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Your average day.

edited June 2008 in Everything Else
In the "how to move forward" thread, Scott was saying how there just aren't enough ours in the day for him to do what he wants to do. An average day for him usually means over an hour spent on podcasting and two hours on commuting. Some things are common and some things are highly unusual.

So how about sharing your average week day? What do you spend most time on and how much? Do you do something every day that most people consider out of the ordinary but for you is just normal?

I'll share mine in a bit when I've thought about it more.


  • edited June 2008
    My average day really depends on whether I am in school or not. If I am in school I wake up at 6 take a shower, get dressed, eat breakfast and get on the bus at about 6:50 and get to school a little after 7. I am in school until 2:10 (or either 3:30 or 4:30 depending on whether I stay after for clubs) and get home at around 2:30. After that I am either doing homework, drawing, or on the internet until about 8:00 in which I eat dinner and watch the Daily Show and the Colbert Report. After that I either continue internetting or watch some TV and go to bed somewhere between 10 or 11.

    During the summer, I wake up between 8 and 9 and internet, play video games and hang out until around 8:00 when my schedule returns to the school schedule (more or less).
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • edited June 2008
    I never really have an average day. When I do it's mostly being online, watching anime, drawing and eating. I don't have a daily routine.
    Post edited by Viga on
  • Interesting question. Let's see -- generally, I wake up between 4 and 6 pm. Have breakfast, then draw, draw, and draw. Usually read a chapter or two of manga in there somewhere. Screw around on the internet more than I should. When my girlfriend gets home, cook dinner, unless we've got leftovers we need to get rid of, eat dinner while watching the Daily Show. 10:30pm, ride my bike to work. Around 7am, get home from work. Draw more. Go to sleep between 8 and 10, repeat.
  • generally, I wake up between 4 and 6 pm.
    Some how I doubt that.
  • edited June 2008

    Some how I doubt that.
    Then you doubt wrong.
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • Some how I doubt that.
    Then you doubt wrong.
    He doesn't go to work until 10:30 p.m, so obviously he has a night job.
  • Wow funfetus, very different.

    I wake up at 8 am, feed the kitties and get dressed. Supposedly I am out of the house at 9am. I take the J/F train one hour into the city. At 10 am I get into work and at 11:15 my project team scrums to find out what the tasks for the day are. I have lunch after my boyfriend scrums. We eat lunch at 1 pm usually. I leave at 6pm and I get home at 7pm (if we are not crunching). At home I feed the cats and start my personal projects. If I'm not feeling my personal projects that day, I'll play some games. I go to bed at 1am and sometimes later but I try not to.
  • I wake about 9am, usually read a bit before I get up. I then take a shower, eat breakfast and turn on the laptop to update the ipod with new podcast and check for important emails, but those few things change in order each morning depending on how I feel. Next I do an hour or so housework like washing up, laundry, vacuuming and general cleaning. Between maybe 11am and 1pm I do my main internet stuff, catching up on feeds and forums and news and the like. My afternoon usually means a bit shopping, helping my girlfriend with her art projects and getting on with my own projects (for example, I've recently been kitting out our new van for a 6 week holiday/tour over the summer). 5pm to 7pm I usually do some training and rehearsing of my routines, though I spend more time if I have a show coming up. Then 3 or 4 nights a week I go out to a juggling club or meeting to hang out with friends, play combat and volleyclub and generally geek out about juggling. Otherwise me and my girlfriend watch a DVD or my girlfriend watches some German TV series while I read or do more online stuff. Then at 10pm we'll eat (I do housework and my girlfriend cooks, an arrangement with which we are both happy). Later we'll watch a DVD or play a board or card game or wii sports. Then I try to do more sitting at the computer projects like writing, composing music, recording podcasts or other random stuff. Then bed at about 1am and read until I fall asleep.
  • Wake up at 9:30 a.m. or so and play with the dog for a while.

    Log on and check RSS feeds and bookmarks, then maybe watch something online until 11 a.m. or so.

    Make lunch, clean up, do odd jobs, shower and shave. Back online unless I have to run to the store or do errands.

    At 2 p.m. I read all the major local news for the day to get my bearings. At 2:15 p.m. I leave for work and 15 minutes later I'm usually being assigned to cover some emergency at the newspaper.

    Leave work about 11 p.m., kiss wife goodnight, log on and see what other peeps are up to. Bed about 1 a.m.
  • I get up about 7AM and get the kid on the school bus by 8AM. From there until noon I either have sex with my wife, play online, work on the yard/house or run errands.

    On the way to work I always stop at Taco Bell for a 99 cent 1/2lb cheesy bean and rice burrito and start work about 1PM. At work I am the traveller so I go wherever they need me to go. I get off from work at 9PM and go home.

