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Old TV

edited September 2008 in Everything Else
Any a fan or was a fan of old TV shows? I just got in a conversation about them and was wondering.

I really liked the Beverly Hillbillies growing up.

Gilligan's Island too, but I hate the spin offs and things like the Globetrotters on Gilligan's Island!

Twilight Zone. I made a thread on this before.

This is one of my major faves I'll occasionally still turn on.

Also, have anyone noticed that theme songs back then were so damn easy to get stuck in your head! I'm walking down the street and suddenly Greeeen acres is the place to be. Plus back then they seemed to put more thought into them. then again I haven't watched any sitcomish TV shows since Friends went off the air.


  • He's coming:
  • Kolchak: The Night Stalker. 70s old school newspaper reporter who investigates paranormal crimes. Silly and fun. And it's on Netflix.
  • edited September 2008
    Kolchak: The Night Stalker. 70s old school newspaper reporter who investigates paranormal crimes. Silly and fun. And it's on Netflix.
    No joke - I actually watched the first Kolchak TV movie as it was broadcast. It scared the crap out of me - mostly because my dad said that he was gonna go outside to pee and then he rapped on the window - I saw this hand rise out of the bushes outside and rap on the window. I was fucking scarred (not a typo. I still carry those scars).
    Post edited by HungryJoe on

  • "Only fools and horses" for my fellow Brits.
  • edited September 2008
    Ironside, bitches.
    Post edited by Blarp on
  • I love early 60s TV shows far more than someone of my age should. I blame pre-Home Improvement Nick-at-Nite.
  • I, too, watched far too much Gilligan's Island. But lately I find myself watching a lot of All In the Family.

    Also, Get Smart.

  • Obligatory.
  • Obligatory.
    I'm sure I've posted this before, but if you live in the US you can watch all the original Star Trek episodes free online, courtesy of CBS. There are a lot of other shows there, too, in decent resolution: Family Ties, MacGyver, The Twilight Zone, Twin Peaks....
  • edited September 2008

    Leo McKern was by far the best Number 2.
    Post edited by Eryn on
  • I was actually big into old TV when I was little. I watched a ton of old game shows (old match game, lot of old shit, don't remember names for many of them).
    Also, Brady Bunch, among a lot of stuff that was never that great.
  • Kolchak: The Night Stalker. 70s old school newspaper reporter who investigates paranormal crimes. Silly and fun. And it's on Netflix.
    No joke - I actually watched the first Kolchak TV movie as it was broadcast. It scared the crap out of me - mostly because my dad said that he was gonna go outside to pee and then he rapped on the window - I saw this hand rise out of the bushes outside and rap on the window. I was fucking scarred (not a typo. I still carry those scars).
    That is an evil thing to do. I watched it in the middle of the day in bright sunlight so I was fine. If I was a kid and someone did that to me, I would be terrified. Hell, if someone did that to me now, I would be freaked out. But then, I am a slightly wussy adult.
  • The Prisoner! Very Yes!

    "What do you want?"
    "Well, you won't get it!"

    The twilight zone is also awesome, and I grew up watching old Star Trek. (Mum and Pop were very keen on it.)
  • Am I the only person alive in the USA who has never seen Gilligan's Island?
  • edited September 2008
    Haha, This tread is really awesome, mainly because of last night. Halfway through anime club, about five of use got up to go to the big 80's themed party in the Student Union (its like the town square of the school). The party was kinda meh (except the band, they rocked), but the part that was the most fun was when we were standing in line to get in. The whole time we were singing old tv theme songs and Weird Al songs. It rocked!
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I loved the twilight zone, I wasn't that into the other shows mentioned so far. I did really like I Dream of Jeanie, Bewitched and the Mary Taylor Moore show when I was 12 and they re-ran them on Nick at Night, but I wouldn't watch them now. I do still enjoy old comedy shows like The Carrol Burnett show, Flip Williams, and Laugh-In.
  • I was actually big into old TV when I was little. I watched a ton of old game shows (old match game, lot of old shit, don't remember names for many of them).
    Also, Brady Bunch, among a lot of stuff that was never that great.
    I loved game shows as well, my favorite even to this day was Press Your Luck:

    Though I remember watching lots of game shows with my grandma, such as Scrabble (wish they'd bring that show back on GSN), Bumper Stumpers, Let's Make a Deal, and other such shows.

