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Where were you?

I had driven into my temp job doing data entry while I was still living in Maryland. I usually listened to CD's on the way into work, so I didn't hear any news until I walked in that morning. My boss came up to me and asked me if I'd heard anything on the news, and I gave her a confused look. She told me a plane hit the world trade center in New York.

My first thought was "Wow, somebody screwed up pretty bad to hit a building in NYC, but it's happened before.", but it was not until I turned on the radio to listen to the usual wacky morning DJ show to the news that a plane hit the second tower. It was at that moment that I knew something was going on and it was not somebody making a mistake. The morning DJ's completely switched gears, covering everything by the second and taking calls and reporting the best they could. I remember being impressed the entire week as they changed their show entirely for a good two weeks.

When the plane hit the Pentagon, I left work. We lived about an hour out of DC, and my dad worked at the Kaiser Permenente medical center there. Not close to the pentagon, but close enough that all roads were too congested for him or anyone else to go anywhere. Many of the students at my sister's school had parents that worked in the Pentagon or in the government.

I remember going home, and seeing the images for the first time on the TV. I remember that they forgot to bleep out people swearing also, and finding it both surprising and not surprising at the same time. I also thought of the numerous Muslim families in our area, and being afraid for them. I don't recall being afraid, only angry and sad.

Schools were being canceled and I raced to get my sister from high school, the same I had attended before I graduated. I've never seen a school since that had been so silent. I remember as we walked to the car in the school parking lot seeing combat jets fly over the school in pairs. There were three major airports (Dulles, National, and BWI) within an hour of our house, and the sudden lack of any plane other then the combat jets in the sky was a bit surreal.

My uncle, who lived on Canal Street in NYC (which is relatively close to where the WTC was), said dust came down on his building that day and they didn't want to go outside for at least a day.

Fortunately, no one I knew and no one they knew were hurt physically. As for me, it left a mark burned in my mind. Every time I see a movie with the towers in it, even if it's from two decades ago, I can't erase the connection now.

Where were you?


  • I had a temp job working with disabled people. It was about 4pm in the UK, and I was helping to get everyone onto a bus to take them home. The bus driver said "Hey, you should listen to the radio, it's all going down in New York..."

    So we listened to a BBC news update and the announcer was saying "... in a deliberate terrorist attack, two planes have flown into the World Trader Center towers, which have now collapsed."

    My first thought was "Wow, this is huge..." and then my brain caught up with the last phrase: "...which have now collapsed."

    It was said with such finality, but it completely freaked my out. These were two of the biggest structures mankind has ever built; I didn't even know it was possible for something so big TO collapse. I tried to think of the New York skyline without those buildings, and it just didn't seem right. I tried to imagine what it was like for something so big to fall down, and I just couldn't imagine how planes of any size could cause it. After a minute or so I started thinking about other aspects, but those first few moments of cognitive dissonance are the most memorable part of that day for me.

    A few hours later I saw some footage on TV and I knew it was going to be one of those generation defining events. For example, I knew this exact question woud be asked in years to come, and a room would be split by those who remembered it and those who didn't. Like the assassination of JFK, the Apollo moon landings, maybe the Challenger disaster, the fall of the Berlin wall and the freeing of Nelson Mandella a few months apart, and I'm sure some many others.
  • I was sitting in a beanbag watching late-night tv (It was around 11 PM or so in Australia) and they Interupted the show (Ed the Sock) with The Famous News Report "A Plane has just hit the World Trade Center" - I ran and woke up my father, who was immediately dumbstruck. We sat there in silence, watching, until they stopped reporting the news, about 3:30 Am.
  • If I remember correctly, I found out on the 12th when I watched the morning news. I was not as surprised as the media suggested I should have been.
  • I was in my 6th grade advanced history class. The general history teacher ran in the room and told us what had happened, so the 9 or so of us went into her room. She had planning, so it was just us.

    I remember thinking, "This is so surreal." I mean, at the age of 11, and not staying on top of current events as much as I should have been, I really wasn't sure if we, as a nation, knew something like this was coming. All I knew was that one of the twin towers had been hit, and there would most likely be hell to pay. We sat around in the somewhat strange chaos in the middle school, and talked about what had happened.

