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Barack Obama



  • image

    Our president is awesome ^_^
  • Wargarbl
    No, Adam. Don't misquote the Tick! You'll take away his freedom or something! Blockquotes are here for ACCURACY, damnit!

    Our president is awesome ^_^
    And this just made me smile. :)
  • edited September 2009
    Steve is very fond of his freedom to fail and exercises it by failing on a regular basis.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • edited September 2009
    Steve is very fond of his freedom to fail and exercises it by failing on a regular basis
    I see what you did there ;)
    Post edited by sK0pe on

  • I don't understand what this is trying to prove.
    The argument you seem to be positing is that ...
    The argument is that they are essentially saying, "why are you upset? Obama = Bush!"
  • edited September 2009
    The argument you seem to be positing is that ...
    The argument is that they are essentially saying, "why are you upset? Obama = Bush!"
    Wrong. The argument is, as Cremlian correctly stated, that presidents have been in the habit of appointing czars since Nixon. That doesn't mean Obama = Bush or Obama = Nixon. That means that appointing czars is nothing new and nothing to lose your shit over.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • Or more simply Obama = President.
  • Wrong. The argument is, as Cremlian correctly stated, that presidents have been in the habit of appointing czars since Nixon. That doesn't mean Obama = Bush or Obama = Nixon. That means that appointing czars is nothing new and nothing to lose your shit over.

    What this does mean is that Obama doing ______ = Media losing shit.
  • Glenn Beck: ZOMG! Obama went to sleep! Eight hours later, he woke up! In between, he respirated air! And (here, Beck starts to cry) he even had the audacity to get up once to go the bathroom. I don't know about you, but I don't want a President who will literally take a dump in the White House.
  • edited September 2009

    I don't understand what this is trying to prove.
    The argument you seem to be positing is that ...
    The argument is that they are essentially saying, "why are you upset? Obama = Bush!" First of all, don't insult my intelligence particularly since I, and several far younger and less experienced members of the forum who don't have the advanced degrees I do, have beaten the ever loving shit out of you half-assed arguments and assertions that are more full of fallacies than a gay porn (yes, pun). You have yet make any meaningful or significant argument on this forum in favor of...well, being anti-democratic and nothing else. Every one of your pathetic attempts to be detrimental has shown that you are either ignorant (willfully or otherwise), an annoying troll, or some painfully stupid combination of the two. You yourself have admitted lack of higher education, and combined with your gross misunderstanding of everything political or logical as your posts in this forum have indicated you attempting to insult someone's intelligence is laughable at best.

    Second, no, their argument is that Glenn Beck is a hypocritical screaming paranoid fear-mongering baby who freaks out over everything Obama does while he was either silent or gleeful while Bush was doing the same thing, particularly when Rove was one of the horrendous choices. You chose to spin it as Bush = Obama even though the evidence presented has no indication that, other than doing something presidents do, they aren't related at all. An identical argument to yours would be "Obama changed the tax code. Bush changed the tax code. Therefore Bush = Obama." I don't feel like identifying which logical fallacy that one is, but it certainly is there.

    So on that note, fuck you you ignorant fascist toadie.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • Waddums, don't feed the troll. Cute image, though.
  • Waddums, don't feed the troll.
  • Waddums, don't feed the troll.
    My little brother's name is also Adam. What a great nickname. >:)
  • Waddums, don't feed the troll. Cute image, though.
    I fell over backwards onto my bed, reading Mr. Macross's awesome post followed by Kate's follow up.
  • First of all, don't insult my intelligence
    I didn't have to, you insulted it yourself.

    As much as I might enjoy posting a short diatribe pointing out your intellectual failings in this thread I will instead sit back and allow you to post them yourself.
  • Steve, you're the Glenn Beck of this board.

    Please don't try to boil Mr. MacRoss.
  • Yes, Steve, you are the intellectual superior eventhough you can't understand satire or suss out the meanings of simple political videos.
  • edited September 2009
    First of all, don't insult my intelligence
    I didn't have to, you insulted it yourself.

    As much as I might enjoy posting a short diatribe pointing out your intellectual failings in this thread I will instead sit back and allow you to post them yourself.
    I insulted my intelligence by pointing out your gross misunderstanding of an ad? You rode the short bus to school, didn't you.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • I bet some people will be amused by my disagreement with this.. but what the heck?

    Obama wins Nobel peace prize.

    "When told in an email from Reuters that many people around the world were stunned by the announcement, Obama's senior adviser, David Axelrod, responded: "As are we."

    What the hell were they thinking??? I like President Obama as much as the next guy, but he doesn't deserve the Nobel peace prize at this point. I must assume that everyone who has worked a lifetime to achieve peace in the world has already been awarded the prize. Unless they view just the fact that he got elected as a move towards peace. I am mystified as I'm sure the White house currently is. I can't wait to see how the republicans react to this...
  • Wow. Why would they do that?
  • While it's awesome that he won one, I do agree that it's freaking weird. They could have at least waited until his period as President was over.
  • The absolute best thing Obama could do would be to say "Thanks, but I'll accept the prize when the US is no longer at war".
  • From what I heard it looks like the voting was unanimous. They did not judge him for his work on office. It looks like he won the Noble peace of prize because during his presidential campaign he change the world view of USA.
  • What the fuck?! The overseer of two wars won a peace prize?!
    I am an Obama supporter, but that is just retarded.
  • I can't wait to see how the republicans react to this...
    Yeah, that's pretty much the most entertaining thing I'm hoping we get out of this.
  • "hope and change, hope and change!"

    one nobel peace prize please...
  • edited October 2009
    Yeah. I agree that that's really weird. I guess I'm a little annoyed, because he hasn't really done enough yet to merit this award in my opinion. If he had ended the wars and restored peace to the middle east, maybe, or even just fixed Detroit a little I could see it, but this seems just like he got the prize for existing and talking, but not doing.

    Carter received a peace prize, but only long after he was president and it was for exterminating all the parasitic worms that kept growing out of people in Africa.

    Also: Obama got a million dollars. If he did something cool with that million dollars, gave it away in a symbolic or productive way, that would be neat.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Obama seems equally shocked and puzzled, though. I don't blame him for this situation.
  • It also looks like the dude's finally gonna maybe say something to us poor neglected gay folks in a speech to the Human Rights Campaign tomorrow. Too bad he's not taking part in the march. I really want to know what he actually plans for gay rights, at this point.
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