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Barack Obama



  • Sorry, but it's not the government's job to say what is appropriate for the press to print.

    Also, I'm pretty sure caskets aren't corpses. I'm pretty sure. Maybe they can be considered the corpses of trees, but highly polished.

    Furthermore, if you really want to sweep a war under the rug, all you have to do is take the human face off of it.
  • It's not about "National Security" it's about respect and decency. Mourning is a private matter.
    It's not about "National Security" it's about respect and decency. Mourning is a private matter.
  • There's nothing private about war, and how is the public supposed to respect someone who is hidden?
  • dsfdsf
    edited August 2011
    Private citizens in the US have a privilege to privacy in life and in death.
    Post edited by dsf on
  • Just so people know, this is the photograph discussed.
    Those monsters!
  • Private citizens in the US have a privilege in life and in death.
    I'm not sure what that means. It's pretty esoteric.
  • I have a problem with the government censoring the soldiers' return, period. No argument can be made for the black-out being for "national security." There is no Constitutionally-valid reason for restricting the freedom of the press here.
    Maybe most families don't want the corpse of their loved ones paraded around for millions to see? Why do you "need" to see that, do dead people turn you on?
    That's beside the point. Offense isn't an excuse for the restriction of a constitutional right. I personally would rather it not happen, but freedom of the press and freedom of speech are far more important than anyone's sensibilities.
  • dsfdsf
    edited August 2011
    Private citizens in the US have a privilege in life and in death.
    I'm not sure what that means. It's pretty esoteric.
    Here we go: I don't give a shit if it stands in the way of an agenda to put a human face on the war. Every US citizen has a right to privacy. Just as you are not allowed to visit a disabled Vet's house and film him against his will, you are not allowed to film a deceased vet against the families will. I will fight you for ever on this, there is nothing you can say that will ever change my mind. This is something I choose believe in. I don't care if you disagree with me.

