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Your average day.



  • Prepare Petitions for Involuntary Commitment.
    I didn't know this is what you do. Do you have direct contact with the patients, or do you take case files from the mental health workers? Moarplz.
  • Prepare Petitions for Involuntary Commitment.
    I didn't know this is what you do. Do you have direct contact with the patients, or do you take case files from the mental health workers? Moarplz.
    Respondents are represented by Counsel. My knowledge of them comes mostly from the file, their doctors, their case managers, and/or police officers.
  • edited June 2008
    Wake up to the sound of my CD player going off at about 6am. If it is orchestral music ignore it until about 15 minutes before I need to dash out the door. Roll off the futon, brush teeth, wash face, dress. Meet Alex downstairs and walk the short jaunt to the Beacon metro north station to make the 7:05. After drawing and studying kanji for an hour on the train, get into the city at about 8:15. Walk from Grand Central to Penn. Get our breakfast of the fatty rocky buns at the Chinese bakery across the street from the office. Unlock the door to the office at 8:40 and get to work on our respective game development tasks. (The virtual world team is composed of early risers) At about 10:30 other people start to trickle in, joke around, do work, texture, model. At 1:00, we go to the "company cafeteria," Amici26. a deli (or, if I am currently sick of Amici's, I go to the French sandwich shop on the corner) At 5:05, Alex and I take our leave to make the express train at half past. If I am feeling in the mood, I will go to the Japanese book stores, Kinokuniya or Bookoff, on the way to the station. I do any errands or shopping that needs to be done, catch the train, get to Beacon between 6:45 and 7. After getting home, I go for a run if the weather is nice out, come back exhausted and sweaty. Cook dinner, or go over the the geek house to mooch. After the show is done we usually have a communal supper and chill either at my place or the haus. Sometimes Alex comes over. We watch youtubes (but Rym needs to go to bed early) and I retire at about 10:30. On the days that I am feeling solitary, I stay by myself in Emi's Atlier (my apartment) and draw or read as dusk falls. That is a typical Emi day.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Respondents are represented by Counsel. My knowledge of them comes mostly from the file, their doctors, their case managers, and/or police officers.
    Have you ever felt conflicted about committing someone? Are there borderline cases that could go either way? Or are we talking about raving lunatics who think they are Xenu?
  • edited June 2008
    Respondents are represented by Counsel. My knowledge of them comes mostly from the file, their doctors, their case managers, and/or police officers.
    Have you ever felt conflicted about committing someone? Are there borderline cases that could go either way? Or are we talking about raving lunatics who think they are Xenu?
    I had a Probable Cause Hearing on Friday last week where the Respondent cried, laughed, wailed, moaned, screamed, ran around the courtroom, ran outside the courtroom, ran up and down the halls screaming and yelling, and then ran back in followed by a lot of U.S Marshalls.

    She was not a borderline case. Most borderline cases are made voluntary by the doctors before I have much dealing with them.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • Routine and average days are my enemy. I do my best to not have a routine, yet it is unavoidable as long as I have a 9 to 5 job paying the bills. I recently changed the routine slightly by going to work later and leaving later, and also cutting back on the show. Any day I do not work is completely different.

    On a work day I wake up 6:30AM ish, I take either the 7:44 or 8:17 trains nowadays. I get to GCT and take the subway to work. I stay at work until 5:20ish, then I reverse the commute and get home around 7:30PMish. If there's a show to do, we do it right away.

    Nothing else in my life is routine.
  • Respondents are represented by Counsel. My knowledge of them comes mostly from the file, their doctors, their case managers, and/or police officers.
    Have you ever felt conflicted about committing someone? Are there borderline cases that could go either way? Or are we talking about raving lunatics who think they are Xenu?
    I had a Probable Cause Hearing on Friday last week where the Respondent cried, laughed, wailed, moaned, screamed, ran around the courtroom, ran outside the courtroom, ran up and down the halls screaming and yelling, ran back in followed by a lot of U.S Marshalls.

    She was not a borderline case. Most borderline cases are made voluntary by the doctors before I have much dealing with them.
    Is there a way to commit the crazy homeless people who need help? I'm not talking about the non-crazy homeless. I'm not talking about dangerously crazy people either. I'm talking about the people who obviously have mental problems, and would be best served in a mental institution of some sort, but instead just roam the streets.
  • I had a Probable Cause Hearing on Friday last week where the Respondent cried, laughed, wailed, moaned, screamed, ran around the courtroom, ran outside the courtroom, ran up and down the halls screaming and yelling, and then ran back in followed by a lot of U.S Marshalls.
    How is this allowed? It seems like the Marshalls must have been incompetent to allow this sort of behavior.
  • edited June 2008
    Is there a way to commit the crazy homeless people who need help? I'm not talking about the non-crazy homeless. I'm not talking about dangerously crazy people either. I'm talking about the people who obviously have mental problems, and would be best served in a mental institution of some sort, but instead just roam the streets.
    Go back in time and try to convince Reagan not to slash funding for mental institutions.

    Seriously, as far as I know right now, you'd have to show dangerousness or liklihood to injure self or others in just about every jurisdiction these days. Some jurisdictions are more restrictive than others and require proof that the Respondent will present an imminent danger.
    I had a Probable Cause Hearing on Friday last week where the Respondent cried, laughed, wailed, moaned, screamed, ran around the courtroom, ran outside the courtroom, ran up and down the halls screaming and yelling, and then ran back in followed by a lot of U.S Marshalls.
    How is this allowed? It seems like the Marshalls must have been incompetent to allow this sort of behavior.
    She's not a criminal defendant. She's free to run around and make a spectacle of herself in Court if she wishes.

