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Favorite species in gaming, stories and video

edited August 2008 in Everything Else
I got in a conversation about this recently and I wondered about you guys.

My two favorites are Twi'leks from the Star Wars Universe. I alos really like drawing them. Head tails man, head tails. They come in different colors and the women are very beautiful.

My second is the almighty destroyers Daleks!
How could you have not heard of them. Doctor Who anyone? They're actually inside the tank casing and they know nothing but hate and to "EX-TER-MI-NATE!"


  • Arthur Dent.
  • Do Zombies count as a species? Else I'd probably go with Otaria-style Goblins from Magic: The Gathering and Vortigaunts from Half-Life.

  • Do Zombies count as a species? Else I'd probably go with Otaria-style Goblins from Magic: The Gathering and Vortigaunts from Half-Life.
    Oh crap, all three species are seconded.
  • Zombies count. They gotta!
  • The Weeping Angels from Doctor Who. They were really quite scary for a family show.
    However my favorite the Replicators from SG:1 (before they evolved) because they were just relentless machines with one goal and brutal with it.
  • My vote goes to the Dark Eldar from Warhammer 40k. How can you argue with space pirate elves?
  • My vote goes to the Dark Eldar from Warhammer 40k. How can you argue with space pirate elves?
    Zombie space pirate elves. Admit it, zombies make everything more awesome.
  • image
    Murlocs are the greatest monsters ever!
  • Looks like Viga has some kind of girls and tentacles vibe going on. It's all good.

    Least favorite species ever has to go to Like-likes or Wallmasters from Zelda. I have trouble thinking of my favorite..
    Ah! As we are allowed variations on human I choose hexes from the "Hex" series of books. Gods of the information world.
  • image

    ...just kidding (sort of).

    But in reality, I'll have to go with Moogles.
    The Kamina-esque pose doesn't affect my decision at all, though.
  • The Weeping Angels from Doctor Who. They were really quite scary for a family show.
    I hate angel statues because of that one. ((o_o)) Scary!
  • Arthur Dent.
  • I am a bear. Please do not feed me.
    Humans are pretty interesting...
  • I am a bear. Please do not feed me.
    Oh neat.
  • WTF? Why are you guys a bear? What the Boku wa Kuma is going on?
  • WTF? Why are you guys a bear? What the Boku wa Kuma is going on?
  • edited August 2008
    I am a government man. I come from the government. The government has sent me.

    Post edited by Sail on
  • I see what you did there!
  • edited August 2008
    I gotta say, I'm partial to the species "Whatever the hell Zaphod Beeblebrox is".
    Post edited by Neito on
  • Dumbshit girl that doesn't get it.

    Where are these red blocks coming from!
  • Beware the alien, the mutant; the heretic.

    Oh my!
  • Oh wow. The forums have gone insane.
  • edited August 2008
    Ever since elementary, my favourite non-human race has been the Andalites from Animorphs. They're hyper-intelligent, ultra high-tech, telepathic, able to shapeshift, they eat grass through their hooves (did I mention I love centaurs too?), and they totally have fucking TAIL BLADES. :D

    Post edited by Eryn on
  • A list! Of those who fail at manhandling the forum by use of CommentNotice.
    • Sail
    • ninjarabbi
    • Agiv
    • One Sin
    It works like a blockquote, in other words, start typing directly after the ending <div> tag, don't bother with inserting a line break. Bear Police gets a pat on the back for being refreshing and putting it at the end of his post.

    Now for the updated list of favorite species in gaming, stories and video as written by myself:
    • Arthur Dent
    • Whatever-the-hell-Zaphod-Beeblebrox-is
    • Whatever-the-hell-Ford-Prefect-is
    • Zombies
    • Goblins
    • Vortigaunts
    • Mudkips
    • Moogles
    • Squirtle (singular)
    Oh wow. The forums have gone insane.
    We have a saying here in the Netherlands, "Als de kat van huis is dansen de muizen", which translates to "When the cat's away from home, the mice dance." What's the real English version of that saying?
  • Well, the german equivalent is "Ist die Katze aus dem Haus, tanzen die Mäuse auf dem Tisch." The english one, at least according to my favored english-german online dictionary is "When the cat's away, the mice do play."
  • Well, the german equivalent is "Ist die Katze aus dem Haus, tanzen die Mäuse auf dem Tisch." The english one, at least according to my favored english-german online dictionary is "When the cat's away, the mice do play."
    Oh yes, the table. I think either is used here, if sayings are used at all.
  • GeoGeo
    edited August 2008
    My second is the almighty destroyersDaleks!
    How could you have not heard of them. Doctor Who anyone? They're actually inside the tank casing and they know nothing but hate and to "EX-TER-MI-NATE!" YOU ARE AN ENEMY OF THE DALEKS!!!!! YOU MUST BE DESTROYED!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Ever since elementary, my favourite non-human race has been theAndalitesfrom Animorphs. They're hyper-intelligent, ultra high-tech, telepathic, able to shapeshift, they eat grass through their hooves (did I mention I love centaurs too?), and they totally have fucking TAIL BLADES. :D

    Oh yeah!! I remember the Animorphs, I used to read them when I was in.. let's see it must've been 4th or 5th grade. I used to love that series, I even watched the VERY short lived tv series on Nickelodeon.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • What madness is this? Daleks are all about peace and love!
  • edited August 2008
    It works like a blockquote, in other words, start typing directly after the ending tag
    How 'bout not? I'll be damned if I have to cram that shit together with blockquotes without line breaks. I suppose half of it is me just being lazy and the other half is me simply wanting to spite you. ~_^
    Post edited by One Sin on
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