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Batman: The Animated Series

edited July 2008 in Everything Else
Greatest American animated series ever? I think so. This show was absolutely amazing, in my attempts to get ready for the Dark Knight I started watching every piece of Batman material I owned (which is a lot) and finally ended it with watching season 1 of this show and it's movie.
What do you guys think about this show?

I think what made this show so good was the fact that it didn't talk down to children, even from it's opening (which never even said the title of the show) it was different from every other animated show on TV. There was blood, guns and violence and it was all awesome. I also think it was great because it reinvented many of the villains. Mr. Freeze would have just been some stock freezing villian if this show had not come around and given him an interesting back story, and the show did it for many of the other villains as well. So if you have never seen the show, watch it and love it and for everyone else, talk about it!


  • Oh, the days when Saturday morning cartoons knew that children were not idiots and that parents could watch with them. Sadly, parents ruined television and now there is nothing worth watching at that hour of the day but at least it was at the right time for many on the forums including myself.
  • The show left a profound impact on my childhood. Even superheroes are tortured souls and the series showed it to you in entirely human ways. Episodes like "Perchance to Dream", where Bruce never lost his parents only to find out its a dream. The art and voice acting were phenomenal. Kevin Conroy is a god among men, and the first to decide that Bruce Wayne and Batman weren't only two separate people, but they have individual voices. That alone revolutionized the character in so many ways.

    Not to mention that the Batman: TAS was the launchpad for all of the DC Animated Universe. Without it, we would have never had Darkseid lay siege to Earth in the Superman: TAS or have Batman Beyond, which redefined my thoughts on who should take over when Bruce got too old to be Bats himself. Not to mention the wonderful Justice League cartoon that completely matured the universe, running several plot lines before the end of the series, while teasing future stories. I wait impatiently for the storyline for "The Apocalypse of '09" that got brought up during Justice League Unlimited.
  • I remember excitedly watching the show during a homework break every day. I was not really into comics, comic books, etc., but I think this show really changed that for me. I am interested to see how it stands up when I watch it my my child someday. I really do not think the Batman franchise would be half of what it is today without that series, nor animated series in general for that matter.
  • I think the rebirth of Mr. Freeze and the success of this show might have been one of the reasons Batman and Robin got created, so evil did come from this master work.
  • I think the rebirth of Mr. Freeze and the success of this show might have been one of the reasons Batman and Robin got created, so evil did come from this master work.
    That has more to do with a bad screen play and bad casting more than the characters involved. Mr. Freeze, Poison Ivy, and Bane are great characters and they were reduced to character designs and nothing more.
  • When I was a kid, this was one of those shows I didn't appreciate enough. I would watch it pretty often, but not on purpose. It would be one of those things I would watch, if it was on. It was only later that I appreciated how awesome the show actually was. It held up better with time moreso than just about any other show I watched as a kid. Fox X-Men is a little bit painful to watch now, but B:TAS will never be.
  • When I was a kid, this was one of those shows I didn't appreciate enough. I would watch it pretty often, but not on purpose. It would be one of those things I would watch, if it was on. It was only later that I appreciated how awesome the show actually was. It held up better with time moreso than just about any other show I watched as a kid. Fox X-Men is a little bit painful to watch now, but B:TAS will never be.
    That sums me up as well except Fox X-Men was painful then too. I watch B:TAS with new eyes now that I'm older though.
    Not to mention that the Batman: TAS was the launchpad for all of the DC Animated Universe. Without it, we would have never had Darkseid lay siege to Earth in the Superman: TAS or have Batman Beyond, which redefined my thoughts on who should take over when Bruce got too old to be Bats himself. Not to mention the wonderful Justice League cartoon that completely matured the universe, running several plot lines before the end of the series, while teasing future stories. I wait impatiently for the storyline for "The Apocalypse of '09" that got brought up during Justice League Unlimited.
    YES! Another reason why this was truly awesome!

    ...there should be a Justice League thread as well. :)
  • None of the other DC animated shows do it for me. None of the ones that came before or after really stand up in the face of B:TAS. Well, at least the newer ones are still better than Superfriends, so that's a good thing I guess.
  • None of the other DC animated shows do it for me.
    I thought Justice League Unlimited was pretty damned good, with lots of character-heavy, plot-lite stories to balance the epic aliens-invade-let's-team-up-thousands-of-superheroes ones.

    Also... Batman Beyond is incredible.
  • Try Batman Beyond once. It's not bad.
  • This show solidifies the fact that Mark Hamil is the definitive joker.
  • This show solidifies the fact that Mark Hamil is the definitive joker.
    He's a better Joker than he is a Skywalker. Yeah. I said it.
  • I thought Justice League Unlimited was pretty damned good, with lots of character-heavy, plot-lite stories to balance the epic aliens-invade-let's-team-up-thousands-of-superheroes ones.
    Also... Batman Beyond is incredible.
    I've recently purchased and seen both the Justice League & Justice League Unlimited animated series. They were very good except I didn't care how Unlimited ended in the second season. I'm sure there were reasons it was only 13 episodes long, but I really would like to have seen what happened between Hawk Girl and the Green Lantern.

