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Fail of Your Day



  • Also Greg I'm not IN Hartford. That's a TERRIBLE thing to say about somebody.
  • Motherfucker loves popcorn.
  • I'm an easy going guy who gets along with most people.
    I am unaware of any bots currently present on these forums besides Mr. Period (when the Legend himself has no time, and we should respect that), so that makes 99.9% of members, people. I wager that most of those people would get along with me better than with you, if only for your arguing skill being somehow worse than mine.
  • Sure you could wager that.
  • Also Greg I'm not IN Hartford. That's a TERRIBLE thing to say about somebody.
    I'm sorry, that was too low. I take it back.
  • edited October 2012
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Motherfucker loves popcorn.
    This was the best.
  • Are we done now? I think we should be done. That was the most painful 100 posts I've ever had to read on this forum. Let's never do that again.
  • Getting flashbacks to Ace Combat 5 listening to Scinfaxi and hearing Thunderhead calling out the ballistic missiles and the screams of the nuggets who didn't make it.
  • Nuri, I'm alarmed that rape is a topic that should ever come up among my male friends, and that if it did, it should be up to me to state that I'm against it and encourage my friends not to do it. Rape is such a black and white issue, in my opinion, that I would feel just as weird saying the same things about murder.

    However, I think the more important thing to do is not conflate rape and other forms of sexual harassment when it comes to talking to guys about how to treat women (a point I brought up in another thread).

    For example, I'm sure I've been in situations that made a woman uncomfortable, but I didn't notice. Could that be sexual harassment? Maybe. Could it be rape? Fuck no.

    Someone else brought up the issue of "guy friend inviting himself into my bed". Is that sexual harassment? Certainly, if the woman didn't want it to happen. Is it rape? Nope. The guy was just trying his luck, most likely. Personally I've not done this, and when the situation has been ambiguous I've specifically said I'll be sleeping on the floor or couch, to which the lady has always said "don't be silly, get in my bed with me". I *always* let the woman make the first move, to take any kind of partnership to the next level.

    Every guy knows rape is wrong and bad, even those who do it. But how do they get into that point? I think the most likely explanation is that they don't understand the small steps along the way that lead to it. There is nothing I can do about violent rapists who attack people in dark streets because I'm not a super hero and those rapists aren't my friends. Even if I did know them, saying "rape is bad and you shouldn't do it" isn't going to help.

    However, for those who potentially might find themselves in a situation they misunderstood and who think there should be a certain outcome while the woman they are with thinks differently... well, those people can be educated. They can be helped. Saying "don't rape!" to them isn't going to stop them harassing women, because they don't consider themselves rapists or even capable of rape. Saying "seriously, women often feel intimidated by sexual advances, and while you might think they are being playful, you need to let them set boundaries and make the next move".

    Next move, not first move.

    That stops not only sexual harassment but also stops most potential rapists from even reaching the place where they could rape anyone.

    Saying "1 in 5 men are rapists" puts every guy on the defensive. Asking "have you ever been in a position where you made a woman feel uncomfortable?" is the way to begin a helpful conversation about rape.

  • Okay, this is stupid, but there is something about this manga that's annoying me.

    See, the basic gig is that this dude has a pendant that has a keyhole, and only one key will open it, and he's going to marry - apparently - the girl with the correct key. So, naturally, every lass his age that he knows somehow has a goddamn key, and they all have small variations on each other. However, the keys make it obvious his big pendant has a warded lock, and from the size of the teeth and the pattern of the ward holes and how they overlap, LITERALLY EVERY KEY THE GIRLS HAVE WILL OPEN THE LOCK.
  • You have it all wrong! Love is the key to open the lock that is his hart of love and love key. Love keys?
  • edited October 2012
    That sounds about right... just wait till he meets a boy with a key.
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • You have it all wrong! Love is the key to open the lock that is his hart of love and love key. Love keys?
    Or I'm just a nitpicking bastard when the mangaka didn't bother to look up much about warded locks.
    That sounds about right... just wait till he meets a boy with a key.
    He's still way behind on fastest harem collection outside of a Hentai manga. The quickest I've seen was barely, barely off from being an Exponential harem growth.

  • You have it all wrong! Love is the key to open the lock that is his hart of love and love key. Love keys?
    Or I'm just a nitpicking bastard when the mangaka didn't bother to look up much about warded locks.
    That sounds about right... just wait till he meets a boy with a key.
    He's still way behind on fastest harem collection outside of a Hentai manga. The quickest I've seen was barely, barely off from being an Exponential harem growth.

    Its strange considering some of the detail they put into Mecha and firearms. It might ruin the romance to have a brake down on the types of barrels that his lock has.

    He needs to use some miracle grow on that shit.
  • Maybe it's intentional? A commentary on how soul mates are basically bullshit even though all the characters may believe in them?
  • edited October 2012
    Maybe it's intentional? A commentary on how soul mates are basically bullshit even though all the characters may believe in them?
    I doubt it, the whole key gig is literally the point of it - and it's made clear enough that only one of the keys, despite appearances, will open the lock. It's just a bit of art-story disconnect.
    Its strange considering some of the detail they put into Mecha and firearms. It might ruin the romance to have a brake down on the types of barrels that his lock has.
    It's not that hard, though - warded locks are literally medieval-level technology. They were frequently used, IIRC(nelson, back me up brother) on monasteries, and the houses of aristocracy, royalty, and the generally rich.

