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edited March 2008 in Everything Else
You've probably heard Scott say this once in a while, 'Threadless T-shirt', and in my opinion, every geek should have at least one Threadless T. So for those of you who have not yet obtained one of these artistic pieces of awesome, there is now a new sale! For those of you who have already bought one or more T-shirts, link to them to show us what you got.

Here're mine: FrequenCity, The Sound of Silents, My Pet Human, Pillow Fight and, Maple Walnut.

(Thank Ananth for this.)


  • edited March 2008
    Woot shirts are also typically awesome. I check it every day.

    Also, Oddica.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • ...

    *holds wallet close to avoid spending*

    Wow, those are awesome designs. I really want to shop now! Besides, I've been spending cash on comics and manga rather than clothes. Some girl I am. :P
  • Some of their stuff is ok, but a lot of times I get the impression that I'm squinting at a Far Side cartoon that's had the caption removed. I mean, a lot of them don't even seem to mean anything. Why am I wearing a shirt with a pinata goat on it? Is there a band or internet meme I am not privy to? If it has no meaning, why not just wear a shirt that has no pinata goat on it? Or a shirt that's fairly self explanatory, like the ones they sell at cons that indicate that you were there, or the ones that say something fairly straightforward like "I <3 Spooning" or "I'm with Stupid"?
  • I recently bought 8 tees from Threadless. Should be arriving manana. And I just bought 5 from Human By Design. I love that the tees have no brand recognition watsoever, but are all about the artwork.
  • edited March 2008
    Some of their stuff is ok, but a lot of times I get the impression that I'm squinting at a Far Side cartoon that's had the caption removed. I mean, a lot of them don't even seem to mean anything. Why am I wearing a shirt with a pinata goat on it? Is there a band or internet meme I am not privy to? If it has no meaning, why not just wear a shirt that has no pinata goat on it? Or a shirt that's fairly self explanatory, like the ones they sell at cons that indicate that you were there, or the ones that say something fairly straightforward like "I <3 Spooning" or "I'm with Stupid"?</p>
    Don't read so hard into it. Just roll with it. It's a got damn T shirt fer gosh sakes! ^_^
    I love that the tees have no brand recognition whatsoever, but are all about the artwork.
    Ditto. I really don't like the whole "this brand is important because its this brand" stuff. Just wear some got damn clothes! ^_^
    Post edited by Viga on
  • Some of their stuff is ok, but a lot of times I get the impression that I'm squinting at a Far Side cartoon that's had the caption removed. I mean, a lot of them don't even seem to mean anything. Why am I wearing a shirt with a pinata goat on it? Is there a band or internet meme I am not privy to? If it has no meaning, why not just wear a shirt that has no pinata goat on it? Or a shirt that's fairly self explanatory, like the ones they sell at cons that indicate that you were there, or the ones that say something fairly straightforward like "I <3 Spooning" or "I'm with Stupid"?</p>
    Don't read so hard into it. Just roll with it. It's a got damn T shirt fer gosh sakes! ^_^
    Hanes makes got damn T shirts. They come in solid colors and are very cheap. :)
  • It's kind of funny, I actually did this when I was in kindergarten.
    They would do tests to see the first thing that comes to mind when you say a particular letter, and for 'C' I said some amazingly long dinosaur's name. I forget what it was, but it's one of the smallest, and it was in Jurassic Park 3.
    Great site, I'll be picking a couple new tees up.
  • None of the good threadless shirts are ever in stock in a guys large.
  • That is a cool site, thanks for the heads up. It even has very reasonable shipping to Australia which makes it all the better. Now I just need to figure out what size I am and what few they have left in that size.
  • I've been shopping Threadless for a while now. I'll have to link what shirts I have, but now they have such a good deal going, I'm too busy shopping. ^_~
  • edited March 2008
    None of the good threadless shirts are ever in stock in a guys large.
    I'm sure Rym will appreciate the extra tightness then.

    For quite a long time, "..when I have money" seems like an almost indefinite period.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Ok, I'm done shopping. Today I bought these: Dulces Vacaciones, Refrigerator Running, & Emo Bear.

    I already have these: Pandamonium (in green), Meat is Murder, & Video Games Ruined My Life. I have others that I can't find links to like "99 Luftballoons" and "Fractions Speak Louder than Nerds".
  • Sometimes Threadless shirts are a little pun-happy for my taste. It's funny that people were just making fun of Hipsters, but are all about the Threadless, because the Ironical Shirts offered here are very much full of Hipster Chic. That aside I have a bunch of Threadless shirts and I think their idea is pretty dang cool. However, since we are talking about T-shirts, I really want to pimp the label run by my friends Aido and Ananth (of Fallen and Applegeeks fame, respectively) Mutagenics. Most of the stuff Is sold out right now, (usually they have twice as many designs) but check back later and there may be some neat stuff. Aido did the Phoenix Down (which I have) and the TMNT.
  • Damn Threadless and their timing though. A $9 dollar sale and I bought stuff last week . . .
  • jccjcc
    edited March 2008
    Sometimes Threadless shirts are a little pun-happy for my taste. It's funny that people were just making fun of Hipsters, but are all about the Threadless, because the Ironical Shirts offered here are very much full of Hipster Chic.
    Geeks and hipsters have an interesting (if somewhat strained) relationship, because geeks often enjoy seriously things that hipsters enjoy ironically. :)

