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GeekNights 040403 - Monty Python

edited April 2008 in Everything Else
Tonight on GeekNights, we geek about Monty Python and all that is related and wonderful. In the news, Engineers would make good terrorists, and a fat kid learns to stop stealing other peoples' Netflix envelopes.

Scott's Thing - The Best Bento
Rym's Thing - Mr. Rogers Breaks


  • Wow, Mr. Rogers trying to break dance is both awesome and horrifying at the same time.
  • The centre of the three-seater move doesn't work well here in Halifax. We're pretty much entirely a university city, so kids like to pull the social engineering out every chance they get. The best move is to say "Yes, I would like the window seat", and hope the punk kid is uncomfortable siting next to others. Sometimes they actually get creeped out themselves and leave.
  • In my journey's there is one person that I have met you does not like Monty Python. Although I doubt this is true. She is English and when we (a friend and I) started to sing the Lumberjack Song she only said "I hate Monty Python." I'm going to have to test her again. Everyone else I have ever met enjoys Monty Python. Regularly we would watch Holy Grail at Thanksgiving. I have had my Sophomore English teacher sing the Lumberjack song. It may be a geek think since almost everyone on this list is a geek or academic of some form.

  • My favorite. Also Salad Days is awesome and I love the Spanish Inquisition!
  • 9/11 Conspiracy Theories 'Ridiculous,' Al Qaeda Says

    I don't know if this is fake, or if you have seen it before, its really funny.
  • edited April 2008
    Well guys, here's your example of someone who's seen all of the Holy Grail (multiple times) and parts of the flying circus and doesn't really like it.
    Do I hate it? No. Am I going to be those kids running around saying "Ni!"? Fuck no.

    I mean really...I've seen worse. But really, british humor just doesn't really do a whole lot for me. "Here's the funniest joke in the world!" "Holy shit, you just died of laughter!" LOLOL.
    No. Just no.

    Like I said, it's not the worst humor I've seen, but it's not something I'm going to go out and buy.
    Post edited by Dkong on
  • "Here's the funniest joke in the world!" "Holy shit, you just died of laughter!" LOLOL.
    If you look up quickly enough, you can still see the joke going over your head.
  • edited April 2008
    "Here's the funniest joke in the world!" "Holy shit, you just died of laughter!" LOLOL.
    If you look up quickly enough, you can still see the joke going over your head.
    Well, I understand that the joke itself isn't supposed to be funny. The comedy of the sketch is how the joke gets around and kills people unsuspectingly.
    If there's even more to it than that, sure, I missed the joke. Whatever.
    Post edited by Dkong on
  • Life of Brian > Holy Grail.
  • edited April 2008
    Life of Brian > Holy Grail.
    Like I said, it's not the worst humor I've seen, but it's not something I'm going to go out and buy.
    Dkong, what of the Argument sketch, Funny Walks, ...?
    But really, british humor just doesn't really do a whole lot for me.
    British humour in general?? Are you serious? Does that include all of
    • Fawlty Towers
    • Blackadder
    • Dad's Army
    • Yes Minister
    • Porridge
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Holy Grail > Life of Brian > Meaning of Life

    I just watched the funny walks sketch on youtube, but I did not find it funny...
  • edited April 2008
    Here's a list of 25 sketches from Monty Python's Flying Circus.
    It's by no means definitive, but the best part is it comes with vids embedded in the list. People's comments down the bottom include a few of the other greats, of course.
    EDIT: GAH! So many of the videos have been removed, such an annoyance.

    People have differing opinions, but I doubt there's anyone who could see the whole of the Flying Circus and not greatly enjoy at least something they saw.

    For example, one of my friends rather likes Hell's Grannies, though you never see that in most lists you'd find.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • edited April 2008
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Some Monty Python things were inspired by a 1950's BBC Radio show called The Goon Show. You can listen to a 24/7 stream of Goon Show by going here

    That is British humour. I think Scott and Rym would like it.
  • Thatis British humour. I think Scott and Rym would like it.
    We probably will. ^_^
  • The Goon Show contained two of the greatest comedy minds of the 20th century, Spike Milligan and Peter Sellers. That show is the great grand-daddy of modern comedy. One must listen to it.
  • edited April 2008
    Your list of songs excellent. The only difference I would put Sit On My Face after the Lumberjack song. These two songs everyone seemed to know in college. You ran into someone you would sing a line they would follow with a line then others would hear and join in. Oh, the good old days of singing, drinking, and watching Monty Python.
    Favorite sketch:
    The Bookstore
    Favorite Movies:
    Holy Grail (Of Course)
    Meaning of Life

    Other British humor you may like 4.5 Children and May to December (I think thats its name)
    Post edited by Anubis on
  • My roleplaying and card gaming experience through middle and high school has pretty much soured me on a lot of Monty Python, particularly the Holy Grail. I can only listen to the same geeks quote every single line from the whole movie so many times.

    I have nothing against Monty Python themselves or their material, but I would be quite happy to never hear another person just quoting Monty Python lines randomly again.
  • edited April 2008
    Your list of songs excellent. The only difference I would put Sit On My Face after the Lumberjack song.
    I wasn't ordering it in any way, but I made the change you specified anyways.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • 040403? Is that a mistake or am I missing a joke?
  • While I appreciate Monty Python and have fond memories, I think it's the kind of humor that only really appeals to people about 14 to 20 years old. I'm tired of the red herring comedy now. Zany for zany's sake just isn't cutting it; I need something more layered, more subtle.
  • Patronize is a short "Pa" with a British accent.
  • Thatis British humour. I think Scott and Rym would like it.
    We probably will. ^_^
    Pray tell, have you heard of Fawlty Towers? It's made of win to the highest degree.
  • Pray tell, have you heard of Fawlty Towers? It's made of win to the highest degree.
    I watched it regularly in high school.
  • Did anyone ever watch The Young Ones? Now that was humor, but there weren't that many quotable moments. Carole really likes Absolutely Fabulous. Le Yawn. I think I remember they tried to do an Absolutely Fabulous on American TV once, but it just didn't translate. I think because American TV wouldn't let the womens be bitchy and catty enough.
  • Fierce Creatures is a brilliant movie. When I used to work at a video rental store, I would play that movie all the time. Customers would watch it and ask what it was, I'd tell them and they would rent it. When they return it they would always tell me they really enjoyed it, even though they never heard of it or remembered it in the theaters.

    Just thinking about certain scenes makes me giggle. Now I want to go watch it.
  • Pray tell, have you heard of Fawlty Towers? It's made of win to the highest degree.
    I watched it regularly in high school.
    For reference:
  • edited April 2008
    My first Monty Python moment was walking into the room when Life of Brian was on and seeing the part where the disciples are chasing after Brian and they find his shoe randomly, they start praising the shoe and shouting about how he ascended to heaven etc. until one says "No, wait... he's over there!" and they all carry on chasing him.

    Laughter ensued.

    Also Blackadder, Red Dwarf, Spaced, Little Britain, The IT Crowd, Peep Show... Other good British humor. Not the exact same kind stuff as Monty Python though.
    Post edited by Norvu on
  • edited April 2008
    Meh... dry British humor. I couldn't care less about Monty Python... at best it can be viewed only once.
    Post edited by Rym on
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