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Barack Obama



  • edited February 2013
    Nobody, including Obama, actually thought he earned that Nobel Prize.
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • My mother has a habit of telling me that I shouldn't have voted for Obama and that he's going to cut my throat. -_- I wish she'd at least respect my right to disagree, as I've never once complained about her being Republican.

    For once, can't I at least have a little civility?
  • Is her argument for voting Republican that you can cut out all the waiting around for the throat cutting?
  • I rarely hear a legitimate reason for voting Republican from anyone who actually does frequently vote Republican. I mean, even if it's something like, "I'm rich and I think the Republicans will keep my taxes lower" or whatever, then I can be like, "Okay, I question your ethics there, but at least I understand why you'd vote that way out of self-interest."
  • edited February 2013
    Vote Republican to keep the radical Pelosi wing of the Democratic party from doing radical things.

    On a more serious note: when did the South become dumb?
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • lol Republicans Fillbustering a ex-republican senator..... over BENGHAZI. I mean really guys...
  • On a more serious note: when did the South become dumb?
    Probably starting around Tuesday, November 6, 1860.
  • It's actually been like that since Pangea.
  • It's actually been like that since Pangea.
    continental drift is a liberal boondoggle.

  • Seriously? During colonial days the people arriving in the north and south were not that different. So why did the South turn so stupid?
  • edited February 2013
    I'd guess that it has a lot to do with economics. After all, the South spent quite a while as a banana republic, and then it was ravaged by the Civil War. The after-effects of such events do not fade all that easily, especially if such economic effects translate over into culture.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Seriously? During colonial days the people arriving in the north and south were not that different. So why did the South turn so stupid?
    Probably around the Industrial Revolution. The north industrialized, which required much more inventiveness and creativity to build all the machines and such. The south remained agrarian and relied on slave labor instead of machines. As a result, there wasn't the need for the same levels of education, creativity, and inventiveness as industrialization required.
  • RymRym
    edited February 2013
    The south also had an economy centered not just around slave-power agriculture, but slave-powered agriculture controlled by a small, powerful, privileged gentry class which itself held basically all legislative power.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • The south also had an economy centered not just around slave-power agriculture, but slave-powered agriculture controlled by a small, powerful, privileged gentry class which itself held basically all legislative power.
    That's a very good point that I had forgotten about. Even back then, the average southerner was still likely to be a poor, illiterate, subsistence farmer with no other options given the lack of industry.

    The small, powerful, privileged gentry class also probably had more and more influence the deeper south you went, which partly explains why Alabama (with the possible exception of Huntsville) and Mississippi are such backwards states compared to Virginia and North Carolina, for example. Admittedly, VA and NC also have a lot of northern transplants living in certain areas (DC suburbs and RTP, respectively), so that also may be part of it.
  • On a more serious note: when did the South become dumb?
    Since we annexed Texas. The anti-government stupid all emits from there.
  • On a more serious note: when did the South become dumb?
    Since we annexed Texas. The anti-government stupid all emits from there.
    It does now. It originally started in South Carolina though.

  • On a more serious note: when did the South become dumb?
    Since we annexed Texas. The anti-government stupid all emits from there.
    It does now. It originally started in South Carolina though.
    South Carolina caught it from Texas. You seem to only remember the part where Texas seceded from the US, but forget when they fought Mexico for independence (meaning dependence on the US, apparently), after having fought Spain to be part of independent Mexico.
  • On a more serious note: when did the South become dumb?
    Since we annexed Texas. The anti-government stupid all emits from there.
    It does now. It originally started in South Carolina though.
    South Carolina caught it from Texas. You seem to only remember the part where Texas seceded from the US, but forget when they fought Mexico for independence (meaning dependence on the US, apparently), after having fought Spain to be part of independent Mexico.
    1) The Texans who revolted against the Mexicans were largely american immigrants who revolted with the intent to re-join the united states.
    2) They had very little to nothing to do with Mexican revolution. Settlers were brought in just afterwards to populate the area.
    3) The conflict between the lightly populated mostly agrarian south and the more industrialized higher population north goes back to the revolution.
    4) Fuck your anti-southern BS.
  • 4) Fuck your anti-southern BS.
    Being from Oklahoma and seeing many people both in rural parts and in the "city" (if you can call downtown Tulsa the city), regardless of then or now, I can say the hate is pretty much warranted. I can find dozens of people on the street who literally are exactly like what the South gets a bad rap for. It's no joke, nor has any joke I've ever seen on the internet been an exaggeration. You can find TONS of people like that down here. Even the crazy crazies. It's that bad. And compared to other Southern cities, we have it relatively good. It's very trying on the patience sometimes.

  • Seriously? During colonial days the people arriving in the north and south were not that different. So why did the South turn so stupid?
    The south was mainly agricultural even as the north became more industrialized so much of the south remained less educated. That may have lead to the anti-intellectualism of today. Plus random shitty cultural things. At least that's how it looks to me.
  • 1) The Texans who revolted against the Mexicans were largely american immigrants who revolted with the intent to re-join the united states.
    2) They had very little to nothing to do with Mexican revolution. Settlers were brought in just afterwards to populate the area.
    3) The conflict between the lightly populated mostly agrarian south and the more industrialized higher population north goes back to the revolution.
    4) Fuck your anti-southern BS.
    1) 2) and 3) I know. I didn't think we were being serious. If I did, I wouldn't have treated secession like a virus (SC caught it from TX?).
    4) Fuck your anti-southern BS.
    I'm actually rather fond of the south (save for Florida). I'd love to move to Georgia. The south has superior food, great music that can be hard to find up north, and is significantly more hospitable. That being said, I don't let that keep me from making fun of it for being a segregationist anti-abolitionist KKK-infested cesspool of backwater baptism. It's like how you make fun of Switzerland for being neutral or France for being cheese eating surrender monkeys. My secession jokes about Texas are the same ones I use for Bavaria and Catalonia.
  • About fucking time. Que Republican opposition in 3.. 2... 1....
  • Fuck you, Senator Ted Cruz.
  • Wait... If it is Obamacare for the Internet does that mean those of us in blue states will get awesome common carrier rules and those in red states won't?
  • HMTKSteve said:

    Wait... If it is Obamacare for the Internet does that mean those of us in blue states will get awesome common carrier rules and those in red states won't?

    Nothin' but net. You win the thread.
  • Rym said:

    HMTKSteve said:

    Wait... If it is Obamacare for the Internet does that mean those of us in blue states will get awesome common carrier rules and those in red states won't?

    Nothin' but net. You win the thread.
    I'll be fine with that scenario.
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