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iPod Cases

edited September 2008 in Everything Else
This subject was briefly talked about here. However, I've decided to start a new thread devoted to this particular subject.

For those who use iPods, are you using cases? If so, what sort of case?

For a few years now, I've been using the Belkin Canvas Holster Case. I am using the khaki color on my black iPod because it was the only one available for me to buy at the local canteen at my work.

I am honestly very happy with this case. I just picked it up randomly because I wanted a case to protect my iPod. I like how there are elastic bands on the side to provide a snug fit for the iPod as well as the PVC screen to protect the video screen. All ports are easily accessible when needing to plug in my iPod to either charge or install new things to it.

The leather construction also gives it durability for if you happen to accidentally drop your iPod. I've dropped my iPod on many occasions and there isn't a dent or scratch on it yet.

More and more throughout the past few weeks, I've been thinking about getting a new case. My current case is getting its normal wear and tear and it's not the pretttiest of colors. Plus the PVC screen is starting too look splotchy and there are some scratches that are very noticable.

So now, I'm shopping for a new case.

I'm highly considering just buying the same Belkin case, but in black. The Belkin website has it for $25, however on Amazon it ranges from $11-$15.

Even though that's a pretty good deal, my friend pointed me out to iFrogz. They have a wide variety of custom cases. They are made out of silicone that is applied with an anti-static treatment to repel lint and dust. They have many styles and colors to choose from for the Wrapz and Bandz of the case.

One feature I found to be pretty awesome is the Screenz customization. You can select from an assorted amount of images or upload your own image to cover your iPod wheel. Of course adding these features will be a few extra dollars, however it's still a pretty cool feature none-the-less. (**Note** This feature is currently not available at this time. I contacted customer care and they said they are having "quality" issues in regards to this, however it should come back within a few weeks)

For screen protection they give you a complimentary removable screen cover that you can apply to your iPod. This is probably the only thing that is stopping me from purchasing from them. I really don't like applying screen covers on anything. I always mess up somehow and get bubbles or it's crooked after I applied it.

They do also offer Invisible Shield screen protectors. They range from $11-$25 depending upon how much of your iPod you want to protect. They also give video tutorials on how to apply them.

Overall if I were to purchase the iFrogz silicone case it would cost me $12.99 because they currently have a sale going on. Normally the Wrap is $17.99, the Band is $2, Screenz (wheel cover) is $4. So that's not too bad.

However, they do have a limited assortment when it comes to their variety of Wrapz colors. After talking to customer service (I called their 1-877 number and a person immeadiately answered. That's pretty impressive.) they informed me they are going through a sale to get rid of some overstock and there will probably be more colors available in the Wrapz in the following weeks.

So it's pretty much up in the air on what I want to choose. Part of me wants to hold out on purchasing iFrogz to wait for more colors as well as having my own image as my wheel cover, however the sale they have going on is really nice and there are some current colors that I really don't mind.

However, I do like Belkin. It's simple, it's been good to me these past few years, I know it works.

I just need to make a decision.


  • I really don't like the leather/cloth cases. It's all about the form fitting rubber or solid plastic shields. DLO and Incase offer some great ones. I have the Griffin Nu Form on my iPhone 3G right now, but I only bought it because the selection was weak when the phone was first released. Now that selection has improved, I might replace it at some point.
  • image
    Belkin Nano flip case, awesome. Offers awesome protection, once in a while when I am running to catch my train for example, it slips from my pants. But no problem, Hina still plays musics as if nothing ever happened. :D

    And yes, I have it in black, for a black first gen nano. (I love the 4th gen nano designs though, holy crap are they made of freaking win.)
  • edited September 2008
    I really don't like the leather/cloth cases. It's all about the form fitting rubber or solid plastic shields.DLOandIncaseoffer some great ones.
    Thanks for the sites. Now I even have more to choose from. I do like the Neoprene sleeves from Incase.

    @myself/nineless (I don't like calling you your current name :P)
    I have the 30g 5G Video iPod. I do not like flip cases. I need instant access to the wheel and screen. I do not like making extra effort to go to the next track. :P
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • I don't like any case that has to flip open. The whole point of having the click wheel and such is that you can use the iPod without looking and with one hand. Adding the extra step of having to flip the thing open makes it worse, not better. All a case should do is physically protect the device from damage while being as non-intrusive as possible.

