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Fail of Your Day



  • edited October 2012
    You guys aren't helping. I really want to stay in bed and play FTL. On the other hand, I need to get stuff altered and cleaned, and I've been putting it off too long.

    EDIT: Though I'll probably sit at the cafe and not talk to anyone. I'm really bad with striking up conversation in public, unless I overhear people talking about things I'm interested in.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • Sleep, play FTL, be lazy.

    Do it for me, because I can't.
  • I often find the days were I just want to sit inside and hide and do nothing but force myself to go out anyway are they days I end up being most glad I got out of the house.
  • I often find the days were I just want to sit inside and hide and do nothing but force myself to go out anyway are they days I end up being most glad I got out of the house.
    Conformation bias, don't listen to him!
  • Popular forms of exploitation are OK. I forgot. Porn is empowering even though porn is only viable as a business due to patriarchy. My mistake.
  • edited October 2012
    Porn is empowering if the people behind it enjoy making it. Like /r/gonewild, where people give nude pictures away for free because, I dunno, they like taking nude pictures of themselves and seeing others enjoy them. Furthermore, the women in porn know what they're getting into. Paperwork is done, contracts are signed, money changes hands. It's legal and consensual.

    For you to compare even commercial porn, let alone "haha, Reddit, let's have fun" amateur shit to an atrocity like rape is one of the most ignorant and indefensible things I've ever seen on these boards.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Dammit muppet, I was trying to cheer everyone up. This is my fail of the day.
  • edited October 2012
    Because gonewild is not full of insecure women exposing themselves in desperate cries for help and attention and that large minority of sad cases is in no way comparable to rape by coercion.

    If all men should feel responsible for rape, then all men should eschew porn as the circumstances of its creation can't be guaranteed. ESPECIALLY in the case of gonewild. All those mouthbreathers screaming for faceshots and all those young women complying for attention ...
    Post edited by muppet on
  • edited October 2012
    Because gonewild is not full of insecure women exposing themselves in desperate cries for help and attention and that large minority of sad cases is in no way comparable to rape by coercion.
    Yeah motherfucker, because posting a nude picture on the internet due to pre-existing baggage is in any way equivalent to a man forcibly and violently penetrating a woman against the threat of death until the resulting physical wounds render her scarred and infertile, and the mental ones make her an entirely different person.

    Because those are the EXACT SAME FUCKING THING.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I didn't say equivalent. I said comparable. I made a almost entirely benign joke trying to lighten the mood a bit after a long, nasty thread and you decided to go the shaming route. By all means, keep enjoying the bodies of young validation starved girls on reddit with a clear conscience while judging me for not wanting to be pre-convicted as a rapist for being male.
  • I often find the days were I just want to sit inside and hide and do nothing but force myself to go out anyway are they days I end up being most glad I got out of the house.
    Conformation bias, don't listen to him!
    "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."

    "Confirmation bias!"
  • I declare Muppet to be the fail of my day.
  • By all means, keep enjoying the bodies of young validation starved girls on reddit with a clear conscience while judging me for not wanting to be pre-convicted as a rapist for being male.
    I declare Muppet to be the fail of my day.
  • edited October 2012
    By all means, keep enjoying the bodies of young validation starved girls on reddit with a clear conscience while judging me for not wanting to be pre-convicted as a rapist for being male.
    I declare Muppet to be the fail of my day.
    It's sad because he has a daughter. Dude has a vested interest in understanding this issue, but he still doesn't.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited October 2012
    Each generation's semantic backflips are always superior to the last, at least in their own opinion. You rationalize porn because you want to and then pretend you're being objective when you're just kidding yourself. I very lightly mocked you for watching porn on your phone to try to lighten things up, you got butthurt and tried to shame me. Don't now pretend to be an ambushed bystander.

    My daughter has been coached on reading people to the point that I don't worry much about her interactions, she's practically god damned psychic in her insight, and she knows to be cautious in vulnerable situations like sidewalks and isolation not because she's terrified of being raped, but because she's appropriately aware that humans are random and not to be trusted in witness-free, consequence-free situations.

    She's an amazing person despite having an amazingly difficult life medically, logistically, and in terms of family upset. She's practically a second mother to her little sister and is the best person I know.

    Try questioning my parenting to my face sometime, I'd like to see you make the same snide comments.
    Post edited by muppet on
  • I actually agree with Muppet. He didn't say anything terribly flame-war-y, and he doesn't deserve it. He may be the fail of my day as well, but for considerably different reasons.
  • Yeah it does seem that people jump on the personal hate far to much of recent for what ever reason. It sucks as you guys all have really great opinions and brilliant discussions that are devalued when mud slinging begins.

