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Emily Pixar Fail!



  • edited April 2008
    If I were sick, I would go anyway.
    Quoted for damn truth.

    I would but I have to go get antibiotics soon or I will be tons more sick. Therefore, doctor.

    That really sucks. Hey, if your friend knows him then maybe he could arrange a meeting because of your sickness! Try asking!

    *Sends Emily good luck and anti sick rays. Crab flavored since it's from MD*

    Hmmmm. Epic fail exp. Mine is similar to Whale Sharks story except replace the band with either Mindless Self Indulgence or No Doubt.

    Another is when I met one of my favorite directors at last years DC anime marathon and all I said was DAAHH! So embarrassing.
    Post edited by Viga on
  • Oh no, poor Gomidog!

    One time me and a bunch of my friends were gonna get together to play D&D, Multi console Halo, and watch action movies over a long weekend. We were gonna meet at Jason's house because his was the biggest and he had a kick ass sound system in his basement. The day before the weekend of awesome, Me and my family took my brother to the park to play. Friday I got up and started throwing up and came to found out I had stomach flu. I spent the whole long weekend in bed sleeping and occasionally getting up to drink gatorade and bargle.
  • Awww. Sorry Emikyu.

    The only thing that I can recall is not seeing Mitch Hedburg when he was still alive. I believe I had 2 oportunities too.
  • I offer all the sympathy that my temping behind can offer.
  • Queen is one of my favourite bands, and Freddie Mercury died on my third birthday. I would say that is one of the worst slaps in the face for me.
  • I had the worse.

    My band kept playing bigger and bigger venues, we kept getting more popular, it was awesome, one day I get a call saying that a representative from Roadrunner records wanted to hear us, that meant they would probably be waving a contract at us soon.

    Well I broke my leg, so I missed the gig, no biggie, the record guy backed down a little but came.

    Then, my idiot rhythm guitarist and drummer decided to call it chicken, killing the band.

    The representative didn't like that.

    The let down was so big I did not touched a guitar for weeks.
  • My father asked me one morning if I wanted to go with him to see my grandfather in the hospital. I told him no. That afternoon, Dad came home and told me he had died.

    I have regretted that choice ever since.
  • Remember those fundraisers from elementary school? Yanno, the ones where you sold wrapping paper, candy, and porcelain figures nobody wanted? Well they always came with prizes for how much junk you sold, and I never did very well. I always yearned for that awesome cheap miniature boom-box and giant glow in the dark sticker book. But one year, I did some crazy junk selling. I was the top seller in my grade. The grand prize was a trip to Pizza Hut with the other top sellers in their respective grades. But of course, I got sick and had to stay home that day. I was so upset, even though I could go to Pizza Hut any time I wanted. I was so lame.
  • Hehe, here's another epic fail for Mankoon.
    This happened when I was 6 or 7. My uncle came by and said that he would take me, my brother and my sister to the park. It was a really nice day and I was really excited! They told me to go to my room and get dressed. But, I was so happy that instead of getting dressed I decided to celebrate... by jumping beds. It went on for a while until I missed and fell right in the middle of the two beds. I landed my knee on the metal railing and slit it right open. Instead of going to the park, I went to the hospital...

    Actually, I just remembered my greatest EPIC FAIL. It's similar to what happened to Emily.
    Back when I was in high school, Yoshitaka Amano had a gallery showing in NY. It was one weekend only and he would be at the gallery only on Friday. After school, we had to rush to get to his gallery because he wouldn't be there for so long. Long story short, we took an express train by accident. We missed the stop and it was a long train ride of disappointment. Longest train ride ever, actually. When I saw the train station pass by, it felt like a stab wound to my heart.
  • My first job as a flight attendant, they fired me the day before I graduated from the ground school, despite that I was the only one with a certification in Transport and Distribution(Cabin Crew), and despite that I was the only one with a high level of customer service and security experience - because I made a joke about wishing I had crib notes for a test that was intended to be difficult, and at least was long and annoying.

    So, the teacher, who had taken a dislike to me because I questioned her when what she was teaching disagreed with certain things, such as the manuals, or reality. The thing she disliked me for the most, though, was because she tried to "Correct" me on my use of Essential/Detrimental - she belived, basicly, that Detrimental meant what essential means, and vice versa. Example - "It is absolutely detrimental that you ensure the safety of your passengers in the unlikely event of an emergency."

    So, she takes me seriously, and basically reasons that if I pass the test well, I cheated. Having actually done this sort of thing before, I passed the test, and got 100% - so, by her logic, I cheated, and after a short conference with the head of human resources, summarily fires me.

    (As a side note, not long after, I got my revenge - she was in a bar I was working in, and she was three sheets to the wind. I saw her get into her car and drive away, and the local cop shop was not far away - so as soon as she starts to drive out, I call the local police, and being a slow night, they send someone over, caught her within view of my bar, and she gets out and starts drunkenly arguing with the police officer, and tries to hit him, and is summarily put against the side of her car, cuffed, she throws up on herself, and is taken down to the police station and charged. She tells the company about losing her license, they investigate, and fire her almost on the spot.)
  • Ah. Revenge stories are always great to hear.
  • That sucks you missed meeting him Emily, I'm sure you'll get another chance someday.