    The TV was still on, with the news playing so we would know anything, and we saw the second tower get hit. I think that that one impacted me quite a bit harder. The nerve of them. Hitting two towers? Wasn't one enough?

    I don't know much more than that, and that's a bit hazy, but I do know that at that age, it really didn't affect me too much. It did have enough impact though to cause me to write this poem. I think it's some of the best stuff I've ever written, so that has to say something. I'll leave you with it.
    Not of Concern

    I don't think I'll ever forget that day,
    Parents at work and children at play,
    Unsuspecting of anything that would change their life,
    Their only concern was dinner that night.

    But suddenly that morning erupted terror and fear,
    From those far away and from those quite near,
    Everyone was in panic and disarray,
    People weren't sure what to do, or even what to say.

    As we all tried to workout the events that occurred,
    Planes hit buildings, and deaths were assured,
    Anger ensued when the culprits were discovered,
    Crying was commenced from Fathers and Mothers.

    Families destroyed, lives taken away,
    Curses were screamed, those terrorists would pay,
    Threats were made and vengeance demanded,
    Higher protection and safety commanded.

    The fate of our loved ones lied in the powers that be,
    All we could do was just wait and see,
    We put faith in our God, or lack thereof,
    People hoped that there really was a power above.

    Something to save them, to allow them to live,
    That was the best gift that anyone could give,
    But sadly many never received this present,
    We can only hope that their deaths were pleasant.

    Maybe where they are is better than here,
    War might not occur, residents might not live in fear,
    That life would be great, that life would be grand,
    But sadly we must play the cards that we hold in our hand.

    I don't think I'll ever forget that day,
    Parents and work and children at play,
    Unsuspecting of anything that would change their life,
    Because their biggest concern was dinner that night.
  • I don't remember, and I don't care. It has been 7 years people.
  • edited September 2008
    I was at RIT getting ready for class, doing my morning check of the internet when I realized that all the news sites were not working properly. I went to fark and saw the tons of newsflashes and turned on the TV just a few minutes before the second airplane hit the second tower on a live feed. I immediately jumped back on the internet and IMed everyone I knew about what was happening and found out my ex-girlfriend (in good standing) Liz was on campus with nowhere to go, so I invited her over and we sat pretty much in stunned silence for a few hours as we watched the news reports of the pentagon and PA crash. However if I remember correctly RIT did not close for the day like other places but the city of Rochester did. I don't remember a lot from the day but I do remember the news playing some really graphic video that they never showed again for the most part. Also I had to tell everyone that I was safe because apparently people can't understand how far away Rochester NY is from New York NY.....
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • I was taking an A.P. biology exam.
  • edited September 2008
    I don't remember, and I don't care. It has been 7 years people.
    You are not from New York. It probably wasn't as big a deal for you.

    My upperclassmen friends at NYU would tell stories of those days, but I was still in high school, outside the city. I walked into my High School English class, and everyone was crowded around the television. I remember thinking that they were watching a movie, and I asked someone what was on. They said "They bombed the world trade center." I assumed that it was the video from years ago when the parking lot bombing happened, but they said, "No, this is live."

    My teacher had a daughter who worked in the world trade center. He was frantic, waiting for a call.

    I went home for lunch, and didn't go back to school that afternoon. My mom made me a sandwich and we sat on the couch together. We had been to the towers a week before, right before the end of summer vacation. It was were we would get off the PATH train. It was weird. When I lived in an apartment on Water Street my sophomore year, I would pass the gigantic hole and think about it.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • edited September 2008
    I was in the courthouse in Louisville, KY on my way to a traffic/misdemeanor courtroom. A clerk used the PA system to tell us that a plane had just crashed into the WTC. That was unusual, because in about five years of working there, I had never heard the PA system used for anything else. I thought, "I wonder if it was a deliberate attack. No, that would be alarmist. You always think the worst. It was likely just an accident." Later, the clerk told us on the PA about the second plane.

    I remember thinking that people who were saying that no one could have foreseen that people would use airplanes as missiles didn't have much imagination. It's not like the Japanese Air Force didn't do it in WW II, and it's not like Tom Clancy hadn't written about it as a major plot point in Debt of Honor.

