Okay, it's just too hard to resist: Jen has said that people who don't agree with her are hostile and childish, that no one has countered her arguments, and she uses bizarre sources.
Jen = Steve.
I would like to see proof of the charge or an admission that you are wrong. Not that I expect you to ever admit to being wrong.
Okay, it's just too hard to resist: Jen has said that people who don't agree with her are hostile and childish, that no one has countered her arguments, and she uses bizarre sources.
Jen = Steve.
I would like to see proof of the charge or an admission that you are wrong.Not that I expect you to ever admit to being wrong.
Sigh. It was just an attempt at humor Steve. I'm not making an actual accusation. I don't really believe that you are Jen. She is a much better writer than you.
That is not such a bad deduction. "Jen" has relatively good grammar and it knew very quickly what buttons to push to provoke a reaction, such as in the thread where it advised Sonic to bring a Bible on his trip. I think a new troll would need to read posts for a least a couple of days to figure out that sort of thing. If it's not Scrym, it may be someone else who has prior knowledge of this forum.
I think a new troll would need to read posts for a least a couple of days to figure out that sort of thing.
These forums are public to anyone. You don't have to sign up to read the posts. So trolls can read up on all the positions of the members, then join and troll around.
I think a new troll would need to read posts for a least a couple of days to figure out that sort of thing.
These forums are public to anyone. You don't have to sign up to read the posts. So trolls can read up on all the positions of the members, then join and troll around.
Another point to think about is that Rym and Scott are currently on vacation, having their Week of Awesome. So I doubt they would spend their time playing a troll when they can have and awesome time at the beach playing DDR and recording their 'promised' Week of Awesome Geeknights episode. Though both have checked up on the forums though, Scott posted and I saw Rym online...
Another point to think about is that Rym and Scott are currently on vacation, having their Week of Awesome. So I doubt they would spend their time playing a troll when they can have and awesome time at the beach playing DDR and recording their 'promised' Week of Awesome Geeknights episode. Though both have checked up on the forums though, Scott posted and I saw Rym online...
I don't think that would necessarily keep them from fooling with us. As you've said, they've been spotted looking in on us and Scott has even posted, so I don't think it's beyond the realm of possibility that they're behind "Jen". Although, if it was Scrym, I'd hope for a more retro/ironic name, like perhaps "Jem" - because she's truly outrageous.
Well, I think it might be other FRC members. Jen is obviously made with a sly wink, as we can see from her image. If I were in charge of a forum, and I left for a week, I think it might be fun to create a troll and see how long people took to find out the answer.
However, Talk to me, Jen - something other than politics, or this forum. Tell me something interesting about yourself, and I'll return the favor.
I AM JEN!!!1one
On that note, I wish they had an interrobang key on the iPhone, or at least it autocorrected it. That would be awesome.