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Fail of Your Day



  • The guy from the solar company looking at my house, doesn't vote even though his job completely relies on politics.
  • A guy I went to High School with died of a heroin overdose on Monday.
  • Bad rain ruined our travel plans for Kyoto. All the trains cancelled and spent an hour sat on the train for an hour and a half before they told us it was going no where. Bugger.
  • A bunch of assholes hacked FossHub and replaced several of the site's download links with malware.

  • What happened to Vince?
  • Shadowgate? Nice.
  • Final Year project for my 6 person Professional Computing unit is to make an iOS app. Team did not seem to understand how much of pain in the ass it is to develop for Apple when you don't have an Apple operating system.
    I was open to learning Swift but it seems like I need some sort of trashOS for that too?
    Apple doesn't want developers, they just want consumers using their products.

    Pretty frustrating.

    I'll end up being the manager and probably do the backend / server for the application.
    Hmm, first time managing developers.

    I've already identified a leach and the workhorses with 2 undecided.
  • I've come around some on MacOS since using it more. It's biggest advantage over Windows for work is that it mostly functions like Linux with a non garbage set of drivers and tools in place. Makes things much easier for some of the open source tools that i really want to incorporate into our product. Maybe when Windows gets its real bash things will be less annoying.
  • MATATAT said:

    I've come around some on MacOS since using it more. It's biggest advantage over Windows for work is that it mostly functions like Linux with a non garbage set of drivers and tools in place. Makes things much easier for some of the open source tools that i really want to incorporate into our product. Maybe when Windows gets its real bash things will be less annoying.

    I still need Linux and Windows for development and using my computer like I want to and not how I'm instructed to.

    I don't equate a computing device's use cases and customisation to a toaster.

    Just disappointing that you can't even use languages outside of the OS.
  • At least the free stuff will still be on that Yahoo thing that no one will use lol
  • Australia's census, (first time all online) census failed because servers.
  • edited August 2016
    sK0pe said:

    Australia's census, (first time all online) census failed because servers.

    I guess they really need a new census if they underestimated server load that badly!

    Nah, they probably made the classic mistake... not assuming everyone would try to do it all at once.

    Post edited by Nuri on
  • Nuri said:

    sK0pe said:

    Australia's census, (first time all online) census failed because servers.

    I guess they really need a new census if they underestimated server load that badly!

    Nah, they probably made the classic mistake... not assuming everyone would try to do it all at once.


    Unfortunately everyone has been accustomed to it being done on a specific night with some various comedic tomfoolery on broadcast TV, so instead of spreading out the load, everyone who hasn't used the Internet much would have logged in around the same time.
  • Nightly Show is getting cancelled. It was the only current TV show I really cared for.
  • There were aspects of it I liked, but some of the segments I thought fell a bit flat. Granted I've given up on most of those daily news comedy shows in favor of Last Week Tonight.
  • I didn't like Grace Parra's pieces or Francesca Ramsey at all, but it was the only news show I felt balanced the comedy with the gravity of the subject.
  • I've complained a lot about my MRA brother, but I won't have to deal with him anymore soon. When finishing errands, I checked out his book collection and found out it included "Art of the Deal", "The Gorilla Mindset", Scott Adam's Success Book, and a collection of essays from a Return of Kings blogger. Yup, he's fully gone into alt-right. No doubt in my mind now. Something in me always kind of knew/assumed, but that much reading material is the biggest indicator of how you've bought into nonsense.

    It's been a slow descend for years now but there's no avoiding it. Either continued, self-hating misery from there on out or he'll have a gigantic crash and burn scene when entering a new job or starting a relationship.

    Just two more weeks til I move out of my crappy town.
  • Man, that's rough, I'm sorry.
  • Former student of mine who I was pretty fond of has started a rapid slide into the alt-right abyss, and there's nothing that can be done. I really tried, but he's dug into this "comical conservative" site and shares their dreck, and obviously doesn't read anything I post in response about how dangerous it is. He's intransigent. Can't save em all I guess.
  • Due to incompetence, our team's short overnight job was changed to a 12 hour job. However, due to incompetence the electrician in charge of letting us in lost the key to the room so it turned into a wasted trip.

    Come early this morning, we have access but due to incompetence we had to halt almost immediately to handle an emergency. The group responsible for replacing outdated equipment cabled half the input ports into outputs of hybrid couplers resulting in some fine fuckery for frustrating fixing. The day is wasted and we head home.

    Not twenty minutes later do we have our inboxes being bombarded with emails demanding an emergency deployment tonight. As par for the course so far, nothing is organized, nothing is budgeted, and all of the supplies needed for our initial job have either not been delivered or ordered in the first place...due to incompetence.

    Whoever let petty obstructions like lack of materials, manpower, and money get in the way of progress though? Our customer still insisted that we show up tonight. I chose to play Overwatch instead. The deployment was cancelled two minutes before the scheduled meeting and I was half an hour into some fun group activities.
  • You should just tell people your job is cleaning up bodies for the mob.
  • edited August 2016
    There's an app just to uncheck bundled software offers.

    Because you're too lazy to use your own damn mouse.
    Post edited by Daikun on
  • Went to jump into my car, missed, hit my hip against the door, aaand fell into the parking lot. Did make a good recovery though.
  • Parents bought some shitty set top box that enables watching bad broadcast TV from India. Apparently wouldn't connect to network even though they put the correct MAC that is printed on the bottom of the device.

    Browsed around the UI and it was very obviously just AOSP based. So I double checked the MAC in the software and it was completely different. Put in the correct MAC and worked fine. Apparently they called the tech help and this was the second unit that had been sent to them with the same problem. derp.

    Apart from being a shitty company and my Dad being silly enough to go backwards in technology from Chromecast and HTPC to something as jank as a set top box. I visited and they were just watching Netflix on Chromecast, completely ignoring the point that their crap set top box was now working.

    Went to jump into my car, missed, hit my hip against the door, aaand fell into the parking lot. Did make a good recovery though.

  • The DEA is putting out an intention letter to temporarily put Kratom on Schedule 1. It's annoying for me but I haven't used it much. What worries me is that it's going to really fuck over people who are recovering opiate addicts who are using it as a safer alternative. It's not like it's some new research chemical or synthetic designer drug that we don't know much about. They've been using it for a long time in Southeast Asia and we know pretty well what it does.
  • Bored at work so I'm looking at some Vexillological nightmares. I give you the county flags of Liberia and Nevada's first state flag
  • Those look like fake flags that would be in like some sort of knockoff Civilization shareware game you'd get on a CD-ROM of "250 GAMES!" in 1995.
  • Those are excellent and always a joy, the state flags in general and the county flags on liberia have been discussed to humorous effect on the Hello Internet podcast in the past. I recommend checking it out there, as it's where I first heard about it and funny.
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