    Freedom of the press isn't a license to film or photograph whatever the fuck you want. Just as you aren't allowed to burst into a delivery room and film the mother giving birth against her will you shouldn't be able to this stuff too.
    Post edited by dsf on
  • there is nothing you can say that will ever change my mind.
  • If the press is invited to the funeral, by all means take some pics
  • dsfdsf
    edited August 2011
    there is nothing you can say that will ever change my mind.
    Absolutely this means a great deal to me. I am totally into freedom of the press, but I draw my line here. I don't believe in absolutes. There are shades of grey and for me this is one of them.
    Post edited by dsf on
  • dsfdsf
    edited August 2011
    Maybe if you approach the family in a respectful way as a reporter they will allow you into their lives and put their "human faces" on the war. This should be a privilege given to the press by the family. The press should not be able to take the privacy of citizens for granted.
    Post edited by dsf on
  • Absolutely this means a great deal to me. I am totally into freedom of the press, but I draw my line here. I don't believe in absolutes. There are shades of grey and for me this is one of them.
    This is one of the most hypocritical statements known to man.
  • dsfdsf
    edited August 2011
    Absolutely this means a great deal to me. I am totally into freedom of the press, but I draw my line here. I don't believe in absolutes. There are shades of grey and for me this is one of them.
    This is one of the most hypocritical statements known to man.
    I don't care :) I have given my opinion and I stand by it. Maybe I should have put the word Moral in front of absolutes. I don't believe in moral absolutes. Like I'm not saying "you can never photograph a dead soldier or their family in mourning". I am saying "you can never photograph a dead soldier or their family in mourning without their permission".
    Post edited by dsf on
  • I don't care :)
    He doesn't like you. I don't like you either.
  • Like I'm not saying "you can never photograph a dead soldier or their family in mourning". I am saying "you can never photograph a dead soldier or their family in mourning without their permission".
  • anyway, peace out. I've said what I wanted to.
  • Dead people do not have rights. Sorry. Mothers giving birth are not government employees.
    Every US citizen has a right to privacy.
    Really? Please cite this.
  • Dead people do not have rights. Sorry. Mothers giving birth are not government employees.
    Every US citizen has a right to privacy.
    Really? Please cite this.
    not gonna
  • Dead people do not have rights. Sorry. Mothers giving birth are not government employees.
    Every US citizen has a right to privacy.
    Really? Please cite this.
    not gonna
    You have a history of making highly frictional, agitated, and emotional pleas without citing any evidence for them, and without being able to defend your statements when questioned. Interesting. But not worth respect.
  • not gonna
    Then Follow through from when you implied you were leaving. We've little time for intellectually dishonest cowards.
  • Dead people do not have rights. Sorry. Mothers giving birth are not government employees.
    Every US citizen has a right to privacy.
    Really? Please cite this.
    not gonna
    So the level of argument in this thread has now decreased from "12-year-old computer nerd" to "petulant 7-year-old"?
  • So the level of argument in this thread has now decreased from "12-year-old computer nerd" to "petulant 7-year-old"?
    I think you are giving him too much credit here.
  • dsfdsf
    edited August 2011
    The cool thing about this argument is that my view is already reflected in policy so I really don't need to defend my view since the I'm already vindicated by DoD policy. So essentially I already have my way and you basically need to convice people in power that you are right and I am wrong. Arguing with me will get you no where and neither will insulting me. You will not convince me to disrespect the remains of my fellow service members, ever.
    Post edited by dsf on
  • Appeal to Authority! Wonderful.
  • edited August 2011
    The cool thing about this argument is that my view is already reflected in policy so I really don't need to defend my view since the I'm already vindicated by DoD policy.
    Then show it to us, If you're unafraid. If not, then we can only assume you are not only the coward we thought you were, but a liar also.
    So essentially I already have my way and you basically need to convice people in power that you are right and I am wrong.
    I'm afraid you'll need to prove that. But you won't, because you're afraid. You don't have the guts to either show your evidence, or admit that you are wrong, therefore you just plug your ears, yell "LALALALALALA CAN'T HEAR YOU CAN'T HEAR YOU" and pretend you've won.
    Arguing with me will get you no where an neither will insulting me.
    Correct, Arguing with you will get us nowhere, but not because you are correct, but because you won't show one iota of evidence for what you claim, nor will you even think of considering that you might be wrong. Insulting you will more likely get us somewhere, because hopefully you'll eventually either go "Alright, I'm not the little coward they think I am, I'm going to Show my evidence to show them that they're wrong and I'm not a little frightened, stupid pissant!", or you'll just get sick of being insulted and fuck off. Either way, it's a win.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • The cool thing about this argument is that my view is already reflected in policy so I really don't need to defend my view since the I'm already vindicated by DoD policy.
    Then show it to us, If you're unafraid. If not, then we can only assume you are not only the coward we thought you were, but a liar also.
    So essentially I already have my way and you basically need to convice people in power that you are right and I am wrong.
    I'm afraid you'll need to prove that. But you won't, because you're afraid.
    Arguing with me will get you no where an neither will insulting me.
    Correct, Arguing with you will get us nowhere, but not because you are correct, but because you won't show one iota of evidence for what you claim, nor will you even think of considering that you might be wrong. Insulting you will more likely get us somewhere, because hopefully you'll eventually either go "Alright, I'm not the little coward they think I am, I'm going to Show my evidence to show them that they're wrong and I'm not a little frightened, stupid pissant!", or you'll just get sick of being insulted and fuck off. Either way, it's a win.
    You will not convince me to disrespect the remains of my fellow service members, ever.
  • You will not convince me to disrespect the remains of my fellow service members, ever.
    We've more or less given up on changing your mind; right now we want you to show us the evidence behind your beliefs or shut up and go away.
  • edited August 2011
    You will not convince me to disrespect the remains of my fellow service members, ever.
    Let's say I bet $1 that someone will convince you within a year. How much are you willing to put up against my $1?
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • edited August 2011
    You will not convince me to disrespect the remains of my fellow service members, ever.
    Nice try, My cowardly little thing. But I didn't ask you to disrespect your fellow service members, and that was a very poor attempt to shift the discussion, try harder next time.

    What I DID ask you to do is to provide evidence for your position.

    Remember, You have still not provided any yet, cowardly little one, and if you are indeed correct, then you should be able to, trivially.

    I'll even be kind, and restrain myself from questioning if you are actually serving, as 1)It's irrelevant, and that would just be kicking you when you're already down and I have something perfectly good to kick you about, and 2)I don't really feel the need to inquire at this time.
    Post edited by Churba on
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