    On my way back to the office, I was tried to remember a story I once heard about a B-25 crashing into the Empire State Building during WW II. At the office, I confirmed that had happened by the internet. I thought that, surely if the Empire State Building stayed up, the WTC would stay up.

    Something that was a little odd for me was that my wife and I had been on a trip to see her family in NH just the week before. We flew into and out of Logan airport during the same general time frame the hijackers went through Logan. Weird.

    BTW, the Bush Administration is now saying that Osama bin Laden was not the mastermind behind the attacks.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • BTW, the Bush Administration is now saying that Osama bin Laden wasnot the mastermind behind the attacks.
    From the comments there: "We have always been at war with Eurasia."
  • I was on my way to work. It was around 9:30 AM PST. I tried listening to music on the radio, but all the stations has some weird announcer on it broadcasting something. I really didn't pay any attention because I wanted to listen to music.

    When I go to work, my coworkers asked if I knew what was going on. They told me. I didn't know what to think. It was surreal. I felt really bad for the people suffering. I was a bank teller at the time. Not many customers came in that day. Those who did, we would talk about it and just hope that not too many people were hurt.
  • I don't see why this is such a big deal? I'm not trying to be insensitive or an ass, it was a big deal when it happened. I can even remember exactly where I was when it happened.

    [My story] I was in English class, my teacher turned on the TV when it was announced through the PA system, then a min later, the PA system announced to turn all TVs off. This was the first time I heard a Teacher swear, she just looked at the PA speaker and said "Fuck that." and we watched it until class ended. She was to my knowledge one of the like 4 teachers that left it on. (I figure Scrim... well more just Rym, will have an opinion on this, since it was a public school.) We were deprived knowledge about what was happening in the real world in school.
    I know people in NYC and I was hoping that they weren't around the building when it happened, but if they were, what could I have done?

    But I really can't get why people make such a huge deal about it. Is it because people died? Is it because people never thought it would happen? Or is it because people had their worlds shaken in a way that may actually their livelihoods for the first time since WWII?

    Yes, it was terrible. But really, what does "Never forget 9/11" really mean? Not to forget that when you’re a big country with enemies you can be attacked? I don't get it. Is it calling for like retribution or something? People say it and I see it on bumper stickers, but what is its meaning? It's really ridiculous to me.
  • I was working at the sportsbook at the time, the collective mindset when we watched the second plane was... This shit is going to be bad news for everyone, everywhere, and for the first time all the phones went silent. Until assholes started calling about if there was going to be a Over/Under on the death toll, or props on who was responsible and stupid shit like that, needless to say, we all told them to fuck themselves and were not suspended for it.
  • I was in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. I didn't really believe it at first, but when I turned on Sky News I realized.

    Next day my school was closed since everyone feared the international schools would be attacked. Over the next 3 months or so I continuously got text messages from the German embassy telling me to fly back. Then 1 and a half years later terrorists actually did attack the compounds foreigners lived in and I ended up coming back to Germany.
    If it wouldn't have been for 9/11 I'd probably be studying at an American University right now and would have never ended up living in Germany. It's really strange how things play out in retrospect.
  • I was on my way home from school on the bus when someone got a call from his brother telling him that it had happened but I didn't really know what had happened until I got home turned on the telly and watch the BBC news coverage. I sat there watching it just thinking that I was witnessing history and this was one of them moments that will go down as "Where were you?" way and that it was a turning point in history, one of the dots we historians place to signify a huge shift in the times, like The Berlin Wall coming down or Franz Ferdinand been killed.
    This was the biggest event in world history since the wall came down and at the same time it was the polar opposite of it, 1989 signaled a happy time, the biggest part y of all time and some even thought it was the end of history. It was also the first time that America had been seriously attacked on home soil since British burned down the White House in 1812, I was watching a country been dragged into the "real" world for the first time in over a 100 years.
  • I was in 11th grade in computer class. A PA announcement came on. The principal said the WTC has been bombed. Then soon she said the Pentagon. We ended up staying in our next class for an extended time because they were getting the buses to get out early. We listened to the radio in our Govt. class and talked about it for awhile. Some poeple took it seriously and some were making jokes. I just sat there drawing away to not think about it.

