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European Championship 2008

edited June 2008 in Everything Else
Screw hockey, baseball and American 'football' and lets talk about some REAL football. The European Championship 2008 has started (this Saturday) and today The Netherlands played their first match... How the fuck did we score 3-0 against Italy!? Alongside France playing draw against Romania this is an amazing start for us.

I sadly couldn't watch the match itself, annoying school work. Anyways, lets discuss FRC-Forum Europeans!


  • edited June 2008
    I was doing a show last night and suddenly there was a huge cheer! I hadn't done anything, and the cheer came from every direction, but outside the venue. Germany beat Poland 2-0.

    Edit: I live in Berlin.
    Post edited by Luke Burrage on
  • I'm from Austria. My university is less than 1 km from one of the stadiums (Klagenfurt). They even rent out the university parking lot for the games. All media coverage in my country only has the Euro Championships in their focus anymore. Idiots with four flags of three different countries on their cars drive through the streets. Every time a game is in the stadium my university is closed. Tomorrow is such a day but I still have to go to the university for a rescheduled class in the evening, which will suck royally.

    I was already sick of this two months ago. No thank you.
  • Being from the mighty England, we have no interest in the tournament given our many failures. Oh well, it's always great to see the cheating, diving, complaining, boring Italians lose! I'm supporting Holland to win it, but my money is on Germany seeing as they have an extremely easy route to the final.
  • Futbol:

    Walk a little.
    Keeper stopped it.
    Corner kick.
    Goal kick.
    Run a little.
    Something might happen?
    They're running now!
    Holy crap, he broke loose!
    Corner kick.
    Trotting a little.
    One guy breaks a sweat.
    Goal kick.
    End of game.
  • I'm supporting Holland to win it, but my money is on Germany seeing as they have an extremely easy route to the final.
    Eh, I haven't looked at the groups that much yet, let alone how it'll go from there, but I'm hoping for Holland vs. Portugal 2008.
  • I am personally rooting for England and Germany :P
  • Go Deutschland!
  • edited June 2008
    Being from the mighty England, we have no interest in the tournament given our many failures.
    What is this England that you speak of? I have no idea what you are talking about.
    I am rooting for Germany and Italy, but the way (unless this is a single elimination tournament. If that is the case, go Germany!).
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • edited June 2008
    I'm supporting Holland to win it, but my money is on Germany seeing as they have an extremely easy route to the final.
    Eh, I haven't looked at the groups that much yet, let alone how it'll go from there, but I'm hoping for Holland vs. Portugal 2008.
    Going on form and probability, Germany will top their group then face the (weak) Czech Republic in the quarters and Portugal in the semis.
    The other side of the draw is far more difficult with France, Italy, Spain, Sweden and Holland. Germany can't face any of those teams until the final.
    • Jason
    • CommentTime1 hour ago
     permalinkquoteblock userblock comment

    Walk a little.
    Kick. etc.
    That's the essence of the difference between European and American Sports. Over here we find sports like Basketball and Baseball where it's relatively easy to score unexciting. I guess it's a difference in mentality which differentiates the preference between short intense thrills and regular less remarkable ones. It's also about what you're brought up on. I love (real) Football because the complexities of the game have been instilled in me, i can see all the tactics, formations and personal battles that are going on all over the pitch because i know the game inside out. This is probably the same with American sports, but to me Basketball just seems like:

    Team A runs to one end
    team B runs to the other end

    Team A runs to one end
    team B runs to the other end

    Team A runs to one end
    team B runs to the other end

    Team A runs to one end
    team B runs to the other end

    Team A runs to one end
    team B runs to the other end

    repeat indefinitely.
    Post edited by Linton on
  • Team A runs to one end
    team B runs to the other end
    That is exactly what Basketball is. Only the die-hard basketball fans actually watch the entire game, most people just watch the last few minutes as those are actually sort of exciting.
  • Team A runs to one end
    team B runs to the other end
    That is exactly what Basketball is. Only the die-hard basketball fans actually watch the entire game, most people just watch the last few minutes as those are actually sort of exciting.
    Ditto, sometimes I would watch my University team but I would rather watch an old soccer match from any world cup before the 90s.
  • That's the essence of the difference between European and American Sports. Over here we find sports like Basketball and Baseball where it's relatively easy to score unexciting.
    Hockey. Oh, look! I won that argument real quick.
  • I live in Klagenfurt and my matura is during the games on friday 13th.
  • Water Polo gets no love.

    It's a blend of basketball and soccer in a pool instead of a field with the violence of wrestling, hockey, and boxing. I don't know much about the legality of the violence in hockey games but in water polo it all 'hidden' underwater, meaning everyone sees it but referees don't call brutality because of how much the game would be hindered.

    It may just be because I play it but, I really think it should get a little more popularity than it does.
  • I live in Klagenfurt and my matura is during the games on friday 13th.
    What the hell. There you are, thinking that you are the only guy from one country in a somewhat exclusive forum, and then you get told someone else goes to school in the same city. ^^

    Good luck with the Matura.
  • I live in Klagenfurt and my matura is during the games on friday 13th.
    What the hell. There you are, thinking that you are the only guy from one country in a somewhat exclusive forum, and then you get told someone else goes to school in the same city. ^^
    I've been to Klagenfurt. There is a big old monastery out of town. I did some shows there back in 2004.
  • I am personally rooting for England and Germany :P
    You're just rooting for the teams that are certain to win it - perennial soccer powerhouses England and Germany.
  • Though I am German I can't really get myself to sit down and watch a 90 minute game, but I must agree it being a lot more interesting than American football. I usually just watch the short coverage of each game on public morning TV.

    But oh well: Deutschland!

