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Favorite High School Films



  • Up the Down Staircase is about how a rookie teacher deals with an insane school. It's not entirely serious.
    Bells of St. Mary's is about saving a school from being shut down.
    Gokusen is a comedy about getting delinquent students to trust teachers and school, and to actually graduate in their final year of high school.

    Stand and Deliver is the only one that's about taking the class of underachieving students and making them so smart that everyone thinks they are cheating.

    If you want to claim there's a genre here, you're going to need a lot more quantity of examples that have a lot more in common with each other.
  • edited September 2008
    Stand and Deliver is the only one that's about taking the class of underachieving students and making them so smart that everyone thinks they are cheating.
    That one about the lady teaching kids about Anne Frank had a pretty similar plot.

    Edit: Freedom Writers. It's fairly new, so I doubt you've seen it. Had to watch it for school. Sucks.
    Post edited by whatever on
  • edited September 2008
    The movies The Trouble with Angels and Where Angels Go, Trouble Follows were about a Catholic Girl's School. Both were horrifyingly bad.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • Gah, how could I forget American Graffiti? I wish George would direct more movies like that.
  • The Breakfast Club is a personal favourite. I've got a soft spot for Ferris Bueller too. Racking my brains for any other high school films which have stuck with me, I thought Swing Girls was quite good. It had a sense of whimsy, a light touch and just enough apprehension of the future.

    Someone mentioned Kes and that's an absolute classic, if slightly less fun. Talking of more serious films, there's a Japanese one called Like Grains Of Sand about sexuality, growing pains, etc which I really loved too.
  • West Side Story?
  • West Side Story?
    That's in my list of favorite musicals.
  • Gah, how could I forget American Graffiti? I wish George would direct more movies like that.
    Unfortunately, this is pretty much impossible.

    Also - American Graffiti - best George Lucas movie?
  • Gah, how could I forget American Graffiti? I wish George would direct more movies like that.
    Unfortunately, this is pretty much impossible.

    Also - American Graffiti - best George Lucas movie?
    You know, I think it is. I like Star Wars more, and Star Wars was more important, but I think American Graffiti was a better movie.
  • Dazed and Confused(1993)
    Animal House(1978)
    Fast Times At Ridgemont High(1982)
    Back to the Future Part I(1985)
    Sixteen Candles(1984)
    The Breakfast Club(1985)
    I'm 18
    I find it funny that from all these movies you have as your favorites, all but one of the movies came out before you were even born. My logic for that is that most (if not all) high school movies were in there prime during the '80s and as such I love them.
  • Rebel Without a Cause?
  • Rebel Without a Cause?
    Touche. That one is an special case where someone didn't suck at making it, especially since it was in the early '50s
  • The Outsiders.

    Plus, it gave us Brian Atene.
  • The Outsiders.
    Spoilers?: The ending is really sad
  • I think Superbad is funny.
  • GeoGeo
    edited September 2008
    The Outsiders.

    Plus, it gave us Brian Atene.
    Aw man, I forgot to add that one. I really liked that movie a lot (more so than the book) and it has a special place in my heart. It also is another great addition to Francis Ford Coppola's amazing body of work.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • I think Superbad is funny.
    Well I guess it is funny the first four or five times, but imho, it really isn't that funny after those times as you know what will happen. Although there a few scenes which are priceless. I really don't feel like listing them due to sloth.
  • Brick is great. Taking teen angst movie and splicing it in with noir tropes. Brilliant!
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