    Really, if Apple made the things more durable in the first place we wouldn't even need cases. Of course, they make more money selling licenses to the case makers than they would get by changing their designs. It can't be super thin if you make the case out of Nintendo plastic. Instead, buy a separate plastic shell to put on there. Well, at least it adds some customizability that was lost thanks to the lack of a charm hook.
  • The whole point of having the click wheel and such is that you can use the iPod without looking and with one hand.
    Because you have to use both your eyes and both your hands to flip-click-tap. It's not really intrusive, provides better protection (being able to see the screen and click-wheel at all times means it's exposed to bad luck drops and thus breakage), and looks good. It's a trade-off between taste, level of protection and this silly laziness both of you (Ro and Scott) show. :p We all know which are irrational points concerning discussion.
  • It's a trade-off between taste, level of protection and this silly laziness both of you (Ro and Scott) show. :p We all know which are irrational points concerning discussion.
    There is still enough protection in many cases with out the flap. It's all about time efficiency to pleasure, not laziness. :P
  • provides better protection (being able to see the screen and click-wheel at all times means it's exposed to bad luck drops and thus breakage)
    I have a static-cling clear screen protector on my iPhone. You might not even realize it's on there if I didn't tell you. It perfectly protects the screen without obscuring it in any way. If you're worried about scratching the screen, put a clear plastic cling protector on there.
  • Now that selection has improved, I might replace it at some point.
    What are you currently looking at or leaning towards for your iPhone?
  • Now that selection has improved, I might replace it at some point.
    What are you currently looking at or leaning towards for your iPhone?
    Maybe the incase Slider. It's basically the same design as the one I've got, but a tiny bit better.
  • It's all about time efficiency to pleasure, not laziness. :P
    Point three of a second is negligible. I'll keep calling it silly laziness for it takes no time to flip the case open and do what you wanted. Note how this is only fully suitable for normal iPods and not the iPhone (perhaps even iTouch).
    I have a static-cling clear screen protector on my iPhone. You might not even realize it's on there if I didn't tell you. It perfectly protects the screen without obscuring it in any way. If you're worried about scratching the screen, put a clear plastic cling protector on there.
    Those things are crap. Sure, they protect against scratches, but I was talking about bad luck drops, the kind that causes not scratches but cracks. And my flimsy piece of clear plastic did obscure my screen (it was applied properly), on top of being extremely annoying to put on properly. Couldn't they just use the apply method as is used on band-aids, only from one side. >_>
  • Those things are crap. Sure, they protect against scratches, but I was talking about bad luck drops, the kind that causes not scratches but cracks. And my flimsy piece of clear plastic did obscure my screen (it was applied properly), on top of being extremely annoying to put on properly. Couldn't they just use the apply method as is used on band-aids, only from one side. >_>
    If you have a hard plastic case around the sides and back, you are protected from drops. I guess it might be possible to drop it and have the screen hit the corner of a table hard enough to crack it, but that is double bad luck. Your flimsy piece of plastic screen must have just been crummy. Mine is great.
  • I guess it might be possible to drop it and have the screen hit the corner of a table hard enough to crack it, but that is double bad luck.
    Ah, different terms for the same thing. I wouldn't call dropping something bad luck though. Those things happen once in a while.
  • but I was talking about bad luck drops, the kind that causes not scratches but cracks.
    Personally, I'm not worried at all about "bad luck" drops. I don't have ANY case for my Nano other than the thin slip it came with. I just don't drop electronics. ^_~ For me, cases exist solely to prevent cosmetic damage from pockets and the things within them.
  • edited September 2008
    Point three of a second is negligible. I'll keep calling it silly laziness for it takes no time to flip the case open and do what you wanted. Note how this is only fully suitable for normal iPods and not the iPhone (perhaps even iTouch).
    If flipping is negligible, looking at your case that you provided, it still looks inefficient to flip open. When holding your iPod, you hold it on the bottom. Your most normal reaction to opening something is flipping it up. Your case you have to flip the flap down. That's no good for me.

