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Barack Obama



  • I smell a South Park episode about this.
  • It also looks like the dude's finally gonnamaybe say something to us poor neglected gay folksin a speech to the Human Rights Campaign tomorrow. Too bad he's not taking part in the march. I really want to know what he actually plans for gay rights, at this point.
    Well, we know he has too much on his plate to give a damn right now about "don't ask, don't tell."
  • edited October 2009
    @ Günter: Oh, I see what you did there. Clever.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • The absolute best thing Obama could do would be to say "Thanks, but I'll accept the prize when the US is no longer at war".
    Totally agree. Can you actually turn down a Nobel prize?
  • Totally agree. Can you actually turn down a Nobel prize?
    It appears you can.
  • I agree that he hasn't earned it yet, but after watching his speech about it it seems he recognizes that as well. I think that, like he also said in the speech, that this isn't the Nobel committee giving it to someone who has done great things but rather are giving it to him as a sort of call to action for him to fulfill his potential.
  • This could be a tactic to help push him toward peace and troop removal at a point where many are lobbying/recommending a larger troop commitment in Afghanistan.
  • edited October 2009
    Totally agree. Can you actually turn down a Nobel prize?
    It appears you can.
    Not only can and has it been done, it has been done for that very reason.
    Post edited by Anastius on
  • Totally agree. Can you actually turn down a Nobel prize?
    It appears you can.
    Not only can and has it been done, it has been donefor that very reason.
    Regarding that, I would point out that the Peace prize is widely regarded as the black sheep of the Nobel prizes, which are revered in academic circles not for the money but for the prestige, as they have very rarely been given out to anyone not deserving them (this does not count omitting persons who should have arguably been recipients). The Nobel Peace Prize is the most egregious offender in this regard, e.g. Henry Kissinger.

    It is a mostly political prize and generally recognized to be a outlet for the Nobel committee to make Political statements. With Obama they even say as much in the explanation of why he was given the prize.

    BTW, I have had to give a presentation of my graduate work to a member of the Nobel committee once.
  • BTW, I have had to give a presentation of my graduate work to a member of the Nobel committee once.
    What was your graduate work?
  • BTW, I have had to give a presentation of my graduate work to a member of the Nobel committee once.
    What was your graduate work?
    Anomalous Trilinear Gauge Boson Couplings. Also, to be fair, I only found out about the committee member after I had given the talk that ;-).
  • He should decline to accept the award. That would be the noble thing to do.
  • He should decline to accept the award. That would be the noble thing to do.
    I think it'd be awesome of him to do so, but he's not wrong for accepting it either. I'd like to see him take this as a sign to become more proactive in implementing his agenda.

    But I mean, it's really not quite as ridiculous as I first thought. Al Gore won it for making a movie.
  • From this AP article:
    • Myth: The prize is awarded to recognize efforts for peace, human rights and democracy only after they have proven successful.

    More often, the prize is awarded to encourage those who receive it to see the effort through, sometimes at critical moments.
    If that's traditionally been the case, it would seem to be a reasonable justification in this case.
  • Orly Taitz fined $20K because she won't STFU and GBTW.
    Taitz is the gift that keeps on giving.

    She vows not to pay. I look forward to more entertaining crazy from Taitz in the weeks to come.
  • "Lawyers who do not understand those conditions are at best woefully unprepared to practice the profession and at worst a menace to it."

  • A true testament to how far we have come as a race:
  • edited October 2009
    Study Finds McCan Voters Lost Testosterone after the electionShould we have a Science and politics thread?
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • Study Finds McCan Voters Lost Testosterone after the election
    I've read about studies that found that men who lose in any event lose testosterone, while those who win generally gain. I think it applies to sports fans, too.

    It's interesting that Obama supporters didn't gain the testosterone boost. I obviously didn't, or I wouldn't have been crying like a baby.
  • A great fark comment:

    GOP 1980: The Media is Unfairly liberal, and picking on us. Waaaaahhh!!!
    GOP 1981: The Media is Unfairly liberal, and picking on us. Waaaaahhh!!!
    GOP 1982: The Media is Unfairly liberal, and picking on us. Waaaaahhh!!!
    GOP 1983: The Media is Unfairly liberal, and picking on us. Waaaaahhh!!!
    GOP 1984: The Media is Unfairly liberal, and picking on us. Waaaaahhh!!!
    GOP 1985: The Media is Unfairly liberal, and picking on us. Waaaaahhh!!!
    GOP 1986: The Media is Unfairly liberal, and picking on us. Waaaaahhh!!!
    GOP 1987: The Media is Unfairly liberal, and picking on us. Waaaaahhh!!!
    GOP 1988: The Media is Unfairly liberal, and picking on us. Waaaaahhh!!!
    GOP 1989: The Media is Unfairly liberal, and picking on us. Waaaaahhh!!!
    GOP 1990: The Media is Unfairly liberal, and picking on us. Waaaaahhh!!!
    GOP 1991: The Media is Unfairly liberal, and picking on us. Waaaaahhh!!!
    GOP 1992: The Media is Unfairly liberal, and picking on us. Waaaaahhh!!!
    GOP 1993: The Media is Unfairly liberal, and picking on us. Waaaaahhh!!!
    GOP 1994: The Media is Unfairly liberal, and picking on us. Waaaaahhh!!!
    GOP 1995: The Media is Unfairly liberal, and picking on us. Waaaaahhh!!!
    GOP 1996: The Media is Unfairly liberal, and picking on us. Waaaaahhh!!!
    GOP 1997: The Media is Unfairly liberal, and picking on us. Waaaaahhh!!!
    GOP 1998: The Media is Unfairly liberal, and picking on us. Waaaaahhh!!!
    GOP 1999: The Media is Unfairly liberal, and picking on us. Waaaaahhh!!!
    GOP 2000: The Media is Unfairly liberal, and picking on us. Waaaaahhh!!!
    GOP 2001: The Media is Unfairly liberal, and picking on us. Waaaaahhh!!!
    GOP 2002: The Media is Unfairly liberal, and picking on us. Waaaaahhh!!!
    GOP 2003: The Media is Unfairly liberal, and picking on us. Waaaaahhh!!!
    GOP 2004: The Media is Unfairly liberal, and picking on us. Waaaaahhh!!!
    GOP 2005: The Media is Unfairly liberal, and picking on us. Waaaaahhh!!!
    GOP 2006: The Media is Unfairly liberal, and picking on us. Waaaaahhh!!!
    GOP 2007: The Media is Unfairly liberal, and picking on us. Waaaaahhh!!!
    GOP 2008: The Media is Unfairly liberal, and picking on us. Waaaaahhh!!!
    GOP 2009: The Media is Unfairly liberal, and picking on us. Waaaaahhh!!!

    Obama 2009: Fox news is Biased against our administration.

    GOP: Would you shut up and stop complaining already!! That is so petty!!!
  • Another birther case crashes and burns, this time in California.

    I will (almost) feel bad when Orly Taitz ends up on the dustheap of history. I've not seen such enjoyably sardonic court opinions since my days of reading Tax Protester cases on the USENET newsgroups misc.taxes and in the dim and distant past.
  • Another birther case crashes and burns, this time in California.

    I will (almost) feel bad when Orly Taitz ends up on the dustheap of history. I've not seen such enjoyably sardonic court opinions since my days of reading Tax Protester cases on the USENET newsgroups misc.taxes and in the dim and distant past.
    I think this footnote on page 19 of that summary really highlights things:
    The inclusion of the First Lady in this lawsuit, considering she holds no constitutional office, is baffling.
    I love the directness and brutal honesty of that opinion. There's a pronounced subtext of "what the FUCK" in every one of these opinions that I've read.

    These judges must feel like the world's gone completely insane, and they're among the only ones who can see it.
  • I don't know about the world...I'm pretty sure they know this is a select group of people. The judges probably feel like these people are wasting taxpayer money and the valuable, limited time of the court officials. They have an insane number of cases to get through, and this frivolous bullshit just makes it harder.
  • One year on, Obama cites struggle with Bush legacy. What. Bush didn't leave three letters in his desk? Sounds like Obama is stuck reading the same letter over and over and over again. When is this guy going to man up and take responsibility? He did WANT to be President, right?

    It's one thing for your supporters to continue to blame the previous administration but the President should be above this.
  • One year on, Obama cites struggle with Bush legacy. What. Bush didn't leave three letters in his desk? Sounds like Obama is stuck reading the same letter over and over and over again. When is this guy going to man up and take responsibility? He did WANT to be President, right?

    It's one thing for your supporters to continue to blame the previous administration but the President should be above this.
    Bush Blamed Clinton for way over a year. Just a note.

    A lot of things that Bush did do are extremely hard to back away from especially the areas where he strengthened executive power. Once you take that power it becomes hard to actually step back and assume a weaker role because well then you look weak and compromise your ability to lead.
  • One year on, Obama cites struggle with Bush legacy. What. Bush didn't leave three letters in his desk? Sounds like Obama is stuck reading the same letter over and over and over again. When is this guy going to man up and take responsibility? He did WANT to be President, right?

    It's one thing for your supporters to continue to blame the previous administration but the President should be above this.
    Eight years of fucking up as hard as you possibly can can not be easily fixed in a single year, particularly since those responsible for the fuck-up have friends being obstructionist assholes.
  • One year on, Obama cites struggle with Bush legacy. What. Bush didn't leave three letters in his desk? Sounds like Obama is stuck reading the same letter over and over and over again. When is this guy going to man up and take responsibility? He did WANT to be President, right?

    It's one thing for your supporters to continue to blame the previous administration but the President should be above this.
    See, these are the kinds of posts you're associated with and the reason why HJ went for your throat on the California thread. I can't really say I blame him.
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