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I Don't Have a Girlfriend, What Should I do?

I just had too.
But seriously, some advice? I would like to get one date before I'm 18.


  • RymRym
    edited September 2008
    But seriously, some advice? I would like to get one date before I'm 18.
    You're already going about this the wrong way. Looking for a relationship, as opposed to looking for a relationship with a particular person, is just about the worst thing you can do.

    If you like someone, be friends with them. Ask them out. That's all there is to it.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • I can't really give much advice without repeating Rym. Don't worry about it until you meet someone worth worrying about.
  • Be confident, yourself, and honest, and things will fall into place. Smile and be friendly, and then if you think it's good, ask 'em out.
  • Do not, under any circumstances, ask a woman if you can roxor her boxors. Seriously.
  • Be loud and open with your nerdy interest to attract fellow nerds. You want to have a relationship with someone that shares or at least accepts your hobbies.

    Do not be afraid to end the relationship if it becomes terrible.

  • Do not be afraid to end the relationship if it becomes terrible.
    Quite possibly the best piece of advice for when you are in a relationship, also make sure you are honest to yourself and to others for it is the only way to find someone who attracted to you for you.
  • Don't smell bad.
  • Oh, and ask someone.
  • Make sure you can be friends with her friends. Because if you can't get along with her friends that could get weird. And take showers and brush your teeth. I went out with someone who was such a nice guy but I had to end it because of his bad hygiene. But if you stay true to yourself, you'll eventually meet someone. I've been going out with my boyfriend for a little over 8 months. He is going to be 20 in November and I was his first real girlfriend. So you really just have to wait for the right person. That's about the only advice I can give you.
  • Don't settle, and stop looking. But if you have to look just go to places that are social, and that you like going too (anime conventions, Game Stops, Comic book stores, or any random place that is social) and as stupid as this sounds just start talking to women. I would say any of the recommendations only because it is easier to start conversations there but going to a club is alright. If you don't talk to them then their is no way you can get into a relationship to begin with. I do not encourage the use of the internet because of it's mixed results but if you do use it be completely random. Remember that before you start talking to them you are just one of thousands of men on the internet, and that they can pick out whoever they want so you have to make yourself unique. And in general be yourself, and be confident.
  • edited September 2008
    Ask Scott for advice.

    Oh, wait.
    Post edited by Starfox on
  • Being shy won't get you anywhere.
  • I have the same problem when it comes to women, I have plenty of friends that are girls but they always put me into the friend zone.
  • My advice would be to not ask for relationship advice on the Internets.
  • edited September 2008
    Start drinking. Really removes the shyness barrier and women love alcohol. Otherwise, just do this:
    Don't settle, and stop looking.
    Really, you shouldn't have to look. But at the same time, if you aren't looking and can't find anyone, just don't bother. That's been my philosophy. I've only had one girlfriend in HS (for a few months Junior year) and I just asked a girl to homecoming...
    Post edited by Dkong on
  • But seriously, some advice? I would like to get one date before I'm 18.
    You're already going about this the wrong way. Looking for arelationship, as opposed to looking for a relationship with aparticularperson, is just about the worst thing you can do.

    If you like someone, be friends with them. Ask them out. That's all there is to it.
    You know, that's the best advice I've ever heard. It makes so much sense. Thank you.
  • Become a warrior monk.
  • Monks take a vow celibacy though.
  • Monks take a vow celibacy though.
    Become a rebel monk :P
  • edited September 2008
    First, I was being a troll by copying the "My Girlfriend is X, What Should I Do?" threads.

    Second, I pretty much narrowed it down to the reasons to why I will never have a Girlfriend in high school, was back in 10 grade after many miserable attempts asking out girls. No girl in my school has the same interest as me, and if there are, they are probably freshman or middle-schoolers, and dating them would be just plain weird. I'm just afraid that one day my lack of experience in dating will come back too haunt me. I worry that I might make the mistakes that, I would know if I had previous dating experience.

    The question I want to ask you guys, and maybe girls is, how old where you when you went on your first date or had a relationship with someone? Because it can't be normal to be 17.5 and still never went on one date or even took someone to a school dance.
    Post edited by CHOIS CHOIS CHOIS on
  • This one hits home with me as well. I'm 22 now and still have never had a girlfriend, but to be fair, I never wanted one until just last year. But yeah, I don't worry about it, it's not like it's a social-ending thing. I have a ton of friends who love hanging out with me, and that's a good thing. Honestly, the longer you go without a girlfriend, the harder your friends will try to help you out. But to copy Scott, make friends first. If you click, then ask them out.
  • edited September 2008
    The question I want to ask you guys, and maybe girls is, how old where you when you went on your first date or had a relationship with someone? Because it can't be normal to be 17.5 and still never went on one date or even took someone to a school dance.
    I had a kinda-sorta half assed relationship in 8th grade. It's not worth counting. Otherwise I didn't have a real girlfriend until like last February, in which I was damn near 17.5.
    Regardless, though, I know that a few of my friends have never had a girlfriend.

    I don't really think it's that big of a deal. Relationships in high school don't really mean much other than sexual experience. There is very little, if any, actual relationship experience you're missing out on.

    As for my senior year, I plan on asking someone to homecoming (which I did and she hasn't really given me a clear answer yet, situation looks ugly) and prom. Other than that I plan on being single.
    Post edited by Dkong on
  • I didn't get a first date till I was well into being 18. And even then it was unexpected and I would have been quite happy without it. Seriously, stop worrying about it. No one cares. When you eventually do date having no experience could be to your advantage, you never know. :P Common sense and sincerity > all.
  • Give up and acquire a Platonic Life Partner. :P
  • Although, not to worry anyone here, but its not uncommon for geeks to never get married.

    Just pointing it out.
  • -.- really at this point I wouldn't want to get married. I am 24 years old, and got engaged at 17. Things didn't work out, and now in a way I am glad they didn't but I have learned the most valuable lesson of all. Don't rush into anything, and listen to Tom Leykis at least once. Yes he is a loud mouth, and yes he had bad advice as far as dating goes but when it comes down to it he is generally right about women. And women of the forum who know who this man is don't attack me. I have a + 10 anti Leykis shield with a defense bonus. Plus I used the phrase "generally".

    Start drinking. Really removes the shyness barrier and women love alcohol. Otherwise, just do this:
    Don't settle, and stop looking.
    Really, you shouldn't have to look. But at the same time, if you aren't looking and can't find anyone, just don't bother. That's been my philosophy. I've only had one girlfriend in HS (for a few months Junior year) and I just asked a girl to homecoming...
    And drinking helps lol.
  • The question I want to ask you guys, and maybe girls is, how old where you when you went on your first date or had a relationship with someone? Because it can't be normal to be 17.5 and still never went on one date or even took someone to a school dance.
    What the hell do you care if it's "normal". You're on the Front Row Crew Forums.

    If you're not happy with your situation, expand your social life. Otherwise, stop whining.
  • edited September 2008
    *Insert Schwarzenegger "STOP WHINING" clip here*
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I had my first proper relationship when I was 17. Which lasted until I was 21, which was nice and all. Before that it was random hook ups with various girls and wasn't all that fulfilling, so my advice to you is to stop looking for a relationship and let one come to you. If your a nice person (who doesn't smell) you will find someone before too long.
  • Go to Law School.
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