    It didn't hit me full force until I got home and called my Grandma ma to tell her I was home. I turned on the TV and it hit me then. I watched it for hours into the night. I think even until late at night.

    The next day we got off too since we lived in the DC area. I went to a store with Mom to buy some stuff. The cashier asked if I was happy to be out of school today. I said in a monotone voice "Why would anyone be happy to be out of school because of that!" I looked around at the things people were buying and the attitude in the air and thought to myself, the world has changed on Sept. 12. It took Sept 11th.
  • I was working in the zooarcheology laboratory at my University. All that we had in the laboratory were radios, so the effect was initially more like "War of the Worlds". Once I got to the Student Union, reality set in. TVs were everywhere, and reporters coulnd't go for 5 minutes without showing a video or audio clip.

    The biggest stressor was that my Aunt worked for the military at the time and was a frequent visitor to that wing of the Pentagon. We went for days without hearing anything from her; not that the cell phone towers were helping much in that regard. She happened to be in Florida with the President and White House Senior Staff at the time of the crashes. She tells a very interesting story of not being buckled in and positioning herself between the desk on Air Force One in order to not fall over as they took off the ground to a then-undisclosed AFB shortly after the crashes.
  • I was in my office at Los Alamos when my boss dropped in and said a plane had crashed into one of the towers. We decamped to the conference room and its TV with CNN and watched for a while. We got sent home a bit later. I don't know why I went home (sloth, probably): there was nothing but imaginary danger. Los Alamos may be a target for terrorists, but it has to be way down the list.

    I tried unsuccessfully to contact my wife, who was on her way in a rental car to Albuquerque to catch a flight I knew was going to be canceled. She was smart and lucky: she figured out what was going on while standing in line to check in, and called the car rental place to reserve a car before they were swamped with people. She reported back that a ton of people took the bus back from the terminal to wait in line to find they had no cars left. They had all gone to people who had called ahead from the terminal. I assume similar things went on all over.

    LANL was open the next morning, and we went back to work. Not being in NYC or DC, it got back to business as usual pretty quickly.

    A colleague was more affected. He was at a conference in France, and ended up having to spend another week or two over there before he could get a flight back. Life is hard...
  • I was in my 6th grade social studies class and when I heard about it I just shrugged it off, not thinking that it was a big deal. It wasn't until I got home and could actually watch the news did I actually understand how massive this event was.
  • JayJay
    edited September 2008
    (In Canada, Toronto) I was in class, and they announced that the Towers were hit over the PA. Anyone could leave if they needed to due to family etc. All the kids looked around and shrugged, looked at the teacher she shrugged, and we carried on. No one really cared. Never heard another word of it outside of passing on the news until I got older and started paying attention to American politics.
    Post edited by Jay on
  • I don't remember, and I don't care. It has been 7 years people.
    Your are not from New York. It probably wasn't as big a deal for you.
    That is the case yes, but I don't see the point in these threads, I mean, every year I have seen a new version of this thread on the internet again. Not only is it useless, it's also not interesting and it would be more respectful to say "Don't forget to have a minute of silence in remembrance of 11-09-2001 today.".
  • We should have a thread with no posts except *moment of silence*
  • We should have a thread with no posts except *moment of silence*
    It would fall off the front immediately because no one posts. Defeating the purposes as most wont see the thread. The irony is beautiful.
  • No, everyone would post "Moment of silence"
  • edited September 2008
    I don't remember, and I don't care. It has been 7 years people.
    Your are not from New York. It probably wasn't as big a deal for you.
    That is the case yes, but I don't see the point in these threads, I mean, every year I have seen a new version of this thread on the internet again. Not only is it useless, it's also not interesting and it would be more respectful to say "Don't forget to have a minute of silence in remembrance of 11-09-2001 today.".
    If you don't like seeing it, don't participate in it. I happened to have connections to both DC and NYC and afterwords I felt affected. I was curious to what other people were doing and feeling at the time (responses from those outside of the US have been really interesting to me). There's no reason for you to come on in and shit all over everything because you don't like it.

