I bought a Kindle, and I won't really get into the reasons why yet, (once I've had more time to play with it I'll write up a little something.) But until then I wanted to show off a pic I took.

FRC forums on a Kindle. Now I can post at work.... or anywhere really.
Still, when they come down a little, I might still pick one up.
I got the 14 day free trial of the NY Times (it seems that they offer the 14 day trial for every newspaper they have that you can download,) and I find that it is a far superior experience as compared to reading the actual paper. This is mostly due to the ease of browsing the paper for articles I'm interested in reading. I've also downloaded a bunch of sample chapters to books, but haven't had a chance to read them yet.
I also tried out its image viewing capabilities, since you are able to put images on an SD card then view them on the Kindle. It does a surprisingly good job with them. The color images obviously come out in black and white, but they still look good. What really looks good are comic pages. I put in a few images of manga pages and they look really crisp and detailed. I hope they start selling comics in the Kindle store eventually... at least the black and white ones.
I read that you can convert PDFs to some format that works on there, either by e-mailing them to an address at Amazon, or by using some program you can download. If you had manga scans, you could make PDFs out of them and convert them.
As soon as I can get one for about 150.00 dollars, as long as it is compatible with most formats of digital books, I am on it like white on rice! I will likely still purchase some non-digital books as well (I LOVE the tactile experience of antique books, and there are some editions of books that are worthwhile for preface, notes, etc. when compared to other versions), but it will significantly cut down the number of paper books I buy and up my total book purchases per year.
Can you tell I like books? ^_^ With the Kindle you can access any scanned in manga you wanted. Whether you are ok with scans or not is your choice.
All this just reminded me of the Comic Book DS thing..
Manga being as cheap as it is, I'd rather just buy $400 worth of manga rather than the Kindle. And manga being the price it is (downwards to $5-7 per volume if you get the right discounts), that would keep me busy for a long, long, long time.
Or I'd just get a big Archos, with a nice screen and jpg and png features.
I also want to mention that as big as the Kindle store is, there are some books it seems they still don't have that I sort of expected them to. Namely I was looking for the new Fareed Zakaria book and its not there, and none of his other ones are either. I also tried to find the Prince of Nothing books, but they aren't there either. Hopefully Amazon will be a little more proactive in getting more books onto the store.
Fucking when is the fucking Kindle being released fucking outside of fucking America?
EDIT: I actually saw something like this at a K-Mart, where they had a Movie but It also came with different files of the movie on another disc to put them on your iPod and such.