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The 80s Thread



  • Blade Runner.
    Hell yeah. But like my pick, I don't think that's really in the spirit of this thread. I think they wanted John Hughes movies. :)
  • edited April 2009
    ME and my BF have been really on an 80's music kick since we watched that VH1 countdown. I'm pretty much addicted to some songs. (I'd post more but some I can't embed. T_T)
    Post edited by Viga on
  • I was unfortunate enough to be born in '89, just missing the glory of the 80's. However, I love 80's music.
  • I don't think the 80's were all that glorious. The nineties were much more my type of thing.
    In my head =

    The 80's = Neon Colors, triangles, big hair, synthesizers, Make lots of money, obnoxious kids on television.
    The 90's = Earth tones, Yingyangs, Flannel shirts, grunge rock, save the environment, chill-snarky kids on television.
  • Top Gun.
    The movie that made me want to be fighter pilot as a kid. Starts of with that carrier scene oh mans.
  • edited April 2009
    1987 saw the release of Eric B. and Rakim's first album: Paid in Full. Rakim's shift in tone and complexity compared to earlier Hip-Hop, and Eric B's sampling of artists like James Brown changed Hip-Hop music as we know it. From the Wu-Tang Clan to MC Frontalot, every lyricist owes these guys something.

    Post edited by Walker on
  • I agree pretty much completely with Emily.
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