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GeekNights 080515 - Geek Profiles: Thaed

edited May 2008 in Everything Else
Tonight on GeekNights we profile one of our high quality geek listeners, Thaed. We also discuss the train situation in India.

Scott's Thing - Zog Sports
Rym's Thing - Shiba Inu
Thaed's Thing - MUTO

Friday Night Party Line


  • I found the video that goes along with Thaed's news.
  • I found the video that goes along with Thaed's news.
    Best train ever.
  • That is one awesome train.
  • edited May 2008
    I found the video that goes along with Thaed's news.
    I saw a homeless guy do something like this on the Chicago El once. It wasn't as well choreographed, but it was no less entertaining.
    Post edited by Pseudocidal on
  • Thanks to Rym & Scott for having me on. I certainly enjoyed it!
  • I agree with Thaed's idea for a show. The Monday and Thursday shows are generally my favorites. Mostly after a Monday tech show I find that I would have liked to hear more detail. I am an IT guy and a podcaster myself so I may be in the minority as well. I have also tried some of the board games you suggested and I have enjoyed some of the Anime you have suggested, which includes watching Avatar with my son.
  • Ok, for you people who want us to not hold back on technology, I have an idea. On Monday, I'll do a segment where I will talk about an Ubuntu/Gnome bug I recently submitted. I will describe the bug as I would to someone with equal knowledge as myself. We'll see how people receive that.
  • I'll do something similar. I'll talk about time synchronization in virtual machines.
  • Ok, for you people who want us to not hold back on technology, I have an idea. On Monday, I'll do a segment where I will talk about an Ubuntu/Gnome bug I recently submitted. I will describe the bug as I would to someone with equal knowledge as myself. We'll see how people receive that.
    Awesome. I've always been bored with your tech shows and recently I haven't even been listening to them. Talking about computer hardware and programming topics in layman's terms does nothing for me.
  • I've always been bored with your tech shows and recently I haven't even been listening to them. Talking about computer hardware and programming topics in layman's terms does nothing for me.
    I agree. I most often don't listen to the entirety of every episode I download. I think you guys should decide the type of episode you want to do.
  • Just started listening to this episode. It seems less gay than normal.
  • edited May 2008
    In contrast, I am not a tech person, and quite enjoy the laymens terms episodes. During shows with higher levels of tech that I don't understand yet, I just lose track of what's being talked about, get bored, and half tune the episode out until it's done. This makes me sound dumb and lazy, I know, but technology isn't one of my main interests. I still think it's interesting to hear about it and get a good basic idea of how things work, though, which is why I'm still listening to Mondays.

    Also, it has been said in the past that when the level of tech gets increased, the overall dryness of the episode also tends to increase. This is a statement I definitely agree with.
    Post edited by Eryn on
  • In contrast, I am not a tech person, and quite enjoy the laymens terms episodes.
    I think this is one area where they just can't please everybody. I don't envy their dilemma.

    The reality is that very few people are 100% compatible with every night of Geek Nights. I found the show because of my love of boardgaming. I rarely, if ever, listen to a Wednesday episode. But that's fine. They can't please everyone on every night.

    My advice would be for Scrym to do what interests them the most. That will come across in the show.
  • I found the video that goes along with Thaed's news.
    I love that song so much, Bollywood rocks so hard.

    Anyways, great episode. It always helps podcasts to sometimes bring in fresh voices that are just as interesting as the hosts. Regarding the tech episode dilemma, I was fine with the level that you kept in the CS/IT series of episodes, but it wouldn't hurt to try going hardcore next Monday.
  • edited May 2008
    Rym, where did you get the idea that no tax dollars go towards Metro North?

    Passenger fares only account for about half of Metro-North's budget. Grants, appropriations and taxes account for almost half of the budget. Connecticut alone gives about $60 million per year of tax money to Metro-North.

    Metro North, as it is currently run, is far from being profitable. Every time you board the train, you're sucking off of the government tit.
    Post edited by Kilarney on
  • jccjcc
    edited May 2008
    This show seemed a bit pausier than usual... Did the "Make Rym & Scott Sound Smarter" filter have trouble with the Skype hum?

    *Edit: This show has more Scott gems than any other show in recent memory.
    Post edited by jcc on
  • This was a good show. There was more pauses than usual. I think this is normal with a new guy coming in as you're not sure how to play off of each other. That said your guest was very knowledgeable and interesting. Perhaps I'll check out his Friday show someday...
  • Just a small thought, but I think it'd be kinda cool if you had the guest in with the pre-openy bit part, so that it goes "I'm Rym, I'm Scott, I'm ____".
  • Just a small thought, but I think it'd be kinda cool if you had the guest in with the pre-openy bit part, so that it goes "I'm Rym, I'm Scott, I'm ____".
    We forgot to record the intro bit until after we hung up the phone.
  • On Monday, I'll do a segment where I will talk about an Ubuntu/Gnome bug I recently submitted.
    Not the Debian and OpenSSL thing?
  • On Monday, I'll do a segment where I will talk about an Ubuntu/Gnome bug I recently submitted.
    Not the Debian and OpenSSL thing?
    What Debian OpenSSL thing?
  • What Debian OpenSSL thing?
    Link and relevant xkcd:

    Security Holes
  • Rym, where did you get the idea that no tax dollars go towards Metro North?

    Passenger fares only account for about half of Metro-North's budget. Grants, appropriations and taxes account for almost half of the budget. Connecticut alone gives about $60 million per year of tax money to Metro-North.

    Metro North, as it is currently run, is far from being profitable. Every time you board the train, you're sucking off of the government tit.
    True, but it is tax money well spent.
  • I need to write up a thing for my blog about this, but I would recommend the Kindle if you read a lot. I'm really loving mine. The only thing I've had problems with is that two books I want to read they don't have on the Kindle store (The Prince of Nothing book 1, and The Post-American World,) it seems thought that there aren't any ebook version (legal ones) of the PoN books, and I imagine that the other one will appear there soon-ish. Since it was just released.
  • What happens if you delete an ebook form the kindle? Is it like the Virtual Console where you can always download it again at a future date? Can you move it to a computer?
  • You can re-download it from Amazon whenever you want in the future.
  • I've got a Sony Reader. It's not as locked down as the Kindle. Nonetheless, there is a lot to like about the Kindle. If they can get rid of all of the buttons, I'd be all over it.
  • I've got a Sony Reader. It's not as locked down as the Kindle. Nonetheless, there is a lot to like about the Kindle. If they can get rid of all of the buttons, I'd be all over it.
    All the buttons are there for a reason. The keyboard makes it very easy to search the Kindle store, and also very easy for using the web browser. It clear that the keyboard is there for using the browser since two of the keys are the '@' key and the '/' key. Aside from '.' all the other symbols require going through a menu.
  • All the buttons are there for a reason.
    I understand why the buttons are there. The problem I have with the buttons is that 99% of the time I'm using the Kindle, I don't need the buttons. They are taking up excess real estate pretty much all of the time. I'm able to get books on the Sony Reader just fine without all of those buttons - although admittedly I have to connect to a computer.

    What I'd like to see from the Kindle is something like the iRex ILiad does. Get rid of the buttons and have a touch-screen. That way you could create a virtual keyboard. If they did this, I'd really consider switching to the Kindle.
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