I currently use the Adidas Sport body wash, but I want to change it up. Any recommendations or just body wash you guys use? I think this could be a neat thread. ^_^
P.S.- I really never have been able to grasp how you use a bar of soap. It's always been the body wash for me, although I'm really curious, and would like to know.
As to bars of soap. As I play and teach the guitar I like to have my hands smooth and clean. The best way to do so is to wash them with soap!
I've been a fan of the Softsoap body washes for a while (Pomegranate and Mango ftw!), and this is the most recent one I've tried. Good stuff. They're mild, not too heavily perfumed, and don't dry you out that much. The Milk Protein and Honey one is a moisturizing body wash; it keeps my skin smooth and clean-feeling.
Also, totally not gay.
Also, yes people- wash your fucking hands. I, too, play guitar, and it irritates me every time I see a dude walk out of a bathroom not having washed their hands, and pick up a guitar, or at any store really. Is it that hard to take, like, 15 seconds to clean your hands?
As for using soap to wash your body, one way I know is by using a wash cloth, just make it wet, rub the soap on it and then you can just wash your body with said cloth.
Anyhow, I use a bar of dial soap. I either just wrap it in a washcloth, or I use my mom or sister's puff thingy. Yeah, it's totally gay, but it works really well and you don't need to use a lot of soap.
I like body washes and a net sponge more than just a washcloth and a bar.
I use this blue gel like one at the moment. I can't describe the smell but it's suppose to smell like the tropics. :P
This assumes that you are a male who has urinated. If you have one of those self-flushing urinals, you can leave the bathroom having only touched yourself. To wash your hands, you have to touch a faucet and paper towel dispenser that has been touched by hundreds of people. It seems that you'd be much more likely to catch germs this way. Of course if everything is touch-free, you have no worries.
1. get soap. Place where you press is likely dirty as fuck, but hey, you haven't washed your hands yet, so it doesn't matter.
2. turn on faucet- dirty, but again doesn't matter
3. wash hands and shit
4. turn off faucet- yeah, it'll be a bit unclean. Could be avoided if you use a paper towel or some other health-freak way of doing it
5. get paper towels or whatever- I'd assume this is clean cause everyone who touches it has just washed their hands.
Then on the way out was a sign saying "How do you rate the cleanliness of our toilets?" With three buttons underneath labeled Great, Ok and Unsatisfactory. Oh, so close to the most perfect sanitary pissing experience ever. But then they asked me to touch... something.
Yes, touching a faucet/knob is an excellent way to get bacteria on your hands. However, the odds are pretty good that your hands will be much cleaner overall with washing than without.
I'm a big fan of foot or knee-pedal sinks, myself.
As for shampoo, eh. Whatever is available, usually Suave.
My shower routine consists of scrubbing with a washcloth or bath scrubby towel, washing all over with soap, maybe putting some facial cleanser on, rinse, shampoo, condition, rinse, get out! (I also often brush my teeth in the shower. Is that weird?)I also like all those hippie dippy homemade soaps. I buy them from a little shop by my Aunt's house, and we are friends with the lady who makes the soap. My current bar smells like pine needles and has a sprig of cedar embedded in it. For shampoo, I'm all about the Burt's Bees stuff lately. It's expensive, but it's non-animal tested and it makes my hair really shiny! Like, silkier and shinier than it's been all year!
Some other body care products I am a fan of: Tom's of Maine toothpaste, Nature's Gate, Method Soaps, Bee and Flower Chinese soap.
Hey, does anyone here take baths? Do boys in America only take showers? I'd really like a Japanese style ofuro, especially in the winter.
Anyways...I never take baths. Too much work. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coal_tar#Safety
That says if the product has less than 5% coal tar, it's no big deal. Over 5% and you're fucked, though. I wouldn't risk it, though. I used T-gel (uses coal tar) for a week or two back when I was 10 and had bad dandruff. Doubt it'll be any worse for me in the long run vs. smoking and being around people who smoke (my parents).