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Favorite Video Games Enemies

edited September 2008 in Video Games
Post the video game enemies you had the best time fighting. Mine would have to be:

This guy, from Shadow of the Colossus. It contained one of the most awesome gaming moments I've ever witnessed when the whole thing did a barrel roll and I fell off, only to be snatched out of the air by one of it's wings.

One of these guys scared the ever living shit out of me in Condemned 2 during one of my favorite levels. Not only because of the atmosphere and surprise, like most enemies in the game, but because having this guy grab you and attempt to stab you with a syringe is freakin' scary in it's own right.
Another notable enemy from Condemned 2 is the serial killer in the snowy cottage place, but I won't spoil that.

In my opinion, the best chapter in Half Life 2 was Anticitizen One, where you fought all those Striders. In fact, my favorite enemies in that game were the Striders. Fighting and killing them was just so exciting and satisfying.

The Carthaginians in Rome: Total War. You could freak out their elephants causing them to rampage through friendly troops. 'Nuff said.


Hrmph, none of my images are working... Wait, there we go.


  • Oh wow. I'll have to think about this one.
  • image
    It has to be hitler, because he's just such a jerk.
  • That blind monster with the blades in Resident Evil 4 was pretty cool.
  • I'm not gonna post a picture, because I don't want to spoil it, but The Master from the end of Fallout. I just wasn't ready for that.
  • Dodongo.
  • Dodongo.
  • edited September 2008

    He's a hero in my eyes!
    Post edited by djfooboo on
  • I'm going to have to go with the lightsaber-wielding dwarf Power Rangers from Godhand.
  • I have to pick the two bosses from my all time favorite video game:


    Pokey and Gigas of Earthbound.

    I'd say those two are my favorite, but Pokey is my real personal favorite. Why? Because the fat little bastard harasses you the entire game, then runs away in the end. You fight him along with Gigas, but while you defeat Gigas, Pokey gets away, and you're left hoping for a sequel for another chance to kick his ass.
  • edited September 2008
    also the arachno-spiders from Doom.
    Post edited by Shiam on
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    He is a boss in one of the Super Robot Wars games. And the only way to beat it is by using the power of love :P
  • image
    He is a boss in one of the Super Robot Wars games. And the only way to beat it is by usingthe power of love :P
    He's also the Dark/Devil Gundam from Mobile Fighter G Gundam.
  • Ghaleon.

    From the Lunar games (SegaCD and remakes on Playstation)

    I hate him, I love him, I dig that he's a huge ABBA fan...
  • The hive mothers from System Shock 2, with the mod that replaces the characters with high-poly models. I'd never actually had a nightmare about a video game before.
  • How dare you leave this enemy out as it is the first enemy for many of us image
  • Goomba ain't got nothing on the pacman ghosts.

    I dressed up as a Pacghost for a Superheroes and Villains costume party. Needless to say I was the most villainous there.
  • edited September 2008

    Mother Brain always scared the crap out of me and I liked that fight... and the creepy music in the back.
    Post edited by Mankoon on
  • GeoGeo
    edited September 2008
    Instead of posting a Goomba this time, I'll post my list of my favorite fights.

    image NES Mother Brain

    image Ultra Mother Brain (Don't know what the real forms' name is, so I made one up)

    image Giygas' second and third forms. It is easily the most frightening video game moment of my life. While fighting this.. this.. thing, it really reminded me of Azatoth from H.P. Lovecrafts' writings. That factor alone made me even more scared of it, as I couldn't fathom what I was seeing due to how alien and how indescribable the thing was! The music was also a key factor as it was the element that truly brought out the fear in the pit of my stomach. Now I may sound like a wuss, but the weird thing is is that I'm not easily scared, but Giygas crossed that line. If you really think about it, it truly is a Lovecraftian monster due to the following points.
    1: It cannot be described in words due to how alien and odd the creature is.
    2: If a mortal person either destroyed or glimpsed it for even a second, they would most likely go insane and/or die (Ness and co. were an exception due to the fact that they were robots, so they don't fall under that criteria)
    3: There is obviously no escape from this thing once you encounter it
    4: It is invincible to just about everything in the known universe (except love)
    5: It has such untold power that it is able to spread it's influence on any weak minded living thing with incredible ease (Giygas' followers could be considered as Earthbound's version of cultists that are present in many Lovecraft stories)

    Sorry if I got carried away and wrote a diatribe about Giygas, but I felt like this had to be said.

    I'll count this video as two fights, including the level that is shown. Mainly it's of the Heart of Nova and Marx in Kirby Super Star. I still think this is the coolest part of the entire game. I just hope Kirby Super Star Deluxe doesn't ruin it by revamping to the point of nonrecognition.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • edited September 2008
    I've just gotten round to playing Bioshock, so my current favourite is the Big Daddy/Little Sister. It's fun to figure out how many ways you can use plasmids and the environment against them. The best way is to convince two Big Daddies to fight each other, whilst giving a Stewie Griffin impression: "You two - fight to the death!"

    Edit: Also, the splicers disguised as statues are really damn freaky, like in that recent episode of Dr. Who.
    Post edited by Paulathon on
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    He is a boss in one of the Super Robot Wars games. And the only way to beat it is by usingthe power of love :P
    He's also the Dark/Devil Gundam from Mobile Fighter G Gundam.
    I hate you both for evening thinking about that good awful Gundam series. The irony is that I have the same action figure, I didn't buy it.
  • I hate you both for evening thinking about that good awesome Gundam series.
  • Headcrabs!
  • Crowbarable goodness. The poisonous ones freak me the fuck out even though they can't kill you on your own; only slightly less horrible than barnacles.

    Shadow of the Colossus has to have the best bad guys of all. I think "The Vulture" (the other flying type you fight above water) is the best just because of the speed you feel. I only recently found out that it has a one hit kill attack (if you hit it but don't grab onto it).
  • The Zerg. Hands down, it has to be the Zerg. What other enemy has such a reputation for being evil, cheap-ass, fearsome, and fun to play? What other alien bug species has the depth of character development (with Kerrigan and the Overmind), or the sheer skin-crawling goodness? What other enemy has a widely-used strategy named after them?

    The Zerg, in my opinion, go unmatched.
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    There was a bunch of buildup to this fight, and the twist was great too. The Lavos fight at the end of the game was pretty epic, and all of the character's personal battles near the end of the game were sweet as well.
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