    Once home I see if there is anything worth watching on the DVR or NetFlix. I also take a quick look online. A few hours later it is bed time again.
  • I either have sex with my wife
    What, is it your birthday already?
  • Oh, on my average day I have sex with my girlfriend about 0.2 times.
  • edited June 2008
    Oh, on my average day I have sex with my girlfriend about 0.2 times.
    Key point is girlfriend. When my wife was still my girlfriend we also had sex multiple times every week. At least once a day was not uncommon. However, as time goes on things change.
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • I'm having trouble dividing by zero.
  • Weekly since some nights I sleep over his place.
  • generally, I wake up between 4 and 6 pm.
    Some how I doubt that.
    He goes to bed between 8 and 10. He sleeps 8 hours and is apparently a morning person. Very interesting Funfetus.

    As for me... Let's just take an average workday (not counting Friday).
    I wake up at 6:45, get up, MAIN COMPUTER TURN ON, get dressed while downloading all the new podcast episodes and reading webcomics (on Monday and Wednesday that means xkcd, important for later that day talk about it happens), prepare bread for later, copy all new podcasts to HINA, eat bread (generally that's bread, no butter, yes Duo Penotti), pack my bag with prepared bread and a bottle of Ice Tea, if I have not already I plug my earbuds in my ears, plug-in HINA and start listening to podcasts. Leave the house between 7:24-7:31.
    Walk 1 minute (I guess It's one minute) to the train station, wait till classmate arrives, say 'morning', wait till the train from 7:34-ish arrives, get in, sit down (hopefully/probably) and have a 20-25 min train ride. Get out at provincie capital station, go to the next train (fast one), get on, 40 minute or so ride, from Central Station I go to the busses, get either line 11 or 15 and have another 20 or so minutes ride, depends on traffic. (special note later)
    Arrive at Mathematics and Natural Sciences location of the University and follow several 2 hour classes.
    Afterwards I take the bus back to the train station, hope to get the fast train, if not (i.e. most likely scenario) I take the stoptrain, an hour and some trainride, really I don't know the exact time, I'm listening to podcasts and not paying attention to the time, get to the capital of Friesland again, take the train to my home city, walk 1 minute back, open the door, dump bag, hang up coat, empty pockets, clean bottle, head to my room, MAIN COMPUTER TURN ON.

    Check feeds, podcasts, webcomics. Lurk FRC forums for a bit, watch some anime, code some stuff, perhaps do some homework or general studies, eat between 18:00-20:00, continue dicking around (on the internet) as before dinner, go to bed at 23:00-24:00. Rinse and repeat.

    Note, busses have been a pain in the ass lately. For a few weeks they've been stubborn and only drove between 7-9 in the morning and 4-7 in the evening. Strike, wooptidoo. They still haven't gotten what they wanted, so now they are completely on strike from today onwards. Which means I'll have to bring my bicycle on the train and manage storage at the station tomorrow.
    Also, Tuesday's are 'hell'. Classes from 9:00 till 18:00. With the first 4 of those hours NOT being Mathematics, and the latter 5 being a 3 hour work college and a 2 hour extra Mathematics college (Mathematics isn't that popular here and many have a hard time with it). So tiresome... well, at least I learn something.
  • I kinda never have that typical of a day, because weekends are always different, and my work schedule changes week by week...but regardless.
    Get up somewhere around 645 or 7ish. Get changed, eat, brush my teeth, etc. Read some manga if I have time. Then I leave for school at 7:30. I'm then I get to school somewhere around 745 or 8, depending on traffic (the road my school is on is absolutely crippled by bumper to bumper traffic if even the most minute road construction/work is going on. It gets fucking annoying, fast). Then I'm at school till around 2:40, then leave and get home at around 3.
    After that I'll do homework. Sometimes I'm done early, sometimes I'm done later. After that, I go on the computer, maybe watch some anime, maybe read some manga, maybe play some video games. Or if I have work, that pretty much eats up the majority of the remainder of my day once I get home from school...I'm usually in bed somewhere around 12am-1am. Oh, I usually shower before going to bed, too, cause I'm REALLY not a morning person...