    I always think of that Strongbad email where he plans to freak out the King of Town by filling a deoderant bar with white chocolate and eating it, but quits the gag in disgust when he realizes the King is already chowing down on real deoderant bars. :)
    Post edited by jcc on
  • Does anyone know a shop like the ones above that is somewhere in Europe?
  • Does anyone know a shop like the ones above that is somewhere in Europe?
    Is the internet not available in your part of Europe? Wait, you're on this forum, so it is. So what's holding you from just ordering some T-shirts? I live in the Netherlands, Europe, and ordered my shirts in an earlier sale, they are cheaper now! Even more so since the dollar has become worth even less since then.
  • 1. I have no money as a student.
    2. I have no credit card, which makes it a pain in the ass to order.
    3. I would have to pay ca. $7 min. shipping fee.

    I could just order one over seas, but it would be much easier/ cheaper for me to order one here. And whats up with your sarcastic comments lately?
  • 1. I have no money as a student.
    2. I have no credit card, which makes it a pain in the ass to order.
    3. I would have to pay ca. $7 min. shipping fee.
    1. Ditto.
    2. Ditto.
    3. Ditto.

    What's your point? So it costs slightly more and gets delivered a bit later. If you wish to find a similar shop in your own country you're pretty much on your own. Seeing as we Europeans are the minority on this board on top of having a few dozen languages here. For if there is such a shop in your country it's most likely in your native language (German it was, no?), if not, why the heck is it situated in your country when the majority of its customers life in another country?

    As for sarcastic comments, meh, why not? This is an English forum, no use requesting stuff in Dutch, German, French or whatever other language for the majority doesn't care nor can help you.
  • For anyone who doesn't have a credit card. Just go get one. They are very easy to get. Just fill out a form on a credit card company's web site, and they will send you one. If you have bad credit, the limit might be low, but you'll be able to buy things online. Don't worry about interest rates or anything. As long as you never buy something with credit you can't afford, and you pay off the entire balance every month, you will be safe. Also, if there is an emergency, such as a car needing to be towed, that credit card will be very handy.

    Everyone as soon as they get to high school should get a checking/savings account at a bank and a credit card.
  • For anyone who doesn't have a credit card. Just go get one. They are very easy to get. Just fill out a form on a credit card company's web site, and they will send you one. If you have bad credit, the limit might be low, but you'll be able to buy things online. Don't worry about interest rates or anything. As long as you never buy something with credit you can't afford, and you pay off the entire balance every month, you will be safe. Also, if there is an emergency, such as a car needing to be towed, that credit card will be very handy.

    Everyone as soon as they get to high school should get a checking/savings account at a bank and a credit card.
    If they are scared of credit, or have bad credit, get a re-loadable pay-as-you-go card. You can shop online, while having the convenience of not worrying about monthly balances.
  • I need this shirt so hard.

    Also, speaking of awesome threads, Rockett has great shirts.
  • jccjcc
    edited March 2008

    Everyone as soon as they get to high school should get a checking/savings account at a bank and a credit card.
    Carrying more credit than maybe half of your monthly income is probably a Bad Idea. If this person's monthly income is zero, highly irregular, or less than twice the minimum credit limit available in their area, a credit card would only cause problems. Get a debit card, if available. You can use it like a credit card for internet purchases, but it has no borrowing power beyond the current balance of your account. It's typically better to cover emergencies with savings or insurance than with credit.
    Post edited by jcc on
  • As for sarcastic comments, meh, why not? This is an English forum, no use requesting stuff in Dutch, German, French or whatever other language for the majority doesn't care nor can help you.
    I wasn't requesting anything in an other language, just not in the US. I was thinking that there was a small chance of someone knowing a similar store in England. Since I know that Omnutia, just to name an example, lives in the UK.

    About getting a credit card. You have to be 18 here to get one/ have your parents permission. I'm turning 18 soon so this isn't really a problem, but that is the reason I don't have one yet.
  • I need this shirt so hard.
    I gots that one! I thought it was so funny. I feel weird wearing it in the office though. (<- Taiwanese Company)
  • edited March 2011
    Threadless + Thermos.
    Ro, Pandas.
    Dammit. They need to stop taking mah monies. My Threadless shirts now take up a good chunk of my closet. I have a rainbow of Threadless shirts.

    However, I do not see any places where you can hook a D clip to these bottles, so I will have to pass for now.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • TeeFury long ago became my main t-shirt squeeze.
  • It's been awhile since I bought something from there. I've just bought the ones I wanted from the catalog, and really haven't seen much since. I do however want to repurchase some of the shirts I've outgrown, but it just feels like a waste of money.
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