    My fail; Went to eat an apple an it smelt of shit. Not like ew poop, or dam dog crap but proper human crap. Why apple? Why do you taste like that, what has happened in your life to lead to this situation.
  • Come on, guys. Sure, give muppet a bollocking all you like, but having a go about his kids or how he's raising them over the line. Cut that shit out. An apology wouldn't go astray, either, but I'll settle for what I can get.
  • I apologize for hitting a sore spot. I wasn't trying to push buttons.
  • I want someone to tell me why my apple smelt of shit! Im really upset about this. Bad enough that I spent god knows how long in a lecture discussing some dude pissing himself in Gladiator and the symbolism of that.

    Sort version; Sort my apple.
  • edited October 2012
    Come on, guys. Sure, give muppet a bollocking all you like, but having a go about his kids or how he's raising them over the line. Cut that shit out. An apology wouldn't go astray, either, but I'll settle for what I can get.
    I'm not having a go about how he's raising his kids. I'm saying that believing what he believes about Men's Rights and rape is counter-intuitive as fuck considering that he has a daughter.

    And as far as "having a go" about one's loved ones goes, he crossed that line ages back in the other sexual violence thread for yours truly, so he can be the big man and cope.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I want someone to tell me why my apple smelt of shit! Im really upset about this. Bad enough that I spent god knows how long in a lecture discussing some dude pissing himself in Gladiator and the symbolism of that.

    Sort version; Sort my apple.
    Apple pickers have to crap someplace man. It's just a big field out there.
  • Come on, guys. Sure, give muppet a bollocking all you like, but having a go about his kids or how he's raising them over the line. Cut that shit out. An apology wouldn't go astray, either, but I'll settle for what I can get.
    I'm not having a go about how he's raising his kids. I'm saying that believing what he believes about Men's Rights and rape is counter-intuitive as fuck considering that he has a daughter.

    And as far as "having a go" about one's loved ones goes, he crossed that line ages back in the other sexual violence thread for yours truly, so he can be the big man and cope.
    WUB, you're being a serious dick here and that's your prerogative. I believe that every man does not have a responsibility to feel guilty about rape. I'm sorry that offends you because of your personal experiences, but I don't feel responsible for that, either.
  • I want someone to tell me why my apple smelt of shit! Im really upset about this. Bad enough that I spent god knows how long in a lecture discussing some dude pissing himself in Gladiator and the symbolism of that.

    Sort version; Sort my apple.
    Apple pickers have to crap someplace man. It's just a big field out there.
    Its genuinely fucking with my head!

  • edited October 2012
    I'll give him that Muppet often has some point to bring up that deserves mention at the beginning of most threads. Then a combination of asshattery, dogpiling, and beating dead horses gets out of control in short order.

    It's a death spiral that starts off at a reasonable point perhaps stated incorrectly or incoherently, then gets progressively less substantial. Then he thinks everyone else is being pedantic because what he said and what he means are different. Then the real fun happens when he says an even crazier but mostly unrelated thing as if to explain the first point, but much more directly this time.

    Shit, we're being trolled here.
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • edited October 2012
    WUB, you're being a serious dick here and that's your prerogative. I believe that every man does not have a responsibility to feel guilty about rape. I'm sorry that offends you because of your personal experiences, but I don't feel responsible for that, either.
    Fair play. I just think that existing in a world where I have to feel responsible for the sins of my fellow men but the women of the world suffer less rape is infinitely superior to one where no men feel responsible and sexual violence is the cultural norm.

    Also, not my own experiences, but I'm just really fucking touchy on this subject because of the sprawling damage the experiences caused to both their subject and everyone around her.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited October 2012
    I honestly do not see how me feeling some version of "liberal guilt" over the fact that rape occurs makes me more effective in stopping rape from occurring. I think that every man acting as though they implicitly need to convince every woman they encounter in daily life that they're not rapist has a potential for far reaching damages to society and gender relations. That's no fix.

    Creamsteak - I'm honestly not a deliberate troll. Sometimes I articulate my arguments badly and sometimes I commit to a train of thought prematurely before thinking it through. I also have a REALLY REALLY REALLY bad habit of trying to respond to EVERYONE, including all of THEIR tangents.
    Post edited by muppet on
  • The only big irritation that I have with you is that you don't use the edit button beyond that your not to bad. It does seem to be a trend int eh forum arguments are taken strange places where the minutia a argued over when they are often irrelevant to the point. Like wise we have all started to scream at each other to back arguments up with facts, something that we all used to do, and now do not. That and letting personal feelings cloud are judgment, or some Yoda shit. Im still pissed about my apples its like someone shat them out they smell that bad.
  • You can't agree to argue with him and then get angry that he is arguing with you.
  • I think today's fail is that people will attack various gaming websites for shitty journalism, cash for comment, being nothing more than rumor mills, blah blah blah, and then, suddenly, the same sites are perfectly accurate and unimpeachable when it suits them.

    Not to mention, many of the people who do this sorta shit are smart enough to know better.
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