    On weekends when I don't have work, I usually get up at around 11am. I then do whatever the hell I want, really. Computer, gaming, going somewhere with my friends, whatever. I usually go to bed somewhere around 2-5am, depending on how late I stay out and how tired I am.
    Or if I have work, usually I get fucked with the 6am shift, so I'm usually in bed early and up at like 5am.
  • Jason, your comments are on fire lately.
  • edited June 2008
    Well, right now, school is still in, so...
    5:30 - Wake Up/Take Shower/Get Ready For School/Eat Breakfast/Laundry/Check Weather/Check Email
    6:30 - Leave for School
    7:00-2:15 - At School
    2:30 - Come home and eat
    2:50-10:00/11:00 - Sit Around/browse internet/watch anime/TV/read/practice Muay Thai/work out/talk to friends/go out

    Weekends (and Summer) are:
    6-7:30 - Wake Up/Take Shower/Eat Breakfast
    Rest of time until 11:00-12:00PM - Sit Around/browse internet/watch anime/TV/read/practice Muay Thai/work out/talk to friends/go out/play video games(I generally don't play them during weekdays)

    EDIT: I also eat.
    Post edited by Ilmarinen on
  • edited June 2008
    I wake up, then go to school, then come home and get on the computer, then practice bass, then do homework, then play more bass and spend more time on the computer. On Tuesdays and Thursdays items number three and four are replaced with sailing practice and occasionally on a random day going to eat food with my friends. On the weekends I usually spend one or two of the days, if you count Friday, to round up as many people as possible to do something cool and the remaining day to do my homework.

    During the summer my schedule will be waking up, then going to the yacht club, then preparing the equipment, then teaching Beginner class, then lunch, then Intermediate, then either Advanced and Race Clinic or going sailing myself, then cleaning up and going home tired as fuck. Weekends will be either races or traveling to visit my friends who are taking summer classes at various colleges.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Well, if I'm going to Uni* I get up at about 8:00, get a shower and eat some breakfast while watching a movie** (Usually about 15 mins worth - if it's raining***). I wear my hiking boots and jacket and if it is, and if it's not I just throw my casual shoes and a jumper on. I usually sync my iPod before I leave to catch 15 minutes of Geeknights while I walk to Uni, or if I'm feeling really lazy I get the bus a whole two stops down the road. I tend to eat at the restaurant in Uni for lunch cos' it's really cheap, or I defeat the money saving point by going to Starbucks for a hot chocolate.

    After Uni I walk back, get some dinner (while watching a movie) and then browse the Interwebs for a bit. I usually Skype my girlfriend before she goes to bed (South Korea time) and then chat to other mates about projects we're working on. Sometimes I head down to the arty fartsy cinema down the road from me and catch a late showing (usually about 11:45), then head back and go to sleep before 02:00.

    This routine is almost finished though as I'm heading back to Dublin to start a job for the summer, I'll probably post that new one once I start.

    *In the U.K. people say Uni, an abbreviation of University.

    **I watch a movie over the course of a few days while eating food on front of my computer (Unless I have friends over or something, then It's a bit more social).

    *** Scotland is a very rainy place, usually I change my clothes based on what the weather looks like in the morning.
  • Monday - Thursday:
    ~Get up hopefully before 5 AM and get ready for work and out the door by 5:30.
    ~6:00-3:30 work. Check email, FRC forums, & other various things on the internets that I actually have access to. I also BS with coworkers and make as many jokes as possible. They day is mostly filled with laughter with work on the side. During my lunch I try to read whatever book/comic/manga I'm currently into. I normally go over 15-20 mins because I lose track of time. ^^;;
    ~4:00-9:00 I arrive home. I check the internet for various things that were blocked at work. Do various chores. Start dinner. Work out on Wii Fit or go to the gym. Play video games/watch movies/watch BSG/play WoW. Run errands.
    ~9:00-11:00 Get any new podcasts and charge iPod. Start winding down. Play some DS in the bed with the boyfriend. Play/tickle/wrestle with the boyfriend to near exhaustion. Sleep no later than 11, or I will be doomed next morning for work. -_-

    Pretty much the same, but I work only 4 hours from 6:00-10:00. Go home and do whatever.
  • Generally, the attempt is to wake up at 8*, dress, catch bus at 8:50, get to school at 9:30, bum around, go to class. After school at 3:10, catch bus at 3:20, get home around 4, bum around until bed time (about 9 or 10 PM). Bumming around sometimes means I eat and shower.

    Tuesdays, I go to my friend's place after school, and then to anime at 5:30. Thursdays I work from 4 til 8. Friday we get off at 12:30 which means more bumming around. Saturdays I get up at 9 and go to work, then D&D at 1, then home at 6. Sunday I bum around all day.

    *Usually I wake up at 10 or later, missing my first class. Which explains why I have a 20 percent in it.
  • edited June 2008
    Lately up around 7-8am* eat shower all that jazz
    9am-1pm: Read, video games, email, other internet related stuff on good days look for a job
    1pm-9pm: Class (most likely online for at last part of it) or other school work (3 out of 5) the other two are video games or hanging out with friends that are off work that day, kick boxing
    9pm-1 or 2am: D&D, video games, reading, hanging with friends, running, weight lifting, more internet
    Food happens at random times in that day.

    *any day that has running and kick boxing in it 9-10am wake up

    EDIT: I thought I slept more then that.
    Post edited by fuzzyj on
  • This is a really interesting thread.