    The Judge has a lot of discretion in cases of bad behavior. This particular Judge let her have a pretty long leash. Many others would not tolerate as much as he did and would have just removed her.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on

  • Go back in time and try to convince Reagan not to slash funding for mental institutions.

    Seriously, as far as I know right now, you'd have to show dangerousness or liklihood to injure self or others in just about every jurisdiction these days. Some jurisdictions are more restrictive than others and require proof that the Respondent will present an imminent danger.
    Sigh. It's not just Reagan though. It was all back in the 60's with the Cuckoo's nest type situation. The nut houses of the olden days were just so horrid and terrible. However, instead of reforming them, they eliminated them. Now crazy people roam the streets instead of being taken care of. Yes, so wonderful.
  • Sigh. It's not just Reagan though. It was all back in the 60's with the Cuckoo's nest type situation. The nut houses of the olden days were just so horrid and terrible. However, instead of reforming them, they eliminated them. Now crazy people roam the streets instead of being taken care of. Yes, so wonderful.
    I would counter that it's mostly Reagan. There were nowhere near as many people out on the street before those famous funding cuts.

    Of course, if you're concerned about people being on the street, you should talk to the Public Defenders here. They fight very, very hard to keep these people out of the hospital. The Public Defender in my PC hearing Friday with the woman who ran around the courtroom screaming was arguing that she should be let go.
  • Wake up
    Get out of bed
    Drag a comb across my head
    Make my way downstairs and have a cup
    Look up and notice that I'm late
    Grab my coat, and grab my hat
    Make the bus in seconds flat
    Make my way upstairs
    Have a smoke

  • Have a smoke
    Whoa! You smoke!

  • Have a smoke
    Whoa! You smoke!
    It's a joke, Viga. I know for a fact Joe could place it.
  • Four thousand holes in Blackburn, Lancashire.
  • Let me see, wake up, eat, go to work, work, come back home, run some miles, take a shower, study for the MCAT, eat some more, watch some tv and going to sleep. Also, I re-discover a little bit of myself in between the blanks :D
  • Four thousand holes in Blackburn, Lancashire.
    How many holes does it take to fill the Albert hall?
  • Apparently four thousand, because after they counted them all in Blackburn, Lancashire they knew how many it took to fill the Albert Hall.
  • Wake up
    Get out of bed
    Drag a comb across my head
    Make my way downstairs and have a cup
    Look up and notice that I'm late
    Grab my coat, and grab my hat
    Make the bus in seconds flat
    Make my way upstairs
    Have a smoke
    I think I love you. The backmasking on that song is the best. It still gives me shivers every time I listen. I think it's the only Beatles song that stays on my iPod more or less permanently.
  • edited June 2008
    I think I love you.
    Mr. Neito quotes The Beatles and Jason quotes The Partridge Family. Typical.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • I think I love you.
    Mr. Neito quotes The Beatles and Jason quotes The Partridge Family. Typical.
    Should I have quoted the misfits?
  • edited June 2008
    Should I have quoted the misfits?
    Why am I such a misfit?
    I am not just a nit wit!
    They can't fire me.
    I QUIT!

    Yeah, and fuck you too, Santa Claus, you fucking fuck!
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • edited June 2008
    Mr. Neito quotes The Beatles and Jason quotes The Partridge Family. Typical.
    Would it make it any better if it were The Troggs (or Chip Taylor)?
    Post edited by Jason on
  • Mr. Neito quotes The Beatles and Jason quotes The Partridge Family. Typical.
    Would it make it any better if it were The Troggs (or Chip Taylor)?
    Not at all. The Partridge Family is right up your alley, although they might be a little dark for you. I was going to say you’d probably like “Billy, Don’t Be A Hero”, but since that song is at least a little critical of government policy, you’d probably think it was a crazy conspiracy theory espoused by paranoid alarmists bent on revenge.

    The Brady Bunch would be a good band for you. I can imagine you bopping down the street to the tune of “Sunshine Day”, or maybe to your own lyrics to the tune of “I Got You Babe”:

    " . . . Hey, I love George Bush
    I love George Bush

    You are a crazy, alarmist, bigot
    Because you say things I don’t like
    And if I don’t agree with you
    You must be paranoid too
    Crazy conspiracy theorists include
    Anyone who’s not a happy dude
    If you’re not totally satisfied
    It’s not because George Bush lied

    Hey, I love George Bush
    I love George Bush

    And I don't like ad hominem attacks . . .

    I love George Bush
    I love George Bush . . . "
  • You know you look like a fool, right?
  • edited June 2008
    You know you look like a fool, right?
    *more bars from "I Got You Babe*:

    . . . and I don't like ad hominem attacks . . .
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • . . . and I don't like ad hominem attacks . . .
    *more bars from I Got You Babe*

    ... as part of a syllogism, in a logical argument, otherwise I'm free to point out that you're completely, bitterly obsessed and post the same angry diatribe over and over...

    ... bah bah, bah bah, that's HungryJoe, babe, bah bah, bah bah...
  • Oh noes! Rainbow Brite thinks I'm angry and bitter.

    Come off it, Jason. In your world, Howie Mandel is angry and bitter.
  • Reasons I like Howie Mandel:

  • Isn't that a little edgy (maybe even a bit angry) for your tastes?
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