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Emily Pixar Fail!

edited April 2008 in Everything Else
Waaaaah! Uwaaaaah! (Sound of disconsolate crying)

I...I was going to a class to meet the President of Pixar today and...and...I got super sick and have to go to the doctor today instead of the lecture! And my Pixar friend who knows the guy was even going to introduce us. This sucks! Sucks so hard! Why am I sick? Boohoohooooo!

To make me feel better, tell me your stories of similar disappointments. (I had a friend who missed the L'arc~en~ciel concert due to the flu...stuff like that.) It doesn't have to be illin' but tell me your tales of regret and woe.


  • Oh no! You were looking forward to this so much too!
  • *pat pat pat pat* o.o *gives you a huge rabbit plushie*

    I suck at recalling stuff, and don't know if I ever had one of those things happen to me. Not much awesome happening here.
  • I missed my last chance of going to an English speaking school because I was sick the day of the entrance exam. If that makes you fee better. ^_~
  • If I were sick, I would go anyway.
  • On the last day of classes a friend of my told me that the chick that I had a crush on would be waiting for me on the roof of the school, next where we practice for band. She told me that she would be there at 12 o'clock. I thought that was awesome so I got there early. It was the closing ceremony so I had to be there anyways. Then when the Diploma were being handle to the first place of the whole grade I got called. It was awesome but at the same time I missed her and after that I never saw her again.

    Well, at least when I got back home I got cake of custard apple to drown my sorrows.
  • If I were sick, I would go anyway.
    I would but I have to go get antibiotics soon or I will be tons more sick. Therefore, doctor.
  • Well, at least when I got back home I got cake of custard apple to drown my sorrows.
    Sounds like the setup to a bad teen movie.

    Sorry to hear, Em'. I don't have too many disappointing stories to share, other than RIT forcefully removing me from school (again) two quarters before graduation. Ultimately I sort of worked it out, but let me tell you the rage I felt after hearing I was on leave of absence again, haha.
  • One time when I was teaching an Algebra class at Jefferson Community College, I noticed that Douglas Hofstatder was going to be giving a speech on the University of Louisville campus. It was scheduled for the exact same time as the class I was teaching and I couldn't get anyone to cover the class for me. I couldn't go to the lecture afterwards, because the class lasted an hour and fifteen minutes and the campus was all the way across town. So I missed Hofstatder. Le sigh.
  • Well, at least when I got back home I got cake of custard apple to drown my sorrows.
    Sounds like the setup to a bad teen movie.
    Hey, the Custard apple pie did the trick and it was delicious.
  • That's pretty disappointing, Mr. Rad. Next to you and your epic battle with RIT's financial aid department, my troubles pale by comparison.

    And dude, when are we gonna see you? Beacon misses you, Mr. Rad.
  • I once fell asleep on a family trip in Japan, and missed a JSDF Mechanized Infantry column.
  • Next to you and your epic battle with RIT's financial aid department, my troubles pale by comparison.
    Don't say that, haha. I'm a poor kid trying to go to a private college; I guess this is just what happens. Seriously, few things are worse than getting sick at a bad time. Hope you feel better soon!
  • Don't say that, haha. I'm a poor kid trying to go to a private college; I guess this is just what happens. Seriously, few things are worse than getting sick at a bad time. Hope you feel better soon!
    Well, you won't be poor after you graduate, that's for sure.

  • I would but I have to go get antibiotics soon or I will be tons more sick. Therefore, doctor.
    No you don't silly. Just pray on it. We all know how well that works!
  • edited April 2008
    Here's a totally gross FAIL story.
    This was before the Internet so I couldn't really check when Zelda 64 would come out. I had school on the day that Nintendo Power had announced it would be in stores... So I needed to stay home for a while. I needed to be able to pick it up and to stay home for a few days. So i thought of the stupidest thing ever. To have my sick sister cough DIRECTLY in my mouth... I told you it was disgusting! Anyway the fail part is that I got 10 times more sick then my sister and Zelda didn't even come out that day! They pushed it back multiple times! FAIL!
    Post edited by Mankoon on
  • Here's a totally gross FAIL story.
    This was before the internet so I couldn't really check when Zelda 64 would come out. I had school on the day that nintendo power had announced it would be in stores... So i needed to stay home for a while. I needed to be able to pick it up and to stay home for a few days. So i thought of the stupidest thing ever. Have my sick sister cough DIRECTLY in my mouth... I told you it was disgusting! Anyway the fail part is that I got 10 times more sick then my sister and Zelda didn't even come out that day! They pushed it back multiple times! FAIL!
    For many years Ocarina of Time was the most pre-ordered game in the history of games. I wonder if it still is, or if Halos and GTAs have surpassed it.
  • My family and I were supposed to go on vacation starting today, but currently I am covered from head to toe with chicken pox.
  • I willfully passed up an opportunity to see Strapping Young Lad (one of my most favoritest bands evar) in Albany. Instead, I went and did something else. I figured that I'd just get to see them the next time they pass through; they toured in Albany fairly often.

    Two weeks later, Devin Townsend (the lead singer/songwriter/crazyman) announced that SYL was on indefinite hiatus and was never going to tour again.

  • edited April 2008
    My family and I were supposed to go on vacation starting today, but currently I am covered from head to toe with chicken pox.
    Wow, sorry dude. On another note, I think I had the pox when I was 4 or 5. Itchy as hell.
    Post edited by Zeehat on
  • My family and I were supposed to go on vacation starting today, but currently I am covered from head to toe with chicken pox.
    Wow, sorry dude. I think I had the pox when I was 4 or 5.
    That's the other fun part of this whole thing. I had a mild case when I was younger and also had the vaccine, yet still managed to come down with it. And, guess what, the severity worsens with age!
  • That's the other fun part of this whole thing. I had a mild case when I was younger and also had the vaccine, yet still managed to come down with it. And, guess what, the severity worsens with age!
    Did you go to a doctor? It might not be chicken pox. Or maybe what you had before wasn't chicken pox. You might have the shingles!
  • That's the other fun part of this whole thing. I had a mild case when I was younger and also had the vaccine, yet still managed to come down with it. And, guess what, the severity worsens with age!
    Curses. Aren't chickenpox supposed to be one of those one-time maladies?
  • Shingles are teh suxxor.
  • That's the other fun part of this whole thing. I had a mild case when I was younger and also had the vaccine, yet still managed to come down with it. And, guess what, the severity worsens with age!
    Did you go to a doctor? It might not be chicken pox. Or maybe what you had before wasn't chicken pox. You might have the shingles!
    I did go to the doctor. He took one look at me and said "Haha, you got chicken pox, dude!" I did ask about shingles, but he said absolutely not.

    Heh, you know you live in southern California when your doctor calls you "dude".
  • Heh, you know you live in southern California when your doctor calls you "dude".
    Sounds like you had an appointment with doctor awesome!
  • I did go to the doctor. He took one look at me and said "Haha, you got chicken pox, dude!" I did ask about shingles, but he said absolutely not.

    Heh, you know you live in southern California when your doctor calls you "dude".
    Did he say, "Nah, brah"?
  • Did he say, "Nah, brah"?
    That's really more of a Hawaiian thing.
  • I didn't get to meet Drew Curtis when he was in Cleveland last Saturday b/c I didn't get a sitter.
  • No tales from me, but I'm sorry to you and everyone else. *long-distance hug* Feel better.

    I'm sure things like that'll pop up again, right? =3
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