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  • edited September 2008
    I travel a lot with my job. My best advice for any trip is to take a face mask, snorkel and fins. Exploring undersea in 3 dimensions is a lot more interesting than anything you can do on the dry sand.
    I love me some snorkeling, let me tell you. However, snorkeling is not so exciting if there is nobody to share it with. If I get stung by a jelly, or bitten by a crabby, it's just sad if there's nobody to laugh at me. It's just a pathetic loner going to the life guard asking for a band-aid. If I think a fishy or a coral is really cool, it's no fun if there isn't someone to look when I point at it. Also, even if I do some snorkeling there, I can't do that all day. There will still be many hours of ennui.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • You can talk about it on the podcast, not only that you can make a audio journal of your trip and how boring it is.
  • I love me some snorkeling, let me tell you. However, snorkeling is not so exciting if there is nobody to share it with. If I get stung by a jelly, or bitten by a crabby, it's just sad if there's nobody to laugh at me. It's just a pathetic loner going to the life guard asking for a band-aid. If I think a fishy or a coral is really cool, it's no fun if there isn't someone to look when I point at
    Why not try to find some cute girl to go snorkeling with? Also if she gets stung by a jellyfish, you could like save her or something and she'll fall in love! :P
  • You can talk about it on the podcast, not only that you can make a audio journal of your trip and how boring it is.
    A podcast of someone bored is not a good podcast.
  • Unusually complicated sand castles? :)
  • I love me some snorkeling, let me tell you. However, snorkeling is not so exciting if there is nobody to share it with. If I get stung by a jelly, or bitten by a crabby, it's just sad if there's nobody to laugh at me. It's just a pathetic loner going to the life guard asking for a band-aid. If I think a fishy or a coral is really cool, it's no fun if there isn't someone to look when I point at
    Why not try to find some cute girl to go snorkeling with? Also if she gets stung by a jellyfish, you could like save her or something and she'll fall in love! :P
    Yea, you might not be the only group down there at the time. A Hot geeky girl might be there at the same time.. You never know!
  • Yea, you might not be the only group down there at the time. A Hot geeky girl might be there at the same time.. You never know!
    If I wanted to gamble, I would go and hit the casino the whole time.
  • edited September 2008
    Remember when you posted this:
    Why is it that the old geezers in the forum are the biggest babies?
    Uh... kettle? This is the pot. You're black.

    It's called work. Go and do your job. I'm going to Columbus, OH in a few days due to a work commitment. You don't hear me complaining. I get immense pleasure from my job. A couple of days in a city that wasn't on the top of my list to visit is no big deal when you look at the big picture. Besides, I can always make something fun.
    Post edited by Kilarney on
  • It's called work. Go and do your job. Because of my job, I'm going to be sitting in Columbus, OH in a few days, but you don't hear me complaining.
    I only do my job as a means to pay the bills. If only do my job on the condition that I feel that what they ask me to do is worth the money they pay me. If they ask me to do something I really don't want to do, I say no. They can fire me if they want to, but my skills make me so valuable that they can't afford to do so. If they do fire me, I can find a new job easily.
  • If they ask me to do something I really don't want to do, I say no.
    So put your money where your mouth is and say no to the trip. Otherwise, why all of the whining?
  • edited September 2008
    If I wanted to gamble, I would go and hit the casino the whole time.
    I derive no pleasure whatsoever from most casino gambling. The only type of gambling that I like involves thinking. (Poker, the horses, etc.) These are games that can be beaten. In the casino, the house takes too much out of the poker pot. In a lower-stakes game, the house cut is way too much to expect any sort of reasonable profit. Even with the horses, the track takes so much that only the elite can consistently turn a profit. In the private poker games I've played, I've walked away a winner about 90% of the time.
    Post edited by Kilarney on
  • So put your money where your mouth is and say no to the trip. Otherwise, why all of the whining?
    I told my boss I didn't want to go, and he said we'll talk about it next week. We'll see what happens.
  • I told my boss I didn't want to go, and he said we'll talk about it next week. We'll see what happens.
    Excellent. In my experience, these trips are a joke. They are usually junkets that are designed for morale more than anything else. Maybe they'll be glad to avoid the expense. However, they may want everyone to "toe the line." We shall see.
  • Jesus Christ Scott, take your "work on the beach" and don't bitch about it. I'd be more then happy to get a few days in some tropicial resort regardless, I could sit on the beach and catch up on some reading or play D.S. or just get away from the daily grind. Not to mention some of your co-workers have to be somewhat cool.. Wahhhhbulance... I'd chew you out more but I'm at work...

