Karl and I will be running "how to survive a mecha attack" Saturday morning at 9am. Anyone who's up at that hour or (much more likely) just coming for Saturday should come by. We'll be going over escape plans, survival plans, and just how much it would actually cost to put a mecha in space. This panel will be full of laughs and we hope a good time will be had by all.
Karl will then run his Uncle Yo stand up routine at 10:15 (I think). That's very funny and I highly recommend it. I'll be going myself to see his updated material.
Karl and I will be running "how to survive a mecha attack" Saturday morning at 9am. Anyone who's up at that hour or (much more likely) just coming for Saturday should come by. We'll be going over escape plans, survival plans, and just how much it would actually cost to put a mecha in space. This panel will be full of laughs and we hope a good time will be had by all.
Karl will then run his Uncle Yo stand up routine at 10:15 (I think). That's very funny and I highly recommend it. I'll be going myself to see his updated material.
I was already planning on going to that, but you have just cemented it for me.
Also, on a side note, is anyone going to and/or going to be in the Masquerade? At the moment, I want to do other things instead, but if you convince me the masquerade will be good, I might consider going.
Also, on a side note, is anyone going to and/or going to be in the Masquerade? At the moment, I want to do other things instead, but if you convince me the masquerade will be good, I might consider going.
The Otakon masquerade is as good as anime con masquerades get. Take that however you will.
I was already planning on going to that, but you have just cemented it for me.
Also, on a side note, is anyone going to and/or going to be in the Masquerade? At the moment, I want to do other things instead, but if you convince me the masquerade will be good, I might consider going.
The Otakon masquerade is as good as anime con masquerades get. Take that however you will.
I was already planning on going to that, but you have just cemented it for me.
Come up and say hi when we're done.
I probably will. And I thought both of Tora-Con's masquerades were kinda dull. A few good skits, but a lot of dumb ones. I can see all the great costumes by just walking around. I'd really rather go to Video Games that Push Our Buttons. It actually sounds entertaining.
And I thought both of Tora-Con's masquerades were kinda dull. A few good skits, but a lot of dumb ones. I can see all the great costumes by just walking around. I'd really rather go to Video Games that Push Our Buttons. It actually sounds entertaining.
Most skits are bad, but every once in a while there are a few awesome gems. There was a group that did awesome Code Geass skits two years in a row at NYAF. I've been to a bunch of these as Karl MC's a lot of them. Otakon's is cool because it is a massive, full stage production in a small stadium.
And I thought both of Tora-Con's masquerades were kinda dull. A few good skits, but a lot of dumb ones. I can see all the great costumes by just walking around. I'd really rather go to Video Games that Push Our Buttons. It actually sounds entertaining.
Most skits are bad, but every once in a while there are a few awesome gems. There was a group that did awesome Code Geass skits two years in a row at NYAF. I've been to a bunch of these as Karl MC's a lot of them. Otakon's is cool because it is a massive, full stage production in a small stadium.
Well, one year Tora Con did have a good one. That's because Sonny Strait was MCing. It was HILARIOUS. He made it funny. I love that guy, Krillin and Hughes are awesome.
Sorry for the double post, but I have a completely unrelated question. I really want to go to two panels, but one starts right when the other ends in a different room. I know it's not really smart to do this, because I'd have to run, but would I be likely to still make it to the second panel in time and get a seat? They're both in Panel rooms, so they shouldn't be super far apart, but I still wonder about my chances of being on time.
Some panel rooms are UBER-far apart, as in across the convention center. And occasionally panels fill up, so you might not get into the other one.
Yeah...So, the problem becomes which panel do I go to...I can get guaranteed into the first one, probably, 'cause I can be there early...But no guarantee on the second one, so I might have to skip the first one and only go to the second one...Bleh! Too many choices. I wish I had a map so I could decide. I guess I'll just have to wait to decide until the convention.
Here is my Otakon Schedule. If anyone is going to any and/or all these panels, tell me so I can find you!
Friday, July 17, 2009 Know Your Creators – Panel Room 4 – 10:00 J-Music 101: An Introduction to the Japanese Music Industry – Panel Room 1 – 4:30 PM How to Become a Samurai in 1 Hour – Panel Room 5 – 5:45 PM Game Show Qualification – Workshop 2 – 6:30 PM Bandai Entertainment Panel – Panel Room 4 – 9:00 PM The Yaoi-ing Game – Panel Room 4 – 11: 00 PM
Saturday, July 18, 2009 Surviving a Mech Attack – Panel Room 3 – 9:00 AM Uncle Yo – Panel Room 3 – 10:15 AM Fred Schodt Q&A – Panel Room 5 – 3:00 PM Cover Your Bases – Panel Room 6 – 4:15 PM Fred Schodt Autograph – Autograph Room 2 – 5:15 PM Beyond Dungeons & Dragons – Panel Room 6 – 6:45 PM How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse – Panel Room 4 – 8:30 PM Otakon Game Show – Panel Room 3 – 10:30 PM
Sunday, July 19, 2009 Steampunk Fashion – Panel Room 5 – 9:00 AM Osamu Tezuka, Astro Boy, and the Anime/Manga Revolution with Fred Schodt – Panel Room 2 – 12:00 PM
Here is my Otakon Schedule. If anyone is going to any and/or all these panels, tell me so I can find you!