    I know this is anecdotal, but my friend who has the iFrogz case didn't even apply his screen protector to his, so he doesn't have anything protecting his screen. When I asked him if he was concerned for getting his screen scratched or cracked he replied to me, "The ifrog skins are nice because they are so thick, so that raises the edges up so even if you drop the the screen won't be scratched. You really don't need a screen protector at all." So take that for what you will.
    I guess it might be possible to drop it and have the screen hit the corner of a table hard enough to crack it, but that is double bad luck
    I have to agree with this. Bad luck is bad luck. It's all on chances. For myself, I only have my iPod out at work. Whenever I store it, it's either is my tote or purse, so it has some sort of cushion of protection.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • "The ifrog skins are nice because they are so thick, so that raises the edges up so even if you drop the the screen won't be scratched. You really don't need a screen protector at all." So take that for what you will.
    Yes, raising the edges up helps a lot, but it still won't help you if the screen hits the sharp corner of a table on the way down. This is less of a concern on a nano or classic because the screens are so much smaller. Also, I agree with what Rym said. Keeping your keys in the same pocket as the device is what you really want to protect against.
  • Yes, raising the edges up helps a lot, but it still won't help you if the screen hits the sharp corner of a table on the way down. This is less of a concern on a nano or classic because the screens are so much smaller. Also, I agree with what Rym said. Keeping your keys in the same pocket as the device is what you really want to protect against.
    Yes, I agree. Whenever I put my iPod in purse or tote, I try to make sure it's not in a section with things that are sharp or have a possibility to scratch it even though it has a protective case.
  • I use a combination of a Countour iSee case and a protective film for the screen. It will protect you from just about any mishap.
  • I have one of those Invisible Shield protectors on my 5th generation iPod. It's great, even though it was sort of a pain in the ass to install (the protector has to be aligned JUST right). My iPod still looks pretty virgin and shiny, no scratches. I tried some of leather and clear plastic cases, but they were all too bulky.
  • edited September 2008
    This is what I used for my 5.5 Gen iPod.
    I'm don't really worry about drops that much but I wanted to protect it from scratches and it does a great job of that.
    Post edited by jordanr64 on
  • edited September 2008
    I bought the DLO rubberish case for my iPhone 3g when it first came out because it was the only possible choice, and it came with three plastic cling screen protectors. I'm still using the first one and haven't had to change it. The case itself is pretty good, except for some reason it's started wearing down on the corners, and it's always in a pocket with just a pen. Another annoying thing I found was that it clings to the cloth inside my pockets, so sometimes when I quickly reach for my phone I'll pull the entire pocket out and the pen with it (I hate losing pens).

    For the nano I had before this, I honestly just went out and got a cheap case from the dollar store and it worked perfectly fine for me.
    Post edited by Blattus on
  • Another annoying thing I found was that it clings to the cloth inside my pockets, so sometimes when I quickly reach for my phone I'll pull the entire pocket out and the pen with it (I hate losing pens).
    Is the screen the part that's clinging? Did you put it on backwards?
  • Ah, sorry I wasn't too specific. The rubbery part that's the actual case just has a lot of friction against the pocket. The screen protector works fine, though sometimes when I hold it up to the light at an angle I can see colored striations, but that doesn't get in the way at a normal viewing angle so no worries
  • If flipping is negligible, looking at your case that you provided, it still looks inefficient to flip open. When holding your iPod, you hold it on the bottom. Your most normal reaction to opening something is flipping it up. Your case you have to flip the flap down. That's no good for me.
    I don't follow you here, do you mean the orientation is wrong? You flip the magnet holding the case close up, then let the main part flap down in your hand, press the button you want with your thumb, bring your hand back to your hip and tap the little magnet back in place.
    "The ifrog skins are nice because they are so thick, so that raises the edges up so even if you drop the the screen won't be scratched. You really don't need a screen protector at all." So take that for what you will.
    That was my reasoning when I tore the flimsy plastic off. That will scratch also eventually. Merely postponing the scratching, and by that time there's already a 4th generation of the device out.
  • I don't follow you here, do you mean the orientation is wrong? You flip the magnet holding the case close up, then let the main part flap down in your hand, press the button you want with your thumb, bring your hand back to your hip and tap the little magnet back in place.
    Ok, now I'm confused. But I think Iwill answer,yes. I don't like flaps in general, but if I'm going to open something that is holding my iPod, I would rather open it by lifting up than pulling down. This not might make sense to you, but it makes sense to me. :P
  • ......
    edited September 2008
    I don't follow you here, do you mean the orientation is wrong? You flip the magnet holding the case close up, then let the main part flap down in your hand, press the button you want with your thumb, bring your hand back to your hip and tap the little magnet back in place.
    Ok, now I'm confused. But I think Iwill answer,yes. I don't like flaps in general, but if I'm going to open something that is holding my iPod, I would rather open it by lifting up than pulling down. This not might make sense to you, but it makes sense to me. :P
    That's what I'm saying, you flip the flap with the magnet up, freeing the ipod + leather jacket, which can then fall, because of gravity, into your palm. And after that you flip the iPod back up, and tap the magnet in place. No flipping down or anything of that nonsense.
    Post edited by ... on
  • I kind of like these, but they are a bit expensive.
  • Ooh, those wood ones are pretty classy. I wouldn't mind getting one, but price is always a factor.

    I have a Marware Sport Grip Backwinder. It doesn't protect the screen at all (I applied one of those protective stickers, though), and can make using the click wheel awkward at times, but it was cheap and I like being able to wind my earbuds up.
  • Ok. I caved in and decided to go with iFrogz. Since they were having a sale I got everything with shipping for under $20. I'll post my thoughts about it when it arrives.
  • I just don't drop things. Maybe if you people stopped rubbing butter all over your hands you wouldn't need a case.
  • Maybe if you people stopped rubbing butter all over your hands you wouldn't need a case.
    Oh. So that's what I'm doing wrong. Thanks. =P

    **Note to self: Do not rub butter on hands.**
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