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The 80s Thread

edited March 2008 in Everything Else
C'mon old people, help me relive my childhood. Don't let those whipper-snappers in The 90s Thread show us up.



  • Up until about '86, you could still smoke just about anyplace you wanted. That was nice.
  • Up until about '86, you could still smoke just about anyplace you wanted.
    Change is good ^_~
  • edited March 2008
    Up until about '86, you could still smoke just about anyplace you wanted.
    Change is good ^_~
    Smoke Nazi.

    The best thing about the 80s was the Golden Age of Arcades. Anyone who had even a closet sized sopace free had a couple of coin-operated games stuffed inside it. And you could smoke there, so it was double-win.

    @Jason, those 80s cartoons mostly sucked. Animation was dead from the end of Bullwinkle to the beginning of The Simpsons.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • edited March 2008

    Old School Car Phones. The one on the right is the kind I had in my car circa 1993.


    Portable computing in the 1980's. Also referred to as a "luggable". Yes, I owned one of these.
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • Weren't those Kaypro deals pretty expensive?
  • I was born in 89' so I don't remember any of the 80's other than reruns of the cartoons and playing NES games at a friend's house.
  • God, I miss the Soviet Union. :(
  • Smoke Nazi.
    Sure. ^_^

    As I always say, so long as people have the right to smoke in public, I have an equal right to carry burning sulphur sticks on my person in public. Do we have a right to bring stinks about with us?
  • Smoke Nazi.
    Sure. ^_^

    As I always say, so long as people have the right to smoke in public, I have an equal right to carry burning sulphur sticks on my person in public. Do we have a right to bring stinks about with us?
    Smoking is bad, m'kay.
  • edited March 2008
    As I always say, so long as people have the right to smoke in public, I have an equal right to carry burning sulphur sticks on my person in public. Do we have a right to bring stinks about with us?
    Burn your damn sulfur sticks. I love sulfur fumes.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • Burn your damn sulfur sticks. I love sulfur fumes.
    I'll bring my pet skunks.
  • I scoff at your skunks from behind a cloud of sweet, sweet tobacco smoke.
  • I'll bring my pet skunks.
    What about a pet otaku nerd? The kind that rubs soaps under his arm pits and calls it 'hygiene'.
  • I scoff at your skunks from behind a cloud of sweet, sweet tobacco smoke.
    If you roll your own with pure dried tobacco leaves, then I agree. Cigarettes are anything but sweet. ^_~
  • Snorks are better than the Smurfs. I don't care what other 80's cartoon lovers say. I think the Snorks kick ass!
  • Snorks are better than the Smurfs. I don't care what other 80's cartoon lovers say. I think the Snorks kick ass!
    I watched one (1) episode of the Smurfs. I didn't understand exactly why the dude was trying to kill them, but I remember hoping that he would succeed and then die in a fire.
  • Weren't those Kaypro deals pretty expensive?
    Yeah, those luggables were very expensive. I did not get mine new. I don't even remember what sort of specs it had in it either. All it really was was a desktop computer with an attached keyboard and a 4" monochrome screen where a drive would go. The thing took full size cards.
  • edited March 2008
    Go go Gadget nostalgia! I was waiting for some props to go out to the good Inspector.
    I actually have an amusing anecdote about Inspector Gadget. When my mom and I went and saw Rent, the band for the show were warming up and one of the guitarists started playing the theme to the show, I started laughing and I had to try to explain to my mom why I was laughing but to no avail.

    Also, this decade gave birth to a musical sensation.
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on

  • Courtesy of the eighties.
  • Proof of the 80's returning.
  • Proof of the 80'sreturning.
    Wtheck? A bartender? Since when is he in that vid? *dances anyway*
  • What was your favorite 80's movie? If you don't have a favorite, then name your top 5. A series can count as placeholder
    This is really hard for me as there are so many good ones, but I'll name the ones that I can.

    1: The Outsiders
    2: The Karate Kid Part 1
    3: The NeverEnding Story
    4: The Dark Crystal
    5: Back To The Future Part 1
  • Its a tie for me between Sixteen Candles and the Labyrinth. Yay for David Bowie and his funky hair and scary makeup.
  • The Breakfast Club.
  • I don't think it's really thought of as an 80s movie, but it is: Evil Dead II.
  • Top Gun.
  • edited May 2008
    Top Gun.
    "It's this gay fighting fucking force." Best Tarantino quote ever.
    Post edited by whatever on
  • Blade Runner.
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