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edited June 2008 in Everything Else


  • edited June 2008
    Then, my friend Tim started sending us a bunch of .gifs from, and we spent about an hour or two just watching these things. It's so awkward, but you really can't stop. It's a really weird feeling to know that you're seeing an actual person die.
    Sorry dude but you sound like someone from 4chan.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • Dude, what's wrong with you? One time I saw documentary news footage of a Viet Cong agent get executed by a gun shot and it really, really upset me. Killing people for entertainment? What sick bastards! Hatehatehate.
  • edited June 2008
    Would Grindhouse be considered snuff? If it is I know where you are coming from, Bear Police. If it's not, please go away because it is creepy.
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • edited June 2008
    Would Grindhouse be considered snuff
    No, because people didn't actually die in Tarantino's movies. They just pretended to die, you know it isn't real.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Alrighty then. Bear Police... STOP WATCHING SNUFF! If you want to keep any shred of respect on the forum, stop now!
  • Chances are everything Bear Police saw was fake anyway.
    The scary thing is, technology is moving fast enough that soon enough you won't be able to tell the difference.
    On the matter of fake violence, I'd say the issue is one of intent; in any "snuff" the intent is obvious though.

    However, stuff like war atrocities is something any citizen of a country at (or willing to go to) war should see.
  • And they should be upset by it and not entertained.
  • One would hope so.
  • Why are they so fascinating?
    I think it's because many people in the industrialized world live lives that are so removed from the process of death that it's become something of a novelty. Also, the thrill from watching something taboo.
  • edited June 2008
    And they should be upset by it and not entertained.
    Yeah, I am really upset. It's really terrible. It's just hard to look away. And it's not like I intend to watch more or seek it out or anything.
    Alrighty then. Bear Police... STOP WATCHING SNUFF! If you want to keep any shred of respect on the forum, stop now!
    I wasn't going out of my way to be entertained by it. It wasn't like a fun night spent watching snuff. It was pretty somber.

    Edit: looking at the wikipedia article, what I saw wasn't actually snuff, but recorded murder. Most of them looked like documentary or security camera footage.
    Post edited by whatever on
  • There's a difference, at least philosophically, from a recorded murder and a snuff film (murder committed SPECIFICALLY so that it would be recorded).

    Seeing recorded murder can be a profound experience; often, such footage serves to punctuate the severity of political instability, and can motivate people to rally together and put an end to senselessness.

    I get upset in an outrage sort of way at such things, but I don't get grossed out by the particulars; I have watched surgeries - which I find intensely fascinating - so little in the way of violence itself shocks me. It's usually the IMPLICATIONS of the violence that bother me.
  • Seeing recorded murder can be a profound experience; often, such footage serves to punctuate the severity of political instability, and can motivate people to rally together and put an end to senselessness.

    I get upset in an outrage sort of way at such things, but I don't get grossed out by the particulars; I have watched surgeries - which I find intensely fascinating - so little in the way of violence itself shocks me. It's usually the IMPLICATIONS of the violence that bother me.
    Yeah pretty much.
  • Ah yes, Tim is one crazy dude.
    My opinion towards such things is that I'm not completely sickened by the sight, but it doesn't make me laugh or be amused. My cousin Gabe, though, he's really into that kind of stuff. He's the person that basically made me immune to being disgusted at such things, as he enjoys looking them up when he's at my house.

    It's terrible, it really is, but I have no reaction to seeing it.
  • There was a TotD a while back that was a compilation of "PWNED" videos. It was highly entertaining. It was taken off YouTube because portions of it were snuff.

    A few of you in here are taking the moral high road by saying it impossible or unnatural to be entertained by death. That doesn't make it right or civilized, but humans have had a long history of fascination with violence and murder. From public hangings to gladiators to The Barge, we created outlets where death was the entertainment. And, although my moral side thinks it is absolutely horrible, I laughed like crazy at that video compilation and there is nothing inherently wrong with that. It's something that's instilled in our culture, our history, and possibly our very nature. There is, of course, and line to be drawn where a person's fascination becomes obsession and causes problems, but if you are entertained by a video of someone doing something stupid and flying off their motorcycle only to plummet into a ravine, there's nothing wrong with you.
  • edited June 2008
    but if you are entertained by a video of someone doing something stupid and flying off their motorcycle only to plummet into a ravine, there's nothing wrong with you.
    While I understand and agree with what you're saying, that's not snuff.
    Does your opinion hold up if you are entertained by a guy busting into someone's apartment and shooting them?

    Anyhow, yeah...I mean. I've never seen one. I don't care one way or another if I do see one. If you watched a few and were entertained- whatever. If you have a collection on your computer and watch them all the time, that's a problem.
    Post edited by Dkong on
  • Does your opinion hold up if you are entertained by a guy busting into someone's apartment and shooting them?
    While I understand what you're saying, that's not snuff.
    There's a difference, at least philosophically, from a recorded murder and a snuff film (murder committed SPECIFICALLY so that it would be recorded).
  • There is a major difference between someone doing something stupid or risky and being injured and watching someone die (particularly if they are tortured/murdered rather than an accident). If someone even gets a minor thrill out of watching someone die under any circumstance, then they need immediate psychiatric treatment.
  • edited June 2008
    Does your opinion hold up if you are entertained by a guy busting into someone's apartment and shooting them?
    While I understand what you're saying, that's not snuff.
    There's a difference, at least philosophically, from a recorded murder and a snuff film (murder committed SPECIFICALLY so that it would be recorded).
    How do you know the dude busting in wasn't murdering specifically so that it would be recorded?