Friday, July 17, 2009 Know Your Creators – Panel Room 4 – 10:00 J-Music 101: An Introduction to the Japanese Music Industry – Panel Room 1 – 4:30 PM How to Become a Samurai in 1 Hour – Panel Room 5 – 5:45 PM Game Show Qualification – Workshop 2 – 6:30 PM Bandai Entertainment Panel – Panel Room 4 – 9:00 PM The Yaoi-ing Game – Panel Room 4 – 11: 00 PM
Saturday, July 18, 2009 Surviving a Mech Attack – Panel Room 3 – 9:00 AM Uncle Yo – Panel Room 3 – 10:15 AM Fred Schodt Q&A; – Panel Room 5 – 3:00 PM Cover Your Bases – Panel Room 6 – 4:15 PM Fred Schodt Autograph – Autograph Room 2 – 5:15 PM Beyond Dungeons & Dragons – Panel Room 6 – 6:45 PM How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse – Panel Room 4 – 8:30 PM Otakon Game Show – Panel Room 3 – 10:30 PM
Sunday, July 19, 2009 Steampunk Fashion – Panel Room 5 – 9:00 AM Osamu Tezuka, Astro Boy, and the Anime/Manga Revolution with Fred Schodt – Panel Room 2 – 12:00 PM
I'll be heading to Know Your Creators, Surviving a Mech Attack, the Otakon Game Show, and Fred Schodt's panel. I'll be recognizable in Surviving a Mech Attack the Otakon Game show as Ness.
I'm going to be getting on the bus to Baltimore tomorrow. Oh mans, so excited. The Kanon Wakeshima Q&A and concert are my absolute must-see events, and others that I would really like to see include Opening Ceremonies, Know Your Creators, I Can't Believe You Haven't Seen This, MELL concert, 18+ tasteless Asian cinema, the Yaoi-ing Game, Without Watching the Anime, Fred Schodt's panel, Noboru Ishiguro Q&A, Anime Old Timers, and Dubs That Time Forgot.
Honestly, not so interested in VAMPS. I'm much more excited for the other musical guests. Sure, skipping the line would be nice, but I'm not shelling out for a separate ticket to do so.
Honestly, not so interested in VAMPS. I'm much more excited for the other musical guests. Sure, skipping the line would be nice, but I'm not shelling out for a separate ticket to do so.
The ticket is $30. Why not buy one ticket and print out 30 copies? Then you can get 30 people to the front of the line for $1 each.
I saw Vamps last night live at the Fillmore in NYC. It was a pretty great concert, (save for the fact that someone fucked up the sound set up so there was more mic feedback than there should have been) and I was over the moon at being able to go to another Hyde show. I missed seeing his tour last time I was in Japan, but this totally made up for it. Just my recommendation, VAMPS is the hotness and not to be missed. Their new stuff is a little harder (read: more metal-ish) than the L'arc en Ciel songs, which they also played, but I think it's pretty accessible to most people who like rock music.
That's kinda what I figured about VAMPS, after reading about them and watching a few videos. I like the L'arc en Ciel stuff I've heard, and it's cool to know they'll play a few of those songs at the concert, but I'm fine with more metal-ish stuff. My friends might not be, but poo-poo on them. I like rock a lot.
With Otakon now three days away, we should probably start trading phone numbers. I think the best way to do it is to just whisper the numbers to each other.
Karl will then run his Uncle Yo stand up routine at 10:15 (I think). That's very funny and I highly recommend it. I'll be going myself to see his updated material.
With the power of beer . . .whatever, I'm gonna just sit here and drink a few . . . of my beers. Hey, you want one?
Also, on a side note, is anyone going to and/or going to be in the Masquerade? At the moment, I want to do other things instead, but if you convince me the masquerade will be good, I might consider going.
And I thought both of Tora-Con's masquerades were kinda dull. A few good skits, but a lot of dumb ones. I can see all the great costumes by just walking around. I'd really rather go to Video Games that Push Our Buttons. It actually sounds entertaining.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Know Your Creators – Panel Room 4 – 10:00
J-Music 101: An Introduction to the Japanese Music Industry – Panel Room 1 – 4:30 PM
How to Become a Samurai in 1 Hour – Panel Room 5 – 5:45 PM
Game Show Qualification – Workshop 2 – 6:30 PM
Bandai Entertainment Panel – Panel Room 4 – 9:00 PM
The Yaoi-ing Game – Panel Room 4 – 11: 00 PM
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Surviving a Mech Attack – Panel Room 3 – 9:00 AM
Uncle Yo – Panel Room 3 – 10:15 AM
Fred Schodt Q&A – Panel Room 5 – 3:00 PM
Cover Your Bases – Panel Room 6 – 4:15 PM
Fred Schodt Autograph – Autograph Room 2 – 5:15 PM
Beyond Dungeons & Dragons – Panel Room 6 – 6:45 PM
How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse – Panel Room 4 – 8:30 PM
Otakon Game Show – Panel Room 3 – 10:30 PM
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Steampunk Fashion – Panel Room 5 – 9:00 AM
Osamu Tezuka, Astro Boy, and the Anime/Manga Revolution with Fred Schodt – Panel Room 2 – 12:00 PM
It takes THAT long. Dedication is you!