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  • edited May 2008
    Post edited by kiwi_bird on
  • Ein Lied für alle Tiere, die jeden Tag sterben - sinnlos

    Ich fuhr das Fleisch vom Schwein - mir zentnerweise ein
    Und auch so manche Kuh hab ich schon verschlungen
    Doch mit dem Fleischgenuss - ist für mich endlich Schluss
    Mein Gewissen hat mich dazu gezwungen

    Ich werd niemals dick und rund - weil ich mich gut ernähr
    Von jetzt an leb ich gesund und bin zu Tieren fair
    Denn für mich macht niemand Tiere tot
    Ich leg mir Löwenzahn aufs Brot - Halleluja

    Denn ich ess...
    Ich ess Blumen, denn Tiere tun mir leid
    Lieber Akazien statt nen dicken, fetten Schinken
    Ich ess Blumen - Fleisch bringt mir Ãœbelkeit
    Und die Fäkalien tun dann auch nicht mehr so stinken

    Wenn ich auch neidisch werd - wenn jemand Steak einzerrt
    Ich esse Schnittlauch und ein Omelett mit Rosen
    Wenn's Würstchen noch so lacht - es ist aus Tier gemacht
    Nur meine Katzen fressen Kuhragout aus Dosen

    Ich werd niemals dick und rund weil ich mich gut ernähr
    Von jetzt an leb ich gesund und bin zu Tieren fair
    Denn für mich macht niemand Tiere tot
    Ich leg mir Löwenzahn aufs Brot - Halleluja

    Denn ich ess...
    Ich ess Blumen - denn Tiere tun mir leid
    Lieber Akazien statt nen dicken, fetten Schinken
    Ich ess Blumen - Fleisch bringt mir Ãœbelkeit
    Und die Fäkalien tun dann auch nicht mehr so stinken - Nein

    Hörst du nicht die Tiere weinen, die auf einer Schlachtbank ihrer Ermordung harren?
    Weißt du eigentlich, wie dankbar Hühneraugen blicken können,
    Wenn sie dir sagen wollen: "Danke, dass du mich verschont hast!"

    Denn ich ess...
    Ich ess Blumen - denn Tiere tun mir leid
    Lieber Akazien statt nen dicken, fetten Schinken
    Ich ess Blumen - Fleisch bringt mir Ãœbelkeit
    Und die Fäkalien tun dann auch nicht mehr so stinken

    Ich ess Blumen - denn Tiere tun mir leid
    Lieber Akazien statt nen dicken, fetten Schinken
    Ich ess Blumen - Fleisch bringt mir Ãœbelkeit
    Und die Fäkalien tun dann auch nicht mehr so stinken

    Ich ess Blumen.
    Ich ess Blumen.

    The lyrics to Blumen by the german punk band Die Ärzte. "Ich ess Blumen" means "I eat Flowers". I posted it in another Forum in a thread where the Real Big Fish song Say Ten was discussed. Both songs are on the topic of vegetarianism.
  • Though I am German I really can't stand "Die Ärzte". Same goes for "Die Toten Hosen". ^^

    Someone wanted me to add a store to the retro store map and needed to find the exact location of it, I copied the URL to the field to be helpful.
  • edited May 2008
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Calculates the ordinal points for four teams with given scores and returns the points in a list (ordered by red, yellow, blue, green).
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="ScoreRed">The point score of the red team.</param>
    ''' <param name="ScoreYellow">The point score of the yellow team.</param>
    ''' <param name="ScoreBlue">The point score of the blue team.</param>
    ''' <param name="ScoreGreen">The point score of the green team.</param>
    ''' <returns>A list containing the ordinal points awarded to the four teams, ordered by red, yellow, blue, green.</returns>
    ''' <remarks>Uses a bubble sort and divisor system to determine the results.</remarks>
    Public Function CalculateOrd(ByVal ScoreRed As Decimal, ByVal ScoreYellow As Decimal, ByVal ScoreBlue As Decimal, ByVal ScoreGreen As Decimal) As List(Of Decimal)

    Const Red As Integer = 0
    Const Yellow As Integer = 1
    Const Blue As Integer = 2
    Const Green As Integer = 3

    Dim j As Integer
    Dim n As Integer
    Dim Result As Decimal()
    Dim SwapTemp As Decimal()
    Dim Sort As Decimal(,)
    Dim Swapped As Boolean
    ReDim Result(3)
    ReDim SwapTemp(1)
    ReDim Sort(3, 1)

