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GeekNights 080515 - Geek Profiles: Thaed



  • I was on a train roof before while travelling around India, only between a few stops though as it's totally illegal now - too many people dying.

    Also travelled on a roof of a bus in Nepal going through the mountains - air-conditioning of the gods ;)

    Also: Good episode.
  • edited May 2008
    Hadn't actually gotten a chance to listen to this episode until yesterday. I'm finally going subscribe to FNPL after much debating over whether or not to add yet another podcast to my iTunes or not, thanks to this and to the most recent episode with Dr. Kiki. Thaed, you have a great podcasting voice and lots of interesting things to say. :)

    Also: yay! I was mentioned! :D Do I really come off as that scary anime girl from the forums?
    Post edited by Eryn on
  • Also: yay! I was mentioned! :D Do I really come off as that scary anime girl from the forums?
    No, you're a pretty average anime girl, but imagine what that must look like to a straight laced lawyer like Thaed.
  • Do I really come off as that scary anime girl from the forums?
    Yes! For the purpose of making this post somewhat funny, YES! Otherwise, eh, not really if you ask me. You should be more active here. *nod* Perhaps then I'll be able to truthfully say "Yes!". On a side note, you had a podcast too, right?
  • I'm in podcast limbo right now. I had a podcast about anime music (which wasn't terribly good, but it wasn't hugely terrible either), and I'm currently still working on getting my new, more general geeky one off the ground. It's taking forever for us to get around to recording the pilot episode because my co-host has been very busy lately. *sigh*
  • edited May 2008
    I'm in podcast limbo right now. I had a podcast about anime music (which wasn't terribly good, but it wasn't hugely terrible either), and I'm currently still working on getting my new, more general geeky one off the ground. It's taking forever for us to get around to recording the pilot episode because my co-host has been very busy lately. *sigh*
    Wah! *tracks down co-host!*

    Also if Tenchi is the "crazy anime chick" then all crazy anime chick should be that way. I once met and used to know some scary ones. Brrrr.

    Thead does have a great voice. It's wow!
    Post edited by Viga on
  • She's crazy. Doesn't mean she isn't a nice person.
  • Did I actually say crazy anime chick? lol. I didn't mean it that way. I meant crazy into anime. Also, I mentioned Viga specifically and it got cut. Either Skype or the smart filter ate Viga.

    Thanks to all for your kind comments. This Friday's guest is going to be really cool...
  • the smart filter ate Viga.
    LMAO. Let's all think about this sentence.
  • edited May 2008
    Wait, were you saying "rigidity" or "virginity" when you were talking about dating?

    edit: Anyways, I just finished the episode. All in all, I'm happy with it and with the direction Thursday shows are going. I look forward to more geek profiles!
    Post edited by Dkong on
  • Did I actually say crazy anime chick? lol. I didn't mean it that way. I meant crazy into anime. Also, I mentioned Viga specifically and it got cut. Either Skype or the smart filter ate Viga.
    No, you didn't say it that way. I was just exaggerating a little for humour's sake. Sorry if it came off the wrong way. ^^;; And *snort* somehow the idea of the smart filter eating Viga is quite amusing to me too. Love for the Viga!
    Thanks to all for your kind comments. This Friday's guest is going to be really cool...
    Glad to hear it. I'll be eagerly anticipating the end of the week.
  • I've been busy this past few days with family in town and have finally been able to catch up with these damn forums and the podcasts. I agree with Dkong on where the direction of the Thursday shows are going. When I read the title last week, I got excited and really looked forward to listening.

    I enjoy Thaed's voice. It's just so smooth and relaxing to listen to. FNPL is a really great podcast and I really enjoy the episodes where it not only includes Scrym, but forum-goers here. That's pretty cool.
  • the smart filter ate Viga.
    LMAO. Let's all think about this sentence.
    *kicks the smart filter in the head* Viga is not stupid!
    Thead does have a great voice. It's wow!
    I thought this was already established, no? And yay! GeekNights Fridays coming up. :D (j/k, FNPL != GeekNights Forum chat/GeekNights Fridays)
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