    My day starts at 7:30am. Wake up and do internet or work on personal projects until 9am. I get ready and leave the house at 9:45am. I get to work at 10am.

    I then get into work and hope that anything I checked in the night before didn't screw up any of the programmers or animators. Once the coast is clear I go to my lead and get assigned my daily tasks or get critiques. By 7pm I check in my stuff and I usually leave. I get home around 7:30 - 8pm (when I am not crunching).

    At home I eat dinner and try not to play games (reserve games mostly for the weekends), but I cant stay away from the internet or anime =). Then I just sit and work on my personal projects and go to bed around 1am.

    @funfetus: I used to have a similar schedule. I kind of miss it. I felt like I had more free time to do my own stuff.

    @dutopia: I think in Austrailia, they call it Uni too. I only know cause I once asked an Aussie girl what college she went to and she seemed to be offended. Still not too sure why. ^_^;
  • kick boxing
    Nice. Muay thai? I used to train Muay Thai and BJJ. I don't have the time these days, but as soon as I can go full-time freelance, I'll be back at the BJJ academy.
  • @dutopia: I think in Austrailia, they call it Uni too.
    I live in Australia, consider this verified.
    I only know cause I once asked an Aussie girl what college she went to and she seemed to be offended. Still not too sure why. ^_^;
    I'll quote Wikipedia
    In Australia, the term "college" can refer to an institution of tertiary education that is smaller than a university, run independently or as part of a university. Following a reform in the 1980s many of the formerly independent colleges now belong to a larger university. Many private high schools that provide secondary education are called "colleges" in Australia. The term can also be used to refer to parts of a university, that provide residence for students, both undergraduate and postgraduate, called university colleges, as in the United Kingdom. These Colleges often provide additional tutorial assistance and some host theological study. In the state of Victoria, many public schools providing secondary education are known as secondary colleges, though most Victorians still refer to this level of education as "high school".

    Additionally, in Tasmania and the Australian Capital Territory, "college" refers to the final two years of high school (years eleven and twelve), and the institutions which provide this. In this context, "college" is a system independent of the other years of high school. Here, the expression is a shorter version of matriculation college.

    In the state of South Australia nearly all private schools, including those with year levels from Reception (5 year olds) through to year 12 and 13 are called Colleges.
  • - Wake up a 5:00am
    - Drive my girlfriend to work at 5:30am
    - Get back home at 5:45am and lay down until about 7:20am and then I get up and get ready for work
    - Go to work at 8:00am (work is only a 2 min drive from home)
    - Go home for lunch at 12:00pm and get something to eat and check out my fav websites to see what's going on
    - Return to work at 1:00pm
    - Take a 15 min break at 2:00pm to pick up my girlfriend at work and then return back to my work
    - Leave work at 4:30pm and go home for supper
    - Do some gaming (or yard work etc) until about 6:00pm or 6:30pm
    - Have a shower or bath depending on my preference that day at 6:30pm
    - Watch a movie or TV with my girlfriend (or go for a walk or drive etc.) until 9:00pm
    - Read from 9:00pm to 10:00pm
    - Go to bed at 10:00pm

    Yep, basically pretty boring.
  • kick boxing
    Nice. Muay thai? I used to train Muay Thai and BJJ. I don't have the time these days, but as soon as I can go full-time freelance, I'll be back at the BJJ academy.
    Yes, Muay Thai
  • edited June 2008
    Wake up @ 5:00 a.m., get ready.

    Catch Train to DC @ 6:16 a.m.

    Switch to Metro @ Union Station.

    Arrive @ Office about 8:00 a.m.

    Prepare Petitions for Involuntary Commitment.

    Prepare for Mental Health Commission Hearings by prepping files, emailing and teleconferencing with attorneys, doctors, sometimes the Magistrate Judge.

    Prepare for Probable Cause Hearings by doing much the same, with possible addition of teleconferencing with Case Managers or Police Officers.

    Go to either the Mental Health Commission or DC Superior Court depending on whether I have the MHC or PC Calendar for that day. Sometimes, like yesterday, one hearing will take all day. It’s not unusual for a Probable cause Hearing to last for three days. Normally, I spend at least one day a week in Court. Last week I was in Court every day.

    Other Court Appearances for things like PreTrial Conferences, Status Hearings, etc.

    Prepare for any upcoming trials by gathering discovery, preparing Discovery Compliance Letters, Pretrial Statements, Prepping witnesses.

    Respond to written Motions.

    Prepare Marshall’s Return Orders for Respondents who have absconded from Hospital.

    Update case entries on computer.

    Catch Metro back to Union Station @ 5:30 p.m.; Eat.

    Catch train back to Camden Yards @ 6:40 p. m.; Arrive home about 8:00 p.m.

    Walk Dogs.

    Bed @ 10:00 p.m.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
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