    Even today, I enjoy watching Tivo'ed episodes of Price is Right with my dad, although Drew Carey sucks in comparison to Bob Barker.

    Besides game shows, I too enjoyed Gilligan's Island, as well The Munsters, Addams Family, Get Smart, Laugh-In, and definitely the Twilight Zone!

    As far as the talk of the original Star Trek series, I never could get into that, although I was a big fan of Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  • edited September 2008
    I liked this one

    It makes so much sense now :P
    Post edited by Erwin on
  • Being a punk kid, I'd probably get yelled at if I mentioned any TV that feels "old" to me. The only place I've seen any of these shows is TV Land, and I'm not really a fan of any of them. In fact, the only really old show I could claim to enjoy in a non-ironic manner would have to be The Twilight Zone, but damn do I love The Twilight Zone.
  • The only place I've seen any of these shows is TV Land
    Well yeah, same here. That and GSN for the gameshows. I really don't watch much TV anymore...but still.
    Oh, also, I did watch a ton of Gilligan's Island. Sweet show.
  • edited September 2008
    As much as I really like the newer Doctor Who series (Doctors 9 and 10) I really find the old Doctor Whos unwatchable. I've never been into game shows, old or new. I wonder why... I really haven't analyzed it before.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • As much as I really like the newer Doctor Who series (Doctors 9 and 10) I really find the old Doctor Whos unwatchable.
    What?!! The old Doctor Who serials were the best! They were what made that show awesome. Ice Warriors, Daleks, Cybermen, and all! The first doctor was badass, the second not so much, the third was more of a return to the first, the fourth one was the greatest doctor who ever lived, the fifth and sixth ones were meh, the seventh I really didn't like, and the eighth was only in a movie. In short, old doctor who serials rule the school and the fact that you watch the new Doctor Who episodes (which are okay once in a while) and discount the glory days is sad and sickening.
  • Dude. The First Doctor was crotchety old man.
  • Dude. The First Doctor was crotchety old man.
    But thanks to him I learned that he is what he is thanks to his companions. His experiences changed him and he made a bunch of mistakes in his long life.
  • Dude. The First Doctor was crotchety old man.
    But that was what was so appealing and so funny about him!
  • I do want to get a hold of some old who, but I don't think I'll like it as much as new who. The 10th doctor is so awesome.
  • I do want to get a hold of some old who, but I don't think I'll like it as much as new who. The 10th doctor is so awesome.
    Agreed, the 10th Doctor is indeed kickass, but don't tell yourself you're going to hate it or you may indeed end up hating it. If you ever get a hold of some old Who, just try watching it in the "I don't know what to expect" attitude.
  • I do want to get a hold of some old who, but I don't think I'll like it as much as new who. The 10th doctor is so awesome.
    Agreed, the 10th Doctor is indeed kickass, but don't tell yourself you're going to hate it or you may indeed end up hating it. If you ever get a hold of some old Who, just try watching it in the "I don't know what to expect" attitude.
    I didn't say hate. I said I don't think I'll like it as much. Huge difference. I heard some great things involving the 4th and 5th doctor that I must see.
  • GeoGeo
    edited September 2008
    I do want to get a hold of some old who, but I don't think I'll like it as much as new who. The 10th doctor is so awesome.
    Agreed, the 10th Doctor is indeed kickass, but don't tell yourself you're going to hate it or you may indeed end up hating it. If you ever get a hold of some old Who, just try watching it in the "I don't know what to expect" attitude.
    I didn't say hate. I said I don't think I'll like it as much. Huge difference. I heard some great things involving the 4th and 5th doctor that I must see.
    These great things you may have heard are indeed true as their adventures are the best that Doctor Who has to offer.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • edited September 2008
    Don't forget about the A-Team!
    Post edited by Alan on
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