    I just remember a moment of fail for me, which happened somewhat after a moment of win. Basically I was at E3 in 2004 I think it was. It was the year the Xbox 360 and Twilight Princess were first playable, and they first showed the PS3 with the boomerang controller.

    Anyway, I was there with Scott from VGCats (he was staying in my hotel room to save money,) but after the expo one day we were meeting up with some friends of his in the Brazilian gaming press, and heading back to their hotel which just happened to be the hotel that Nintendo was putting all its employees in. So we are standing in the elevator lobby with a ton of people when suddenly Miyamoto comes around the corner. We're going "Holy crap, should we do something? Say hi maybe." Then a few elevators come and we hop on one deciding not to geek out on him since he was sort of on the other end of the lobby, and there were a lot of people.

    Then as the doors start to close on the elevator someone catches it, and in steps to the elevator Miyamoto and his entourage of sorts (I think Eiji Aonuma was with him, I forget.) Miyamoto stands in front of me, and I'm looking around at the people I'm with and we all have the same expression of "what do we do?!" The elevator gets to our floor first, and we get out. But then after the doors close we realize that we completely got to get a picture, or even say anything. And then we all collapsed in epic failing fashion.
  • Here's a totally gross FAIL story.
    This was before the internet so I couldn't really check when Zelda 64 would come out. I had school on the day that nintendo power had announced it would be in stores... So i needed to stay home for a while. I needed to be able to pick it up and to stay home for a few days. So i thought of the stupidest thing ever. Have my sick sister cough DIRECTLY in my mouth... I told you it was disgusting! Anyway the fail part is that I got 10 times more sick then my sister and Zelda didn't even come out that day! They pushed it back multiple times! FAIL!
    For many years Ocarina of Time was the most pre-ordered game in the history of games. I wonder if it still is, or if Halos and GTAs have surpassed it.
    Nothing will EVAH surpass Ocarina's preorder record
  • GeoGeo
    edited April 2008
    Waaaaah! Uwaaaaah! (Sound of disconsolate crying)

    I...I was going to a class to meet the President of Pixar today and...and...I got super sick and have to go to the doctor today instead of the lecture! And my Pixar friend who knows the guy was even going to introduce us. This sucks! Sucks so hard! Why am I sick? Boohoohooooo!

    To make me feel better, tell me your stories of similar disappointments. (I had a friend who missed the L'arc~en~ciel concert due to the flu...stuff like that.) It doesn't have to be illin' but tell me your tales of regret and woe.
    Wow..... That really fuckin' sucks. I hope ya feel better Emily.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • I had the chance to study in Finland for a year on a university scheme. In fact I filled all the paper work in but then changed my mind before the end of the year due to the fact the module chooses were boring. Instead I stayed at my university (Salford for anybody that knows England at all, bit of a difference to Finland) but in the end I have come not to regret my decision, as I joined the LGBT that year and made a load of awesome mates from that "scene" for the first time ever.
  • Shingles are teh suxxor.
    I knew a friend who had a premature case of them when was 14. It sucked so much, but his mother told me that he fought through it and was very brave about it.
  • I was waiting all year for the on-campus anime convention and spent a good amount of time hyping it up to all my friends and classmates. Then I got sick was quarantined the whole con weekend.
  • I can't really remember any time I failed in meeting someone I really wanted to, or missed an event because I made a bad decision. The last time I can remember being too sick to go somewhere was ten years ago, when I missed a field trip in seventh grade because I was puking my guts out. Incidentally, that's the last time I've also puked because of illness (all since then have been alcohol-induced).

    I do have a rather regretful Pixar story too though. Back in high school, my family was able to get a private tour of the Pixar Studio thanks to a family friend who knew someone who worked there. This was back when Finding Nemo had just come out and Cars was in development. I remember it being pretty cool to see how the place worked, but I regret not appreciating it as much back then as I would now. I just feel bad about it because at the time I didn't really care, when many people nowadays would kill for a chance to get a private tour like that.
  • I can't really remember any time I failed in meeting someone I really wanted to, or missed an event because I made a bad decision. The last time I can remember being too sick to go somewhere was ten years ago, when I missed a field trip in seventh grade because I was puking my guts out. Incidentally, that's the last time I've also puked because of illness (all since then have been alcohol-induced).

    I do have a rather regretful Pixar story too though. Back in high school, my family was able to get a private tour of the Pixar Studio thanks to a family friend who knew someone who worked there. This was back when Finding Nemo had just come out and Cars was in development. I remember it being pretty cool to see how the place worked, but I regret not appreciating it as much back then as I would now. I just feel bad about it because at the time I didn't really care, when many people nowadays would kill for a chance to get a private tour like that.


    If I kill you, can I have a tour? :)
  • If I kill you, can I have a tour? :)
    I suppose it's worth a shot. Let me know how that works for ya ;)
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