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Fail of Your Day



  • If the police had guns, they would be able to protect themselves from snipers?

    Clearly the issue is that we need more good guys with guns.
  • So how long till we have an AD police situation?
  • If the police had guns, they would be able to protect themselves from snipers?


    That was a "hah" of laughter, not derision.
    Why? You think that's funny?
  • I was aiming for grimly funny.
  • Gallows humor.
  • edited July 2016
    Go to request extended unpaid time off, or resign trying... supervisor has left for the day.

    Now I gotta wait til next week.
    Post edited by SWATrous on
  • AaronC said:

    If the police had guns, they would be able to protect themselves from snipers?


    That was a "hah" of laughter, not derision.
    Why? You think that's funny?
    Grimly so, yes. It was poking fun at the common argument from gun activists saying that, when anyone is shot and killed, "If X had guns, they'd have been able to protect themselves". The irony being that the police DID have guns, but they couldn't have protected themselves because the snipers had better guns (for the task).
  • I take a little umbrage because I felt there was an implication that I myself was/would be making the arguments.
  • I think I'm working with That Girl (the female version of That Guy) and it's driving me crazy. Luckily we're not on the same team but I still need to listen to the annoying things she says all the time.
  • Gallow humor I understand, I see dead people who refuse to wear seat belts all the time. Of course we make fun of them. Hah! with an exclamation point and an edit to point out your laughing struck me as out of line. Was that fair, probably not.

  • I have had heat stroke for the best part of a week. Really sucks not being able to sleep, heart palpitations, being god dam hot all the time and generally feeling like shit. What sucks more is that this is before summer really kicks in. I am not built for 30+ temperatures.
  • Amp said:

    I have had heat stroke for the best part of a week. Really sucks not being able to sleep, heart palpitations, being god dam hot all the time and generally feeling like shit. What sucks more is that this is before summer really kicks in. I am not built for 30+ temperatures.

    If it's any consolation, Omnutia had the same thing when he moved to the US, it really fucked him over for a while.

    Remember, lots of fluids, chuck down a pocari sweat occasionally to keep your electrolyte levels normal, dress appropriately. I find hot tea helps, but then again, also pretty acclimated for obvious reasons, so it might just be that I'm a fucking maniac for drinking hot tea in 30 degree heat.
  • I think your a nutter there mate. Hot tea off your rocker.

    Yeah I sort of broke company rules, I'm meant to wear chinos and a polo to work in the summer but the schools have all agreed I'll die if I keep on doing that so I get to wear basketball shorts. Which drives the kids mad as my pale ass legs are an anomaly to them. Chugging down the Pocari like its no ones business. Its hard at work as I'm not aloud water bottles in the classroom so I'm dashing out between lessons.

    Then again on Thursday we had ten kids go down with different levels of heat stroke. One even went mad. Poor kid just snapped and couldn't handle the heat any more. I was speaking to some of my older students apparently three people died yesterday working on farms from the heat.
  • edited July 2016
    Amp said:

    I think your a nutter there mate. Hot tea off your rocker.

    It's how you defeat the heat, my friend - you have to show the bastard you're not afraid of that bullshit.
    Amp said:

    Then again on Thursday we had ten kids go down with different levels of heat stroke. One even went mad. Poor kid just snapped and couldn't handle the heat any more. I was speaking to some of my older students apparently three people died yesterday working on farms from the heat.

    Okay what the fuck man. You have an excuse, but surely they're somewhat more acclimated? That's nuts.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • They say hot beverages actually help you deal with the heat, so it's probably not entirely crazy.
  • MATATAT said:

    They say hot beverages actually help you deal with the heat, so it's probably not entirely crazy.

    Spicy food too. Opens up the capillaries and makes ya sweat more. A popular method in India, or so I'm told.
  • I've never dealt with heat stroke outside of a hospital case type emergency (dogs and cats with thick coats bred for snowy climates when temperatures get up to 40 plus celsius and above).

    Essentially just do fluids, force yourself to drink 2 or 3 times more than what you would normally drink. The temperature doesn't matter as the contents is restricted to your gut. If you have water that is closer to body temperature it will be absorbed through the intestinal walls faster. If you have really cold water, all it does is contract your stomach until you vomit.

    MATATAT said:

    They say hot beverages actually help you deal with the heat, so it's probably not entirely crazy.

    Spicy food too. Opens up the capillaries and makes ya sweat more. A popular method in India, or so I'm told.
    If you open up the capillaries you start creating haematomas, bruising, pinpont bleeding from all over the body and die from blood loss or downing your lungs in blood. You would also pass out because the brain wouldn't be delivered enough oxygen or glucose.

    The body should already be trying to regulate temperature, sweat glands work by themselves.
  • Spicy food, particularly with capsaicin, causes involuntary sweating, thereby providing cooling. This is why spicy dishes are generally enjoyed in Equatorial regions of the world, where it is a lot warmer.
  • Churba said:

    Amp said:

    I think your a nutter there mate. Hot tea off your rocker.

    It's how you defeat the heat, my friend - you have to show the bastard you're not afraid of that bullshit.
    Amp said:

    Then again on Thursday we had ten kids go down with different levels of heat stroke. One even went mad. Poor kid just snapped and couldn't handle the heat any more. I was speaking to some of my older students apparently three people died yesterday working on farms from the heat.

    Okay what the fuck man. You have an excuse, but surely they're somewhat more acclimated? That's nuts.
    Yeah it was 35 with 100% humidity in my area alone, and I live in the mountains its nuts. Whats worse is a lot of my school are really old so no AC just fans. People are getting worried about the summer. The only acceptation is one of the teachers I work with who loves the heat and surfing. He is happy as larry at the moment.
  • Girlfriend lost her job, she's the one on the lease for the apartment, we're barely scraping June's rent by the skin of our teeth before they take legal action, and July's rent will be due in two weeks. I make $9/hr and I know next check will be short because I only worked 16 hours last week due to a wedding in Indiana, and I handle the cable bill and still have my car insurance so I don't even know if I can do it alone.
  • Ask for assistance for family or apply for assistance.
  • I'm similarly fucked and I really don't know what to do. I only make $9 and hour and don't get a lot of hours so I haven't been able to pay my rent and I haven't been able to find a better job. My parents had been supporting me with that but my Dad retired and my Mom is going to be getting barely any hours now because of money problems with the people she works for. And now my lease is up next month and she said I'm going to have to move home and tell them but they already asked a month ago and I said I intended to stay because the office had kept calling but I haven't signed anything.
  • Something tells me that they didn't think their hashtag choice all the way through.

  • Almost as bad as when my Mom thought lol meant "lots of love" and posted it in response to someone passing away.
  • Car just fucking died. Just fucking great.
  • Update to car: Might only be a bent valve, but the police towed my car because the road I was on had no shoulder so I was still pretty much in the lane.
  • I got to see all the amazing sights of Manhattan yesterday.
    Such as JFK airport

    and JFK airport

    ...and JFK airport...
  • ThatGent said:

    I got to see all the amazing sights of Manhattan yesterday.
    Such as JFK airport

    and JFK airport

    ...and JFK airport...

    Hate to burst your bubble, but JFK's in Brooklyn. ;)
  • As far as what my boss promised, it's Manhattan.
  • I had to go from Bergen County, NJ to Southeastern CT, in the middle of the day today (Friday), by car.

    Anyone who drives around this area is probably already spasming uncontrollably at the words.
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