    Incidentally, as a teacher of young children, it's interesting to see the divide of people who know and the generation who has no concept of what happened.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • I was camping in the back woods of Wyoming. I didn't know about it until two days later. I turned on my car radio and started listening to a talk show host. It took me a little while to piece it together, since the host wasn't reporting the news at this point.

    I was on the very first Continental Airlines flight out of Denver after the attacks. (I believe the flight was on a Friday, although I could be mistaken.) The plane was about 1/3 full of airline staff that had been stranded. The airport was actually pretty quiet. A lot of planes were still parked in weird places. We connected in Newark. Across the river, you could still see a cloud of smoke rising into the air above ground zero.

    We were very lucky that we just happened to have reservations on the first flight out. Our travel back home was actually pretty easy - although for a while I was tempted to keep my rental car and drive across country with it.
  • ......
    edited September 2008
    We should have a thread with no posts except *moment of silence*
    Just make that the thread title, lock and sticky the thread for the day, voila instant reusable indication that people should take note what day it is. After the date just unsticky it and let it slowly go down in the thread list, then sticky it back up when there's a new day that should be noted.
    Post edited by ... on
  • 9/11 is something to remember. We should show respect for the people who died there, and for anyone who died a meaningless death. However, when you put it in perspective of the entire history of the world, it really bothers me that so much attention is brought to 9/11. If we give this much respect and remembrance for the 3000 people who died on 9/11, we should give 10 times as much for Rwanda, 50 times as much for the people in the Cambodian killing fields, over 100 times as much for the atomic bombs that dropped on Japan, 2000 times as much for the holocaust, and 10,000 times as much for all the other genocides throughout history. That's only recent history, not even counting things like crusades or inquisitions. 9/11 is a drop in the bucket in the history of mass murder.

    There's nothing wrong with remembering 9/11. It simply that the proportion of attention given to the problem of terrorism is continually disturbing given the kinds of things happening in places like Darfur right now. Terrorism of the nature that we saw on 9/11 is real and significant, but it is the least of our worries.

    People keep using the slogan "never forget" for 9/11. I don't believe it. They've already forgotten all the other far more terrible events in history. They've even forgotten Pearl Harbor and Oklahoma City. And that's the worst part of it. By having all these memorials for 9/11, they're pretending to show respect for the people who died there. But really all they are doing is disrespecting those people by using their death as a tool to sway people's political views and get TV ratings. It's really disgusting.

    If you want to "never forget" 9/11 properly, start by remembering everything else first. If you feel 9/11 deserves your moment of silence, give a month of silence for everyone else.
  • We should have a thread with no posts except *moment of silence*
    Just make that the thread title, lock and sticky the thread for the day, voila instant reusable indication that people should take note what day it is. After the date just unsticky it and let it slowly go down in the thread list, then sticky it back up when there's a new day that should be noted.
    That's actually a pretty good idea.
  • edited September 2008
    If you don't like seeing it, don't participate in it. I happened to have connections to both DC and NYC and afterwords I felt affected. I was curious to what other people were doing and feeling at the time (responses from those outside of the US have been really interesting to me). There's no reason for you to come on in and shit all over everything because you don't like it.
    I never said I did not like seeing it, I said I do not see a point in it. Read both, see the difference? I'm not shitting on anything at all. I'm only saying that this thread is useless and in my opinion rather disrespectful. Really, making people think "Oh yes, what was I doing again?" instead of silence for those who died and those left behind is really respectful.
    Incidentally, as a teacher of young children, it's interesting to see the divide of people who know and the generation who has no concept of what happened.
    An attempt at making me feel bad? Lets see, 7 years ago, I was 13, yeah, I pretty damn well understood what happened, and I was most likely at home, watching the repeating footage on TV. I mean, what other story would you get? It's either "I watched TV", or "I listened to the radio". Really, you are that interested in knowing what basically everybody in the entire world did?
    Again I say, if you don't want to participate, don't. I don't feel disrespected when people ask me, and I'm curious as to what others were doing.

    No, it's not an attempt to make you feel bad (I don't see how it could make anyone feel bad really), it's simply an observation. And I find that it's more than TV or radio. That's only how people found out unless they were actually there, not how they reacted.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
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