    I can tell you one thing, though: the guy falling off his motorcycle into a ravine didn't do that just so there would be film of him dying.
    If someone even gets a minor thrill out of watching someone die under any circumstance, then they need immediate psychiatric treatment.
    k. So anyone who saw 300 needs psychiatric treatment? (hey, you never said it had to be real) Any of the people who watched a hanging need treatment? People who watched gladiators need a treatment?
    Post edited by Dkong on
  • edited June 2008
    How do you know the dude busting in wasn't murdering specifically so that it would be recorded? I can tell you one thing, though: the guy falling off his motorcycle into a ravine didn't do that just so there would be film of him dying.
    Because you didn't include that detail. The second part is true, but as you said, you understand what I mean.
    If someone even gets a minor thrill out of watching someone die under any circumstance, then they need immediate psychiatric treatment.
    So, the Romans?
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Because you didn't include that detail.
    Fine, then...
    Does your opinion hold up if you are entertained by a guy busting into someone's apartment and shooting them with the only motive for the murder being the fact that it's being filmed?
  • If someone even gets a minor thrill out of watching someone die under any circumstance, then they need immediate psychiatric treatment.
    So, the Romans?
    That is merely an appeal to common practice. Just because a society/mob worked themselves into a frenzy about watching people die, does not make it a moral/right/acceptable action.
  • Just because a society/mob worked themselves into a frenzy about watching people die, does not make it a moral/right/acceptable action.
    True...but does every morally wrong action deem psychiatric treatment?
    Pot smoking, to most people, is morally wrong. Do they need to get psychiatric help? Probably not, unless it's totally fucking up their life. Same holds true if you insert anything bad in where "pot smoking" is....
  • edited June 2008
    Does your opinion hold up if you are entertained by a guy busting into someone's apartment and shooting them with the only motive for the murder being the fact that it's being filmed?
    This is a different question. This isn't the sort of violence that, even in a Hollywood movie, would particularly provoke entertainment the same way the violence in 300 does. There is something in the human psyche that causes a distinction. Do you want to watch someone hang them self? No, of course not. Do you want to watch a mass murderer receive the death sentence? A lot of people would. This situation has a lot more to do with people wanting to see justice than it does with people wanting to see people die.
    If someone even gets a minor thrill out of watching someone die under any circumstance, then they need immediate psychiatric treatment.
    So, the Romans?
    That is merely an appeal to common practice. Just because a society/mob worked themselves into a frenzy about watching people die, does not make it a moral/right/acceptable action.
    This wasn't your argument at all. You said that anyone who finds something like this entertaining needs help. I am not saying it is right, and if you actually read my first post you would not accuse me of such, but the Romans were not as a people psychologically affected.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited June 2008
    That is merely an appeal to common practice. Just because a society/mob worked themselves into a frenzy about watching people die, does not make it a moral/right/acceptable action.
    This wasn't your argument at all. You said that anyone who finds something like this entertaining needs help. I am not saying it is right, and if you actually read my first post you would not accuse me of such, but the Romans were not as a people psychologically affected.
    First, you cannot say that the enjoyment of blood sport did not effect, shape, or in some way define the Roman state of mind. Second, enjoying the non-consensual torture and pain of others (including animals) is seen as a major waring sign of mental illness. At the very least, this individual needs a psychiatric evaluation. Third, I didn't accuse you of anything, I was just pointing out a logical fallacy.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • edited June 2008
    First, you cannot say that the enjoyment of blood sport did not effect, shape, or in some way define the Roman state of mind.
    Certainly it did.
    Second, enjoying the non-consensual torture and pain of others (including animals) is seen as a major waring sign of mental illness. At the very least, this individual needs a psychiatric evaluation.
    Sure. But still, I'm not clear on your opinion of the Romans. Do you think they were, as a people, mentally ill? If not, what is the difference between the single crazy person you are describing and the regional population I am describing?
    Third, I didn't accuse you of anything, I was just pointing out a logical fallacy.
    Yes, and I pointed out that there was no such fallacy because neither of us were arguing that watching people die is moral or acceptable.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • I dislike snuff, but at the same time, it's like any fetish. It's.. there. *shrugs*

    Also, I thought snuff films were only for porn. Or am I wrong, and it can be a barrel of chuckles for those who like that stuff and not pornographic?
  • edited June 2008
    Uh, we were talking about House of Leaves and how the documentary the main character is trying to shoot eventually turned into him recording his friends being killed within the House. Then Tim started talking about real stuff and sent us some .gifs of security footage and documentary footage of people dying and we talked about it. It wasn't a "barrel of chuckles" or anything fetish-y.

    Again, we weren't watching this stuff for entertainment. I don't know how you guys got that out of my posts. I guess my word choice was improper. We weren't watching snuff, we were watching people's deaths that had been accidentally (is that the right word for this?) recorded.
    Post edited by whatever on
  • I don't know how you guys got that out of my posts. I guess my word choice was improper.
    I don't think that it's really that people got that, I think it's just a product of our rapid digression curve.
  • edited June 2008
    Who here has watched any of those Iraqi beheading videos? (Daniel Pearl, et al.) I haven't. What's the point of watching them? It's not like I need to find out what happens in the end.
    Post edited by Kilarney on
  • I'm late to this party.

    The most disturbing thing I ever saw was a video of a soldier getting his throat cut. Watching a murder is really disturbing for me. Watching an accidental death is a lot less so. Suicides, for some reason, don't bother me at all. A while back, I found a video site that had a "suicide" tag, and I watched all of them. There was even a suicide bomber. That one would probably have been disturbing if I could actually see the effects on the people that were killed. But I don't know... I don't think it's correct to say that I enjoy it. There's no joy, really. But fascination, certainly.
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