    The way a warded lock works is dead simple - basically, the inside of the lock has a bunch of little steel wafers, and the gaps that make up the teeth(more accurately, wardings) of the key line up with those wafers, allowing the key to pass to activate the lever. Wrong pattern, it won't turn - But a smaller pattern will also unlock it, as long as the gaps line up. That's what a proper skeleton key is - it's a key with the minimum amount of metal required to actuate the locking bar. From there, you moved up slightly to Lever tumbler locks, which were much more like our modern keys(and the same kind you've likely seen before, what people commonly think of when they think old-style locks) which is the same principle, but with a bunch of steel patterned parts that only allow the bolt pin to pass when the correct patterned key is used. Still easy to open without a key, though - as long as you can actuate the tumbler, while applying moderate pressure, and using something else to rake over the levers, you can pop it in about a minute flat without any trouble at all.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • AmpAmp
    edited October 2012
    Its strange considering some of the detail they put into Mecha and firearms. It might ruin the romance to have a brake down on the types of barrels that his lock has.
    It's not that hard, though - warded locks are literally medieval-level technology. They were frequently used, IIRC(nelson, back me up brother) on monasteries, and the houses of aristocracy, royalty, and the generally rich.

    The way a warded lock works is dead simple - basically, the inside of the lock has a bunch of little steel wafers, and the gaps that make up the teeth(more accurately, wardings) of the key line up with those wafers, allowing the key to pass to activate the lever. Wrong pattern, it won't turn - But a smaller pattern will also unlock it, as long as the gaps line up. That's what a proper skeleton key is - it's a key with the minimum amount of metal required to actuate the locking bar. From there, you moved up slightly to Lever tumbler locks, which were much more like our modern keys(and the same kind you've likely seen before, what people commonly think of when they think old-style locks) which is the same principle, but with a bunch of steel patterned parts that only allow the bolt pin to pass when the correct patterned key is used. Still easy to open without a key, though - as long as you can actuate the tumbler, while applying moderate pressure, and using something else to rake over the levers, you can pop it in about a minute flat without any trouble at all.
    Phaw you know how to get me going! That siad I could see these types of locks being used to describe various types of harem girl.
    Post edited by Amp on
  • Phaw you know how to get me going! That siad I could see these types of locks being used to describe various types of harem girl.
    What can I say, I know my business when it comes to physical security. And yeah, I can see that actually working out in a harem manga.

  • I couldn't pick up my deodorant with my toes. I must train until I can right this wrong!
  • Wow. This is a professional email response I just got:
    Thanks Rochelle, ur right about [Veterans]’s SC effective date. [veteran]’s account is indeed messy. Thanks for ur help!
    Really? REALLY?!
  • Wow. This is a professional email response I just got:
    Thanks Rochelle, ur right about [Veterans]’s SC effective date. [veteran]’s account is indeed messy. Thanks for ur help!
    Really? REALLY?!
    The majority of adults today are sub-literate by many measures.
  • edited October 2012
    Wow. This is a professional email response I just got:
    Thanks Rochelle, ur right about [Veterans]’s SC effective date. [veteran]’s account is indeed messy. Thanks for ur help!
    Really? REALLY?!
    The majority of adults today are sub-literate by many measures.
    I don't think the problem is literate/subliterate, I think the problem is some people never bothered (and still refuse to bother) to learn how to touch type, so they hunt-and-peck, and look for any shortcut they can.

    When I worked at Old Navy and had to collect email addresses, it would literally freak people out that I could type them in without looking at the keyboard.
    Post edited by Neito on

  • I don't think the problem is literate/subliterate, I think the problem is some people never bothered (and still refuse to bother) to learn how to touch type, so they hunt-and-peck, and look for any shortcut they can.
    I'd believe that except that I've seen a lot of handwriting that has almost the exact same structural problems.

    The current generation of adults existed in an era where letter-writing declined while simultaneously nothing arose to replace it. They are, in my own anecdotal experience, far worse than the average txt-speech punk kid. They both have problems, but these problems manifest in very different ways.
  • I've also found that, by and large, the people who can't express their thoughts well in writing have a similar difficulty in doing so orally.
  • I agree with the sub-literate descriptor. It's everywhere. People do not care about precise language anymore, as a group. Professionalism is dying fast, too. There's so many places to point fingers that I wouldn't really know where to begin.

    As a group, humans don't really care that they don't really care.
  • That being said "Ur Mother" expresses my feelings right now.
  • Just look at the Romney insanity. Half the country thinks he's a brave, hero figure fighting against a corrupt Washington DC and he's going to straighten things out by lowering taxes on the super wealthy, followed by a bunch of vague stuff nobody is sure about, but they're pretty sure it involves giving spics, niggers, and hippies what's coming to them.

    Then there's half or more of the media declaring him the winner of a debate in which he lied in nearly every sentence, blatantly.

    There is no salvaging this crashing plane. I don't know what the bottom looks like but I know we're going to find out soon.
  • edited October 2012
    Professionalism isn't dying, what are you on about?

    Also, nice string of racial epithets there, dude. Not entirely sure how we jumped from textspeak complaints to "The world is ending," but whatever. Quit being such a pessimist; things in the US aren't really that terrible.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
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