If I do ConnectiCon next year, I won't be in the Dealer's Room, and I'll actually be able to socialize with you peeps. It was cool to meet a few of you!
What she left out: But not the vast majority of you. ^_^
If I do ConnectiCon next year, I won't be in the Dealer's Room, and I'll actually be able to socialize with you peeps. It was cool to meet a few of you!
What she left out: But not the vast majority of you. ^_^
I only met a few people because I was stuck in the dealer's room the whole con.
I only met a few people because I was stuck in the dealer's room the whole con.
You were kind of in a tricky spot as well since you were right in the middle of everything. It also helps to be around people you know, like how they had the webcomics setup in the dealers room.
EDIT: Also, trog, why the hell didn't you introduce yourself to me if you were in the crowd? I'm always excited to meet forumites in the flesh.
I would have introduced myself at the end, but my ride had to get going, so we left after you stopped talking and put on Amon Amarth. Regardless, the panel was fantastic. Even my non-metalhead friend found it interesting.
EDIT: For the sake of completeness, I want to include that Pete also mentioned Apocalyptica as a good "getting into metal" band.
I think it would be problematic having a president who liked Hetalia fandom in the first place. Foreign relations would be very weird.
"We're allied with Finland because he's so cute!" "France, you stay away from us, you pervert! No diplomacy for you!" "Hey, Japan, I think you and England should get together in a gay way."
Hahahahahah. That would be awesome, in a sad sort of way.
I heard from someone that Scott and Rym became Head of Panels for Connecticon. Not only do I extend my congratulations, but I would also like to inquire as to how this happened as well.
I heard from someone that Scott and Rym became Head of Panels for Connecticon. Not only do I extend my congratulations, but I would also like to inquire as to how this happened as well.
w00t! Now I will definitely have to look into attending Connecticon. Although seeing its nearness to Otakon and my lack of money, or friends who would want to go...It seems unlikely. Congrats, though. About time someone recognizes that you guys know what you're doing.
I heard from someone that Scott and Rym became Head of Panels for Connecticon. Not only do I extend my congratulations, but I would also like to inquire as to how this happened as well.
They just said at the end of things "we can take over panels" and the staff was all like "cool, awesome! You do that!"
I heard from someone that Scott and Rym became Head of Panels for Connecticon. Not only do I extend my congratulations, but I would also like to inquire as to how this happened as well.
They just said at the end of things "we can take over panels" and the staff was all like "cool, awesome! You do that!"
Well, based on previous episodes, I doubt Connecticon would pass up the opportunity to add to their staff at this point.
I finally got off my behind and tossed some pictures to Flickr. Go forth and enjoy.
I had so much fun. I was able to talk, however briefly, with almost everyone I wanted to. I was rechecking the program book on the plane back and realised I had missed just a few webcomickers like KC Green and Dave Shabet. I ran into Nuri and bought some great things from her. I have already gotten a bunch of compliments on the Gear T-shirt.
The contents of my sketchbook more than doubled, including art from Yuko Ota, Lar Desouza and our own Gomidog. (I am curious about the characters Emily drew- humanoid dragons, one with an ice hammer?) I plan to get some good pictures of the sketches, if not scans, and then toss them online as well.
I didn't spend nearly as much time in Panel 5 as I'd wished, but I did catch a lot of the schedule. I am really happy to have caught Action Castle (castle..castle...) and Uncle Yo's standup routine. Plus I was useful in loaning my iPhone cable to Scott on Saturday before Good Morning Connecticon.
The Super Art Fight was a ton of fun. After it ended, I actually ended up at the Steam City Brewery with the hosts and other artists. Two comickers, Alina and Luke, were totally awesome and let me tag along on their walk over. After that we stopped off at the Looking For Group table and chatted with Lar, who is easily one of the nicest persons I have ever met. He recognized me from Anime North and made my day.
About the only low point came on Sunday when I missed my bus and had to take a taxi to the airport. I had budgeted for that eventuality, but it still sucked. Even in that, though, I had a good conversation with the 'norms' at the bus stop about the craziness going on. Even they knew about the bigger anime shows, like Naruto and Bleach and were able to name many of the cosplayers across the street at Burger King.
All in all, I am so very glad I went. I may go again next year, but it will be fighting with Otakon or FanExpo for this time of the year.
I only met a few people because I was stuck in the dealer's room the whole con.
EDIT: For the sake of completeness, I want to include that Pete also mentioned Apocalyptica as a good "getting into metal" band.
How did all your panels go?
Congrats, though. About time someone recognizes that you guys know what you're doing.
I had so much fun. I was able to talk, however briefly, with almost everyone I wanted to. I was rechecking the program book on the plane back and realised I had missed just a few webcomickers like KC Green and Dave Shabet. I ran into Nuri and bought some great things from her. I have already gotten a bunch of compliments on the Gear T-shirt.
The contents of my sketchbook more than doubled, including art from Yuko Ota, Lar Desouza and our own Gomidog. (I am curious about the characters Emily drew- humanoid dragons, one with an ice hammer?) I plan to get some good pictures of the sketches, if not scans, and then toss them online as well.
I didn't spend nearly as much time in Panel 5 as I'd wished, but I did catch a lot of the schedule. I am really happy to have caught Action Castle (castle..castle...) and Uncle Yo's standup routine. Plus I was useful in loaning my iPhone cable to Scott on Saturday before Good Morning Connecticon.
The Super Art Fight was a ton of fun. After it ended, I actually ended up at the Steam City Brewery with the hosts and other artists. Two comickers, Alina and Luke, were totally awesome and let me tag along on their walk over. After that we stopped off at the Looking For Group table and chatted with Lar, who is easily one of the nicest persons I have ever met. He recognized me from Anime North and made my day.
About the only low point came on Sunday when I missed my bus and had to take a taxi to the airport. I had budgeted for that eventuality, but it still sucked. Even in that, though, I had a good conversation with the 'norms' at the bus stop about the craziness going on. Even they knew about the bigger anime shows, like Naruto and Bleach and were able to name many of the cosplayers across the street at Burger King.
All in all, I am so very glad I went. I may go again next year, but it will be fighting with Otakon or FanExpo for this time of the year.