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Barack Obama



  • Typical. This isn't even surprising anymore. I just assume that heavily anti-gay Republitards are gay.
    Except Ron Paul, he's just fucking crazy.
  • Typical. This isn't even surprising anymore. I just assume that heavily anti-gay Republitards are gay.
    Except Ron Paul, he's just fucking crazy.
    But you know what? At least he is consistently crazy. I can at least respect that.
  • Typical. This isn't even surprising anymore. I just assume that heavily anti-gay Republitards are gay.
    Except Ron Paul, he's just fucking crazy.
    He has sex with animals.
    AUSTRALIAN animals.
    He's that nuts.
  • But you know what? At least he is consistently crazy. I can at least respect that.
    I suppose you can give him that. The only real change is that he updates to add to his crazy from time to time, because lets face it, it's an ever-changing world outside.
    He has sex with animals.
    AUSTRALIAN animals.
    He's that nuts.
    Braver man than me. I'm hardly able to handle the women, let alone the animals.
  • @Andrew: Consistency is only a virtue if it proves to have a beneficial outcome. We don't venerate people who are consistently wrong, or consistently dangerous, or consistently threatening, or consistently resource-depleting, or consistently ignorant. I understand what you're saying: That at least he's not a hypocrite. That seems like a null silver lining if his policies and delusions don't create some benefit for society. I think we can agree that lacking a negative quality does not mean a person or product is a success.
  • I think we can agree that lacking a negative quality does not mean a person or product is a success.
    I never said he was a success or that anyone should vote for him, but as a politician, one must admit that it's a rare quality to at least have a consistent record.
  • I think we can agree that lacking a negative quality does not mean a person or product is a success.
    I never said he was a success or that anyone should vote for him, but as a politician, one must admit that it's a rare quality to at least have a consistent record.
    Maybe we're placing different weights on the term "respect." To me, respect is something someone earns for accomplishment beyond expectations, not something that can be given for failing to have negative qualities. But again, I understand your sentiment.
  • Obama pulled the plug on Bush-era ozone standards? Who would have thought. Not quite the "change" I expected. I guess smokers don't appreciate the need to minimize smog.
  • Basically this was something he was forced into by the Republicans, and you know what they said? He didn't go far enough.
  • But, but, but, he's a Socialist, Nazi, Muslim, Communist community organizer from Kenya who's obviously in over his head. The talky box glued to the Fox New Channel told me so!
  • But, but, but, he's a Socialist, Nazi, Muslim, Communist community organizer from Kenya who's obviously in over his head. The talky box glued to the Fox New Channel told me so!
    Also, it says that tax-cutting doesn't stimulate growth or increase government revenue. Isn't that totally the opposite of what FOX preaches?
  • edited November 2011
    Obama is a smart guy, right? Why is he lowering taxes? I don't get it.

    It's not because he wants to be more popular, most Americans don't even know he did it, and it's not to fix the deficit....
    Post edited by Bronzdragon on
  • edited December 2011

    It's Christmas!

    Didn't he give up on his exit plan and instead just follow the Bsuh/Iraq status of forces agreement?
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • Evidence of the implications of your question?
  • What's up with this picture of Obama? Dude looks ancient.

  • It's just the angle, combined with the low quality of the picture itself.
  • Long article by Michael Lewis, the Moneyball guy, at Vanity Fair.
    He added that the world thinks he spends a lot more time worrying about political angles than he actually does.
    Makes me think of (for one) his stance on gay marriage. Being an affluent, highly-educated Democrat, I strongly suspect our President's views on the subject were never "evolving," but instead he put it that way out of political expediency. I suppose that's part of the job though, in the current political and media climate there is no real way to completely avoid it. He certainly seems to do less of it than Rmoney.
  • Really, really good State of the Union this year. I've been watching them since 2005, and this was probably the most powerfully delivered and well-written one I've seen.

    Also, it consisted almost entirely of beating the House Republicans with a length of garden hose, which was viscerally satisfying.
  • I thought this year was really weak. He didn't address problems, he just acknowledged them. I appreciate the populist gesture about having a "more pleasurable voting experience," but it was so vague I don't trust it. It didn't help that the whole bit about "moving American troops into a supporting role" could have been copy-pasted from Nixon's 40 years ago but with "Vietnam" replaced with "Afghanistan."

    That being said, I haven't been watching them for very long (since 2010, but I missed 2012's because reasons), so I might have too high expectations; it's not the sixties anymore.
  • edited February 2013
    These days, the State of the Union, especially the ones Obama does, are much more about acknowledging problems than proposing solutions, in part because everything that goes through Congress gets buzzsawed into pieces before it gets out.

    What made this year pretty powerful was that Obama basically spent the whole speech calling out all the stupid bullshit Congress, and the Republicans, have been doing the last year. The State of the Union isn't supposed to be for proposing policy; it literately is the President letting Congress know what he is up to and what State the Union is in. This year, Obama strolled up and told them to stop fucking everything up. It was pretty much exactly what needed saying.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • You guys are so predictable.
  • I liked most of what he said, albiet vague as it was. Raising the minimum wage to $9 sounds good to us poor people but I'm just afraid it will increase prices of things to where it won't make much difference (I'm no economist, I could be totally wrong). Plus I don't know if $9 would really get through; It just seems a bit high to me all in one go.
    It was kind of funny when it got to the gun control issue. Basically "Cooooome oon guuuuys at least vote on it."

    Also, the Republican rebuttal afterward annoyed me. I get some of the opposition but he kept talking about how bigger government won't help blah blah blah. When did Obama mention expanding government so much? All I heard was raising some taxes a bit and some other minor changes. Did I miss the part where he made himself socialist dictator and installed spy cameras into our homes?
  • It's like watching kabuki theater.
  • edited February 2013
    I liked most of what he said, albiet vague as it was. Raising the minimum wage to $9 sounds good to us poor people but I'm just afraid it will increase prices of things to where it won't make much difference (I'm no economist, I could be totally wrong). Plus I don't know if $9 would really get through; It just seems a bit high to me all in one go.
    Yeah, it'll be a bit tough politically, a people are jerks. The price pressure probably won't be that high because the proportion of things bought by people in the $7.25-$9.00 is fairly low, and so their increased incomes shouldn't cause too much of an upward swing in prices.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • The State of the Union address is meaningless theater. It's a chance for the president to make campaign promises without the inconvenience of an actual election. Obama made more or less the same promises last night that he made four years ago.
  • The State of the Union address is meaningless theater. It's a chance for the president to make campaign promises without the inconvenience of an actual election. Obama made more or less the same promises last night that he made four years ago.
    Meaningless, perhaps, but also required by law.
  • So... how's that "revolutionary and historic president" thing working out?

    Yeah, sucks.
  • So... how's that "revolutionary and historic president" thing working out?

    Yeah, sucks.
    No matter how things work out, he'll at the very least be historic if only by being the first black president. But yeah, comrade, I know where you're coming from.
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