New anime are coming! What are you lookin' at?

Genji Monogatari Senenki - Tale of Genji, a classic. It's been awhile since I've seen an anime adaptation of classic literature. Most of the ones I've seen are stuff like Treasure Island or Super Atragon.
Hajime no Ippo - people seem to like it. I'll have to watch the original series first.
Hetalia - Emily likes it.
Kupuu!! Mamegoma! - I like this sort of thing.
Kurokami the Animation - Sunrise adventure show with US release. Perhaps similar to Wolf's Rain?
Ride Back - Motorcycle/mech show from MadHouse. Also
Ride Back is the directorial debut of Atsushi Takahashi, who has worked on series such as Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi, Paranoia Agent, and even the Studio Ghibli film Spirited Away (as assistant director).
that's a good resume.
Birdy the Mighty Decode: D - Rym liked it. I just realized this is a sequel of a remake. Seems like anime is starting to get very sequel/remake heavy. I guess it's cool if a series you like gets a sequel. Better than another moe show. However, one of the reasons I like anime series is that they are these contained things that have beginnings middles and ends. If everything starts getting so many sequels, I'll stop caring at some point.
Slayers EVOLUTION-R - I still have to finish Slayers Next and Watch Try and Revolution. Still, good to see they are still rockin' it.
Viper's Creed - Not a moe show.
Zoku Natsume Yuujinchou - I think we watched the first episode of the first season. I don't remember.
Also, Remake of Mazinger Z! Oh noes!
Akikan is... its weird. I'm not really sure where its going. I can pretty much only say its weird, I'm really not sure what else I can say about it.
White Album is interesting. It's not what I was expecting from the description. It seems more dramatic then I was expecting it to be, and its got a really interesting presentation/direction to how the story is told. I'll probably going to watch at least a few more episodes.
Why the new thread? We have a perfectly fine topic for new anime seasons!
I had already planned to watch Natsume season 2, first season was enjoyable, so why not pick up the next too. Further I have Kemono no Soja Erin, Genji Monogatari Sennenki, Kurokami, Ride Back and Hetalia on the list to check out. Seen the first episode of Kurokami, and it's not that great. The fight scene is good, though they could've done better, but the lead characters are crap. And supposedly Sunrise already butchered a lot from the source material.
Here, this is Kurokami:
I've also watched Akikan! (bored + a pre-air stream), it can be summed up like this: Blech. Though the male lead can only be described as follows:
FABULOUS! Isn't that show something similar to Doreamon?
But just Ippo is good enough for me, is it going to be a remake? or continue where the original ended?
No, the damn thing played it straighter than a Heterosexual comedian who would normally do observational humor based on gay people who is currently at a gay comedy bar and as such will with hold the gay jokes from a crowd who are gagging for a refreshing change from the norm and want heterosexual-viewed-observational humour on their sexual orientation.
Ride Back - From the description, I think this probably has the biggest potential for good animation, plot, and character development. I like the premise a lot.
Kemono no Soja Erin - I still haven't finished Seirei, but what I saw of it was great.
Genji Monogatari - A cool adaptation of the tale of Genji? The original harem show!
White Album - Looks pretty? Don't know much about it, but I like the character designs.
Hetalia - Ve! This is European History on crack, from the Roman empire up until the modern day. I checked out the cast list, and I don't see Sweden and Finland on there! Where's my Scandinavian bishounen, bitches? I want Su-san! And Norway! (BTW, while I was gone I translated some of the webcomic.) Also: Tsundere UK for the win.
Also: Can someone stop me giggling every time Rym talks about France invading someone during the Napoleonic wars? I don't know.
Edit: Also Birdy the Mighty and Natsume Yuujinchou, but they are sequels to other series I watched a bit of before.
Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands and Belgium have made appearances, but only as character design sketches on the author's blog. Poland and the Baltic States get a lot more attention. I think it is because the author gets more mileage out of Russia scaring them that way. (Poor old Latvia can't stop shaking.)
I also really want to see an Ireland. You could do a lot of interesting stuff with his/her rocky relationship with UK. I picture a girl with long red hair and freckles.
Stereotypical Russia loves his vodka, Stereotypical UK loves his tea and can't cook at all. Finland likes smelly fish and salty licorice.
France is amorous. Japan has a 2D anime fetish.
Is this offensive? Perhaps, but I don't care.
I really hope the anime adaptation stays true to what you describe Gomily, it's what made me interested.
EDIT: Just watched the first episode of Zoku Natsume Yuujinchou. It's great. I have a slight feeling that the animation is better than the first season's, but that might also be because of the stuff I've recently been watching. (Kaiji is awesome) Also, I prefer the OP and ED on this season. Better songs.
edit: Here is a picture
Everything else looks kinda lame.
Can you dig it?
Also Birdy and Shikabane Hime. They made another Minami-Ke? WHY?!?
With White Album we have a male protagonist that actually starts out with a girlfriend (what a twist!), but so far through two episodes Touya, the male protagonist, is already being swamped with girls that want him for various reasons. It hasn't played out quite like the typical harem show (and hopefully it won't) but it does show that a relationship between two people whose lives are going in different directions is hard enough to maintain, much less when you throw in other girls. Even though he has feelings for his girlfriend Yuki, he hasn't shied away from any of the other girls' advancements thus far. I'm hoping Touya doesn't turn out to be as indecisive as Makoto from School Days, but all-in-all I'm intrigued to see how this plays out.
As for Sora o Kakeru Shoujo; I found it quite enjoyable. Yeah, it possesses a lot of rainbow-haired girls, mecha, and it's in space, but it was lighthearted and I found the character Leopold to be particularly entertaining. I also liked the mecha designs as well.