    I've seen a bit of Batman Beyond and it's pretty good. I'll have to look into picking that up after I get B:TAS. As for B:TAS, it was one of those shows I would watch, but not watch religiously, but still enjoy it because it was really good to watch.
    This show solidifies the fact that Mark Hamil is the definitive joker.
  • edited July 2008
    Maybe I just haven't seen the good Justice League shows, because the ones that I have seen were more than a little crappy. I like the thought of seeing all those obscure characters, but I don't think I've ever seen an episode of Justice League: Unlimited. Does anyone still play them?

    I was more than a little disappointed in Batman Beyond as well. Terry McGuiness is every bit as annoying as Jason Todd. He doesn't deserve to be Batman.

    B: TAS is one of the few series that I have ever planned to buy on DVD. I very much enjoyed it.

    Scott, I remember watching the premiere of the Superfriends. I thought that it was going to be like the superhero cartoons they showed in the late 60s, but I was sorely, sorely disappointed. It was so bad I nearly cried. Star Trek was the best cartoon that season. Then they cancelled it and I had to live through many, many years of such crap as The U.S. of Archie, The Harlem Globetrotters Show, and Ark II.
    This show solidifies the fact that Mark Hamil is the definitive joker.
    He's a better Joker than he is a Skywalker. Yeah. I said it.
    I agree. Of all the Jokers, he comes closest to actually making you believe that he's an unstable, unpredictable psychopath that will actually kill people instead of dancing with them.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • B: TASis one of the few series that I have ever planned to buy on DVD. I very much enjoyed it.
    Agreed. That and the original Johnny Quest.
  • This show solidifies the fact that Mark Hamil is the definitive joker.
    I think the Superman and Justice League shows have also cemented Clancy Brown as the best Lex Luthor and Michael Ironside as the best Darkseid to date.
  • That and the original Johnny Quest.
    Did you not like The New Adventures of Johnny Quest? I thought that series was pretty good. I totally forgot about that series. Makes me want to watch it again.
  • This show solidifies the fact that Mark Hamil is the definitive joker.
    I think the Superman and Justice League shows have also cemented Clancy Brown as the best Lex Luthor and Michael Ironside as the best Darkseid to date.
    They were good. In fact, I'll agree that Brown's Luthor was better than anyone else's. However, they don't stand out the way that Hamill's Joker does. I don't use this word very much, but it fits in this case: His Joker was epic.
  • Knock, and the door shall be opened unto you.
  • Knock, and the door shall be opened unto you.
    If that's Johnny Quest than I am a sad panda. Damn work internets blocks all the fun. ; _ ;
  • Knock, and the door shall be opened unto you.
    If that's Johnny Quest than I am a sad panda. Damn work internets blocks all the fun. ; _ ;
    Negative. It is a spoilerific clip from an episode at the end of Justice League Unlimited's second season.

    Which reminds me that Brainiac's voice work was nicely done as well.
  • edited July 2008
    Negative. It is a spoilerific clip from an episode at the end of Justice League Unlimited's second season.
    That's even worse. >.<
    I don't think I've ever seen an episode ofJustice League: Unlimited. Does anyone still play them?
    No, I don't believe so: you can just get them at Netflix.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • Just decided to move this comment here from the Random thread:
    I've been watching Batman: TAS. Quality varies, but overall it's great from the first 22 episodes. The 22nd, "Joker's Favor", was awesome.

    Also, Jason is the main reason I'm watching this show at the moment.

  • Also, Jason is the main reason I'm watching this show at the moment.

    Also, the B:TAS theme is my ringtone on my new cell, and his silhouette against the lightning strike from the show's opener is the wallpaper.
  • edited January 2011
    I loved B:TAS for so many reasons, but Mr. Freeze was one of my main ones. His re-imagining was fantastic, and his back story was tragic and mature. I seem to remember him even being an ally of Batman once or twice when something seriously bad was going on. I also enjoyed the "Almost Got Him" episode, which I'm sure everyone remembers, and the one episode where some normal dude accidentally cuts off Joker in traffic and ends up having the supervillian stalk him and screw with him. I also liked the HARDAC episodes.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • and the one episode where some normal dude accidentally cuts off Joker in traffic and ends up having the supervillian stalk him and screw with him
    Yeah, that's the one I mentioned, "Joker's Favor".
  • They're finny, and funny, and oh so delish. They're joyful and jolly: Joker Fish!
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