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The Ask Rym and Scott Show



  • What would you guys do if you had a billion dollars? And if Scott starts on another unintelligent rant Rym has my permission to hurt him. :)
  • I submit to you that real life is just like a very complex German board game.

    Clearly both Rym and Scott are outstanding gamers.

    Therefore those gaming skills should transfer to real life enabling them to acquire much power and wealth in the real life game.

    So the question (and it's the one that plagues Mensa members everywhere) is:

    Why aren't Rym and Scott rich and powerful in real life?
  • edited June 2006
    Simple, it's becuase the rules change constantly and no one ever tells you what they are.

    More Questions:
    1)Which superpower would you take: The ability to Fly or the ability to turn invisible?
    NOTE: Flight: you can only carry as much as you could lift on the ground and you can't fly and survive where you wouldn't survive otherwise (ex. space, in a volcano, etc.) Invisible: Your body and the cloths you are wearing are the only things that would turn invisible. (got this from a segment on NPR)

    2)If you never went into computers what couse of study would you have taken?

    3)If money was no object what car would you purchase?

    4)How much wood can a woodchuck chuck?

    5)Rally or F1? And why!
    Post edited by baltmatrix on
  • Which part of your body do you value the most?
  • Why do you believe that advertising is so bad?
  • When are you going to do shows on all those things you've said you'll do a show on?
  • OK that was a great episode - you MUST do it again sometime cause now i got some real questions!
  • Caylus only plays up to 5 players, not 6.

    Have you guys played Power Grid, El Grande, or Princes of Florence? Good stuff!
  • We own El Grande. Pretty good game, but it gets old. We still need to get on with Power Grid and/or Princes of Florence. Maybe when we're bored with what we've got.
  • Okay. The episode is over, but I have another question. An important and ITCHY one. What is the fastest way to get rid of poison ivy using non-painful methods?

  • Flamethrower
  • Calamine lotion was found to have no effect.
    A cortizone (I think that's what it is) shot always does the trick.
  • Take BAN deoderant/antiperspirant and rub it on the affected area. It won't make it go away, but it will help you survive until your body kills it. Also, if it's really bad go see the doctor who will give you some roids to kill it.
  • what about a day where you guys talk about the greatest
    or your favorites sci-fi movies
    or your favorites action movies
  • edited August 2006
    Also what about an episode where you guy talk about how you guys got your first computer?
    Either your own personal , a family computer that your family bought and then you take over or the first one you guys assemble on your own (with fear that somehow something would go wrong)
    Post edited by Erwin on
  • Who and/or what inspired you to get into podcasting?
  • Your thoughts on Christianity and Christian Scientists.

    Your favorite comic book moments.

    Your opinions on American animation.
  • The Christian Scientists have been hit pretty hard already, though I can't remember when...
  • Um, I can't guarantee we're going to answer these questions guys. This was a thread for episode 060629. Maybe in episode 070629 or 061209 we'll do another Ask Rym + Scott show. Maybe.
  • You guys always say that Novell screws with windows. I was wondering what it actually does to it and/or why you guys dislike it so much. I ask only because I install it on every computer in my school. I know that NMAS is bad for us but am not sure why. Could you post the answer of maybe do a little metabit on it?
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