    If they are paying for your trip and not forcing you to use vacation, take that vacation and deal with it. I mean really.... I don't think we'd hear any of the FRC bitching about this other then you. If you want I'll go for you.
    And this is why YOU are Scott Prime. Well said.
  • I would also be less upset if it was all workdays. If it was Monday through Thursday, I would just go. The trip is Thursday through Sunday. I don't work weekends. Period.
  • The trip is Thursday through Sunday.
    That does blow.
  • I think another issue is that for many people their work is their lives. For me, my work is just a means to an end. It's just a way to get money in the meantime before I do what I actually care about. So anything that forces me to invest more in my job necessarily takes away from the parts I actually care about. So even if you take something amazing and put it in the context of my job, it becomes shit.
  • So even if you take something amazing and put it in the context of my job, it becomes shit.
    You need to find a job that excites you. Why waste so many hours of your life with something that you have no regard for?
  • edited September 2008
    You need to find a job that excites you. Why waste so many hours of your life with something that you have no regard for?
    There is nothing I would be excited about that I can actually do, and that pays the bills, without a significant financial investment and risk. I'm unwilling to risk the ability to pay rent and put food on the table, so here I am.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Do you have to work 8 hours each of those 4 days?
  • Do you have to work 8 hours each of those 4 days?
    There is some free time, but I don't know how much. The video conference broke before we could get a good look at the itinerary.
  • I have never heard of a business trip that does not allow you to bring "family" on a trip with you. I go with my mom on business trips all of the time, that is how I got to go to Walt Disney World 20+ times. Just ask your boss if you can bring someone along with you if you are being so down about being alone in Puerto Rico! You can even use the excuse of family if he gives you crap about the request.
  • Well if you can bring "family" I'll come as your... "partner" :-p

    Otherwise maybe you should stop bitching until after you know what they are doing there..
  • Otherwise maybe you should stop bitching until after you know what they are doing there..
    It's going to be a lot of that typical corporate team building bs. Avoiding that shit is part of the reason I always work at small companies. At first getting bought out didn't change my job at all. If it starts getting too corporate around here, I'm out.
  • OMG go to Arecibo!
  • Scott, here's an idea. Take the video camera. Share the trip with us. Make a documentary about the trip, as an outsider looking in. Or, you could totally rearrange the footage and make a fake story. Life research! Observe everything, remember it. That's what I do.
    Maybe it's just because I am a loner, but I enjoy doing things by myself. I'm a little envious of you, actually but at the same time, its sweet to think that you actually value our company and we add something to your enjoyment of an environ. Think of this as a chance to think, to be apart from the world, to be silent. I get some of my best ideas when I am forced to do nothing.
    Yea, you might not be the only group down there at the time. A Hot geeky girl might be there at the same time.. You never know!
  • Well if you can bring "family" I'll come as your... "partner" :-p
    He'd get pouty lips and evil eyes from Rym for the rest of the month if he did that...
  • In my experience, professional meetings like this can actually be pretty interesting. Granted, it helps when you're interested in the job you're doing, but if you're a software development firm, I'd be reasonably confident that you could find at least one other programmer.

    Take the opportunity to network. Maybe someone else is working on something interesting that you could join. That's really the utility of professional meetings.
  • In my experience, professional meetings like this can actually be pretty interesting. Granted, it helps when you're interested in the job you're doing, but if you're a software development firm, I'd be reasonably confident that you could find at least one other programmer.

    Take the opportunity to network. Maybe someone else is working on something interesting that you could join. That's really the utility of professional meetings
    If we were a software development firm, it would be alright. We're not. They're a telemarketing company, and we're an Internet marketing company. They have a tech staff, and so do we, but they are both very small. It's mostly normal office drones.
  • Four days with only telemarketers to keep you company? *shivers*
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