    EDIT: I hope you all realize that England didn't even make it through the qualifications. Oh would I love to be going to the British School now. ^^
  • I personally want to see how far Turkey gets, so I guess I'm rooting for them. I also really want France to get their revenge on Italy.
  • That's the essence of the difference between European and American Sports. Over here we find sports like Basketball and Baseball where it's relatively easy to score unexciting.
    Hockey. Oh, look! I won that argument real quick.
    Real football FTW. By which I mean the type with the obloid ball, the armor, and the endzones. You know, the kind that has all kinds of strategy, multiple ways to score, wicked high-speed tackling... it's like rugby paced to make spectating bearable.
  • edited June 2008
    As the forums resident voice of reason I would like to remind you all that two different sports can be seen differently by different people. I personally like astro hockey (nothing against ice hockey, but it is more accessible which is important to me.) and consider what sport you like to be a very personal thing.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • ......
    edited June 2008
    Real football FTW. By which I mean the type with the obloid ball, the armor, and the endzones. You know, the kind that has all kinds of strategy, multiple ways to score, wicked high-speed tackling... it's like rugby paced to make spectating bearable.
    Heh, our football has an actual ball as ball, no armor and no silly endzones, only a small goal where one can score in. It too has strategy, sure probably less compared to American football, but it is far more focussed on skill, both personal as team wise. Sure, there's only one way to score, but American football only has two as far as I know, bringing the ball to the end zone or kicking it between the posts (if there are any more, please whisper them to me). Tackling, we got that covered, but as I said, football is more focussed on skill, about dodging incoming opponents while controlling the ball with only your feet. Whereas with American football you only have to hold on to the ball and run, and perhaps step aside to dodge a few diving opponents. But none of that matters, since I wish this topic to be about the European Championship for 2008, and not about why one sport is 'better' or 'more enjoyable' than another sport. So please Jason, stop being silly and don't post here if you have nothing else to say than that football is 'boring' and 'stupid' and whatever else your opinion might encompass. Talk about the tournament and the games please.

    If my opening post offended you, I'm sorry, but know I was only kidding. I respect a person's preference of sport(s) and can understand what makes some of them appealing, heck I even enjoy the few games of American college football and hockey that Rym and Scott have used as TotD's on the show.

    As for the tournament, it looks very promising, very interesting. I'm hoping for a match of Portugal vs. The Netherlands, sadly that will only happen if both teams get in the Final round, which is a tough job for both with Germany and Croatia in poule B, and France and Spain in poule C and D respectively. Also, Russia being coached by Guus Hiddink, I wonder what will happen. Australia slightly 'flopped' for lack of a better term, so lets see how Russia will do against Spain in it's first match.

    EDIT: Okay, watched Russia vs. Spain. Spain won, though that is to be expected against an inexperienced team as Russia. 1-4, mainly due to the faltering of Russia. As for playing, fuck Spain, can't play at all. There tactics consist of playing 8-1-1 (the even dare to call it 4-4-2) and the moment they score they rip out their middle fielder (or what they call second attacker) and replace him with another defense player, and pulling the attacker back pretty much making it 9-1-0, stupid fuckers. Of course Spain then goes on auto pilot and passes around, preferred in triangles, squares if they feel risky, being fucking cheaters and literally pulling Russians back that are about to break through their defenses and whining about every damned thing they can think off. They even (most of them) went to the referee after the game and judging from the reactions of said referee they were whining. Of course their only striker scores 3 of the goals and one gets to hear that he's the best striker, NO SHIT! He's the only one FFS! Bottom line, fuck Spain, can't play for shit, lock up the moment they got a goal and pick up extra goals here and there.

    Now for Russia, Russian goal was very good, showed some nice insight. From a corner kick though, it's too darned hard to get through 9 players and a goalie with your 3 attackers (but they made some very decent plays). It sucks for Russia to have played their first match on this tournament against Spain, but I think they play nicely, albeit inexperienced and clumsy here and there. But hey, can't expect the best from a polished rusty saw compared to a continuously oiled chainsaw.
    Post edited by ... on
  • edited June 2008
    EDIT: I hope you all realize that England didn't even make it through the qualifications. Oh would I love to be going to the British School now. ^^
    I realized that, but I don't know that Erwin did. Also don't queer the pitch.
    Post edited by rhinocero on
  • I was being facetious, maybe :P
  • Go Russia!
  • As this thread has come to the top, I'll join in a bit.

    I don't care much about football, but Germany are playing Turkey on Wednesday. I live in Berlin. Not just Berlin but Kreuzberg, which just so happens to have the single largest Turkish population outside of Turkey. Either way, Wednesday in Kreuzberg is going to be interesting!
  • I don't care much about football, but Germany are playing Turkey on Wednesday. I live in Berlin. Not just Berlin but Kreuzberg, which just so happens to have the single largest Turkish population outside of Turkey. Either way, Wednesday in Kreuzberg is going to be interesting!

    I'm going to come to Berlin form Leipzig, no doubt. ^^ But that game was awesome - against Croatia..
  • I know I never knew Turkey had it in them. They never gave up, I can't wait for Wednesday's game.
  • I didn't see the game, I was sitting in an English bookshop eating dinner at the time. However, I couldn't help but HEAR it.

    Berlin certainly isn't as loud as it was 2 years ago for the world cup though. That pretty much took over the city for months.
  • I know I never knew Turkey had it in them. They never gave up, I can't wait for Wednesday's game.
    Though the keeper relied solely on luck, at least that's how it seemed.
    Berlin certainly isn't as loud as it was 2 years ago for the world cup though. That pretty much took over the city for months.
    Leipzig city is a hell hole at the moment. It was MUCH louder than during the World Cup.
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