hit the water, it started to bubble and do weird things. I panicked. What had I done? I should have been more careful with nanotechnology! In the water, grass clumped together and there was a big lump which, when I rolled it over with a stick resembled a rotting lobster. I was in big trouble. The nanobots were assimilating organic matter into some sort of life form shell, making cells...and it would get bigger and bigger with the nanobots as its brain. As I ran across the school lawn to my parents, who were staring at the thing in horror, I looked back to see that the thing had turned into a hideous mutated crustacean, about 6 feet tall. I realized what a fool I was...the thing would just keep growing. I had created a monster. My parents ran to the car, and I ran back into the school, figuring I would warn the teachers. I didn't really want to take responsibility for the thing, but when I reached the hallway of the one-story school building, the teachers were all hiding behind the windows peering out through the blinds. They knew I had caused it and there was nothing I could do. However, I did have one last idea. On the empty tin was printed a series of digits that resembled a cell phone number. I couldn't see the monster from where I was situated, and it was getting dark. I dialed the number on my cell, hoping it would have some effect. Suddenly a voice, small and meek came through the other end.
    "Hello?" It asked, timidly.
    "Hello," I said. "Are..are you on the front lawn now?"
    "Yes. Who are you?"
    I paused, for now I knew exactly who I was talking to. "This is your mother. Please come over here so I can talk to you. I'm by the window."
    After a pause, a huge beast came galloping out of the darkness and came snuffling up to the window. It had evolved so that now it was not lobster-ish anymore, but more like an enormous wolf-like creature with shaggy grey fur and 6 legs. Its sudden appearance was never the less alarming. It stretched out its long neck to look into the glass (the blinds were up) and snarled.
    "If you make that face, people will be afraid of you," I said into the cell phone.
    "Oh, I didn't know," the creature's mind replied. "How about this?"
    The dog face outside the window took on a very funny, kind of foolish looking expression.
    "Not quite," I said, and then the newborn creature got it right and smiled, the way a hucky dog smiles. I continued the conversation over the phone as I went to meet the creature outside. It was so happy as we sauntered across the parking lot toward the car.
    "Now we have to go," I told it.
    "I'm just happy to know that I have a mother." and it headed off in the direction of the dumpster. "I'll stay in here and be good." It planned to live in the tunnels under the garbage bins, for I had told it that there was a door in the dumpster. It started to walk down the stairs to the sunken doorway, half buried by garbage bags.
    "No! I meant that we should go together...You can come home with me!" I said, feeling sorry. I turned around and leapt up in the air. I led it to the car where my very surprised family was waiting for me. I briefly explained the situation, and was buckling the happy monster into the front seat when I woke up.
  • Ironically, the night after having posting my comment above, I have a dream that I visit the Geeknights house. Go figure.

    In brief, I went with my entire family up to the Geeknights house, which seemed more like a mansion than it probably is in reality. Everything, and I mean everything, seemed to be marble white. A bunch of people talked at two or three long tables, laughing and generally having a great time. Scrym were both talking rather loudly but indistinctly. My family just sort of sat there, as my family is prone to do in that sort of situation. My dad started talking to someone else and everyone stopped, saying something very short that I no longer remember. After that, we just left.

    There's my lame dream.
  • O.o; I just woke up thinking that my friend's boyfriend was homophobic. And continued to think about this problem (he wanted me to stay away from both of them) until I just realized that he wasn't homophobic at all.

    XD One day I'm going to wake up thinking something that's not true from my dream and start arguing with someone about it, confusing them and eventually me. Ah..
  • edited March 2008
    More "Oh wow, neat.", and I now demand a picture of that dorky volunteer vest for the internets.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on

    I agree that it's a slightly dorky vest, but judging from those pictures you can handle it and can keep it from making you look dorky. Though looking slightly goofy right there. Side effect?

    Sigh, now I want a leather jacket again. They are made of leather and awesome, ooooh yeah!
  • Awesome Joe. I might stop by during the summer when I'm back in the D.C area.
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