    Sort(0, 0) = ScoreRed
    Sort(0, 1) = Red
    Sort(1, 0) = ScoreYellow
    Sort(1, 1) = Yellow
    Sort(2, 0) = ScoreBlue
    Sort(2, 1) = Blue
    Sort(3, 0) = ScoreGreen
    Sort(3, 1) = Green

    Swapped = False
    For n = 0 To 2
    If Sort(n, 0) < Sort((n + 1), 0) Then 'Lower element is a greater value
    'So, swap them.
    SwapTemp(0) = Sort(n, 0)
    SwapTemp(1) = Sort(n, 1)
    Sort(n, 0) = Sort((n + 1), 0)
    Sort(n, 1) = Sort((n + 1), 1)
    Sort((n + 1), 0) = SwapTemp(0)
    Sort((n + 1), 1) = SwapTemp(1)
    Swapped = True
    End If
    Loop While Swapped = True 'Bubble sorting the array. Zeroth is highest rank.

    Dim RankPoints As Integer
    Dim SkippedTeams As Integer

    RankPoints = 0 'Sets the "pot" of ordinal points to zero to start.
    SkippedTeams = 0 'Sets the number of skipped teams to zero. Skipped teams have the same score as the team below them.
    For n = 0 To 3
    RankPoints = RankPoints + 4 - n 'Adds the appropriate number of points to the pot for the curent rank (4pts for 1st, decreasing one per rank).
    If (n < 3) AndAlso (Sort(n, 0) = Sort((n + 1), 0)) Then 'If the team below this team has the same score as the current team, and we're not at the bottom (to avoid throwing an error)...
    SkippedTeams = SkippedTeams + 1 'Add one to the number of skipped teams, keep the same pot, and loop around with the next lowest team.
    Else 'We're either at the end of the list, or this team's score is not equal to the score of the team below it. We're now goign to assign values.
    If Sort(n, 0) = -1 Then 'All teams to assign points to have been disqualified.
    RankPoints = 0 'We're going to set the pot to zero, because DQ'd teams don't get anything.
    End If
    For j = 0 To SkippedTeams 'For all the teams that we need to assign points to...
    Result(CInt(Sort((n - j), 1))) = CDec(RankPoints / (SkippedTeams + 1)) 'Divide the number of points in the pot by the number of teams that we need to share the points amongst, and assign those points to the slot for the team's score [Result(Sort((n - j), 1))] in the return array.
    RankPoints = 0 'All the points in the pot have been divvied up, so we need to blank the pot to start fresh.
    SkippedTeams = 0 'All the teams have received their points, so we also blank the skip count to keep from fubar-ing the system.
    End If

    Dim ResultList As List(Of Decimal)
    ResultList = New List(Of Decimal)

    For n = 0 To 3 'Return that ugly array as a nicer list.

    Return ResultList
    End Function

    Porting code between VB 2008 and VBA to make a PowerPoint network scoreboard work.

    EDIT: Code tags add annoying escape characters in front of my comment quotes.
    Post edited by Lusankya on

    Needed to win a bet that there was something called the ASCIIpad, I won.
  • edited May 2008
    "Clearly the tetrahedron I saw as a child inspired me to become a modern day visionary, aka Sailing Coach.

    I was young, the shape and bright color were all new to me, they confirmed to me there was a greater being. The 4 sided triangle was almost as tall me, ~4 feet, and so overfilled with air it looked like it could pop at any second. I was inspired to find out what this massive funny shaped balloon was used for and how I could use my life to spend more time with it."

    I'm not going to even bother explaining.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • zettai unmei mokushiroku

    Finishing Utena, and figured I'd confuse my friend who hasn't seen it yet with random lyrics from it.
  • kara

    I have no idea why that is copied. I'm pretty sure it's from messing around with some Japanese lyrics for the purposes of being able to read them more easily during karaoke, but I don't remember copying anything. :/

  • The Engineer's Guide to Cats. Copied to be shared elsewhere - mission accomplished!
    Another part of the field

