I have determined that my interests would be better served going to Connecticon this year instead of Otakon. I'm a huge webcomic geek, and have been looking to C-con for the past few years as somewhere to go. This year I'm going to make it to Hartford.
I'll be buying my pre-reg this weekend, and looking into getting a hotel room as soon as I can. Whether I'll fly/drive/greyhound from Kansas is still undecided.
Think of it like this. If someone flies across the country to go to Disney World, that makes sense because it is such a huge park, and there aren't many others like it. If someone flies across the country to go to a water park with three slides, that's really silly because you can go to a park of that size almost anywhere. Now, there's nothing wrong with the tree slide park. It's just that it's not worth that much effort.
The draw of Connecticon for me is the webcomic guests and programming. At the smaller convention, I'm likely to see more of the creators. If I had the free time to go to Webcomic Weekend or MoCCA instead, I totally would. They would be perfect for my interests. The fact that C-con is at the end of July means I will be free to travel. And it's cheaper than San Diego Comic Con would be.
Or do you just not want me to go? Ha- have I hurt your feelings in some way, Scott? I'm sorry. Whatever it was. Q_Q
Plus, who knows if there are any good cons in the area (and looking at animecons.com, there are none in Kansas)? What if he has friends going to Connecticon? What if he needs to cut funds (making a long trip wouldn't help that, but it's a perk of small cons nonetheless)? What if this con is at a better time of the year than other cons he has a chance to go to (which is a point he just addressed above this post...)? What if there are guests/bands at this con that aren't at other cons?
I really think you and Rym need to cut it out with the "small cons = shit" mindset.
Also, Otakon isn't in New England.
I think we're a good con. Growing steadily since 2005 and hoping to crack 3,000 this year. We even have the LeetStreet Boys coming to perform. [End Shameless self-promotion]
Still. Thanks, Dkong. I happen to like my cons on the small to mid-range size. Seeing the same faces more than once leads to better connections.
Didn't Rym say a while that GeekNights would be heading up panels this year (or something like it)? The website isn't updated about Events yet, but I'm wondering when the news will break.
The con book is now posted online here (warning: 50.8 MB PDF). There are a few things worth noting... Also of note: there is only one "How to talk to girls" panel this year. Last year there were five. XKCD, Ctrl+Alt+Del, and Explosm (Cyanide & Happiness) all have panels.
So who here going to ConnectiCon, other than our beloved hosts?
You also told me that you had put a panel description together, but never showed me what it said. I asked to look at it, but never saw it until now.
It's all good, though.
Also, is anyone up for a game of Dread at Connecticon, I'm going to try and score the rule book before I leave.
Also, we'll try to video the panels and such for reals this time.
There's a tiny chance we could do it, but the odds are in favor of no. We'll have to check on things Friday morning at the con.