    Alarum. Enter the KING and his train, with prisoners; EXETER, and

    KING HENRY. Well have we done, thrice-valiant countrymen;
    But all's not done- yet keep the French the field.
    EXETER. The Duke of York commends him to your Majesty.
    KING HENRY. Lives he, good uncle? Thrice within this hour
    I saw him down; thrice up again, and fighting;
    From helmet to the spur all blood he was.
    EXETER. In which array, brave soldier, doth he lie
    Larding the plain; and by his bloody side,
    Yoke-fellow to his honour-owing wounds,
    The noble Earl of Suffolk also lies.
    Suffolk first died; and York, all haggled over,
    Comes to him, where in gore he lay insteeped,
    And takes him by the beard, kisses the gashes
    That bloodily did yawn upon his face,
    He cries aloud 'Tarry, my cousin Suffolk.
    My soul shall thine keep company to heaven;
    Tarry, sweet soul, for mine, then fly abreast;
    As in this glorious and well-foughten field
    We kept together in our chivalry.'
    Upon these words I came and cheer'd him up;
    He smil'd me in the face, raught me his hand,
    And, with a feeble grip, says 'Dear my lord,
    Commend my service to my sovereign.'
    So did he turn, and over Suffolk's neck
    He threw his wounded arm and kiss'd his lips;
    And so, espous'd to death, with blood he seal'd
    A testament of noble-ending love....

    Part of a scene in Henry V for English.
  • file:///home/nine/Segin/podcasts/Geeknights/Mondays/20080512.mp3

    Me copying the latest Geeknights episode to my iPod.
  • Doctor Who: Time Crash

    Copied from the IMDB, searched for on the you tubes.
  • 12 Byzantine Rulers

    I visited one of the podcast threads and grabbed some episodes of various podcasts.
  • Me copying the latest Geeknights episode to my iPod.
    RSS feeds!
  • (p9) ‘“toss-pot” Barton’s parson-ridden political adventurers, discredited publicists, and new chum legislators, have trifled with the treasury, plundered the public, attempted to steal away States’ Rights, and now they want to loot our literature.’

    Quote for a presentation I'm writing.
  • AC5BIuhQBy0

    I video I guess I forgot to post here last night.
  • 080514 - ICE: The OAV

    I guess you know what this is...

    Also, great topic, you guys!
  • Für Tugend, Menschenrecht und Menschenfreiheit sterben
    Ist höchst erhabner Mut, ist Welt-Erlösertod:
    Denn nur die göttlichsten der Heldenmenschen färben
    Dafür den Panzerrock mit ihrem Herzblut rot.

    Am höchsten ragt an ihm die große Todesweihe
    Für sein verwandtes Volk, sein Vaterland hinan.
    Dreihundert Sparter ziehn in dieser Heldenreihe
    Durchs Tor der Ewigkeit den übrigen voran.

    So groß ist auch der Tod für einen guten Fürsten,
    Mit Zepter, Waag' und Schwert in tugendhafter Hand.
    Wohl mag der Edlen Mut nach solchem Tode dürsten:
    Denn es ist Tod zugleich für Volk und Vaterland.

    Der Tod für Freund und Kind, und für die süße Holde
    Ist, wenn nicht immer groß, doch rührend stets und schön.
    Denn es ist Todesgang, den, nicht erkauft mit Golde,
    Im Drange des Gefühls nur edle Menschen gehn.

    Sich für Tyrannen gar hinab zur Hölle balgen,
    Das ist ein Tod, der nur der Hölle wohl gefällt.
    Wo solch ein Held erliegt, da werde Rad und Galgen
    Für Straßenräuber und für Mörder aufgestellt!

    Kind of random poem. Kudos to anyone who can say in which Hollywood movie this Poem was recited.

    Added a chain of retro stores to my map, this was a "web ring" site with all of the locations.
  • Take your quarrels outside this place of healing
    Writings on the wall in the Wiksik Medical hut (native village in the browser based MMORPG Shartak). I copied it so that I could append some more text to it.
  • <font color="#FF0000">borderline</font>
    Was following Mr. Period's example by correcting a spelling error somebody had made on my forum, then highlighting it in red.
  • The first time I used a cuss word was in middle school, and I thought I was going to be struck by lightning after I said it.

    I posted this in a thread.
  • Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.

    A quote, I guess.
  • n

    Well, that's interesting.
  • iwconfig ath0 essid
  • 1588-5685-2449-0557-2224-8870-5727

    Make of that what you will, who ever guesses what this is gets a cookie.

    Be specific.

  • Make of that what you will, who ever guesses what this is gets a cookie.

    Be specific.
    It's obviously a CD-KEY, probably to an Adobe product.
  • Yup, Adobe Master Collection CS3. *Gives Apreche a cookie.*
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