Tonight on GeekNights we discuss the ways of typing and keyboarding. In the news, Apple is probably making their own chips and the real bandwidth trouble is HDTV.
I figured out that possibility on my own, without Google's help. It doesn't work. Allow me to explain.
I go into the system preferences keyboard shortcuts menu. I add a new shortcut for Firefox. I set the menu item to New Tab, and I set the keyboard shortcut to control t. I then open Firefox. I look in the File menu. Next to New Tab it says ^T for control tab instead of command+T. When I press control + t the file menu lights up, indicating that the keyboard shortcut is functioning. However, no new tab appears. If I press command+T, a new tab appears.
Someone else with the newest Mac OS try it out and let me know.
The reasoning, as my dad tells me, is to not compete with the radio broadcasts. Supposedly, at least one station in each area should be broadcasting home games, and then whoever wants to listen to their favorite team's away games, they can using Unfortunately, this doesn't really work when there's various other sports, like more local minor league, basketball, football, college sports, whatever to be broadcast as well.
I figured out that possibility on my own, without Google's help.
I thought you might have. I've never actually laid hands on a mac in my life, so I wasn't sure how obvious that solution would be. Good luck with that.
Looking around at various typing resources, I seem to have developed my typing skills rather well. I tend to follow most of the rules that are usually laid down, and can type accurately at around 60-65 WPM. I think most of my typing skill comes from writing that 50,000 word novel when I was 13 years old; after that it was harder not to use proper capitalization and punctuation.
I can type approximately 100 words per minute with 95-98% accuracy, depending on the test. I can type significantly faster than I can think, however, and that is all that matters most of the time.
I used a friend's Das Keyboard II for a few days when he accidentally left it in my car. It was like an orgasm for my hands. Unfortunately, most of my typing is done on my laptop keyboard, but I can still type pretty fast.
One more thing: These keyboards are the stupidest things I have ever seen. I cannot stand typing on them.
Keyfixer "Changes keyboard bindings for Mac OS X users to match Windows key bindings. Keyfixer binds both the Control and Command keys to the Windows-like shortcuts so that users can pick the key they are more comfortable with."
After a few searches, I got lucky searching "Change Keyboard" on the FF extension directory and found this on the second page. Sounds like what Scott was looking for.
Use an xwindow client to an instance of firefox running on your linux VM/parallel...?
Very bad. The performance of the natively running Firefox is vastly superior.
Is it really that bad? I admit, I've never tried it... but I've never had your problem before - I've never had the desire to own/work on a Mac, (well in the last decade at least). I understand you've not tried it, so how can you know definitively how bad it might be? It couldn't hurt to try it. Objectively.
I figured out that possibility on my own, without Google's help. It doesn't work. Allow me to explain.
I go into the system preferences keyboard shortcuts menu. I add a new shortcut for Firefox. I set the menu item to New Tab, and I set the keyboard shortcut to control t. I then open Firefox. I look in the File menu. Next to New Tab it says ^T for control tab instead of command+T. When I press control + t the file menu lights up, indicating that the keyboard shortcut is functioning. However, no new tab appears. If I press command+T, a new tab appears.
Someone else with the newest Mac OS try it out and let me know.
So I tried this and it didn't work for me either, despite the menu entry actually showing ^T instead of cmd-T. Same "blipping" of the File menu. What did work, however, was having no windows open and pressing ^T. This then brought up a new window. Funnily enough, it still does after I removed the ^T shortcut in the system settings. Methinks this a bug.
I have actually searched long and hard for a solution to have application specific keyboard mappings, I write most of my communications/email in Finnish but prefer to use a US keyboard for writing papers in English and for coding. This is not an easy problem and I have not found a good solution yet.
I have actually searched long and hard for a solution to have application specific keyboard mappings, I write most of my communications/email in Finnish but prefer to use a US keyboard for writing papers in English and for coding. This is not an easy problem and I have not found a good solution yet.
Even though I consider myself a computer aficionado I have never been able to learn the standard typing method (asdf jkl;). I just hunt and peck at an alarming speed. My Logitech G15 v1.0 is the best keyboard I've ever owned. It is just clicky enough without being annoying. I will never own another keyboard without backlighting.
One more thing: These keyboards are the stupidest things I have ever seen. I cannot stand typing on them.
I use one, and I think they are pretty comfortable. The downside: The shock you during the winter because of static. I need to remember to defuse the charge before I sit down at my computer when I am wearing wool.
I have actually searched long and hard for a solution to have application specific keyboard mappings, I write most of my communications/email in Finnish but prefer to use a US keyboard for writing papers in English and for coding. This is not an easy problem and I have not found a good solution yet.
Solution = Linux.
Not very helpful there Scott. In fact, I first had this problem under Linux and there is no good solution. I am quite capable of kludging together some shell scripts that'll remap the keyboard for applications on launch, but getting it to a point where the remapping happens whenever focus changes is highly non trivial.
Have you tried binding the "toggle input method" to a key-combo? I just hit ctrl+space and I'm in Japanese. In addition: UIM in Linux can be told to change the language across the whole desktop, on a per-application basis or on a per-text-box basis.
Keyfixer "Changes keyboard bindings for Mac OS X users to match Windows key bindings. Keyfixer binds both the Control and Command keys to the Windows-like shortcuts so that users can pick the key they are more comfortable with."
After a few searches, I got lucky searching "Change Keyboard" on the FF extension directory and found this on the second page. Sounds like what Scott was looking for.
That method probably works, but it's the dumb method. One minute on google. It literally took me twice as long to read the posts in this thread from halfway down (Günter's post) to the bottom than finding the solution. Just replace the value of ui.key.accelKey in your about:config with '17' (should be '224'), and you'll have Ctrl-shortcuts instead of Cmd-shortcuts. That keyfixer extension probably does just that only wraps it in an extension and nonsense options surrounding it. Typically a case of RTFM, Scott.
Oh, and in the interest of science, general mockery, joking and bullshitting, I shall now attempt to write a coherent, and hopefully of some length, post about absolutely nothing utilizing my touch typist skills that I acquired at a non-school related course at the age of about ten or eleven. One sentence, more to go. I fell victim to this course at such a tender age after having heard about it from a good friend of mine in my class. He was taking the course and it excited me, for some strange and unknown reason. Because I can no longer remember said reason, it shall forever be a mystery, unless of course either of my parents remembers, but that's also doubtful. This course supplied its victims-eh I mean students, with an honest-to-god mechanical typewriter, whose keys were, besides being orgasmic-ally clicky (had I been older this typewriter would have been amazing on this level), plastered with circular, coloured, stickers. Besides obscuring the letter, numbers, and various other characters printed on the keys, they allowed for rudimentary glancing as to remember which finger should hit which key. All a load of bullshit if you ask me. This typewriter would be the platform upon which I learned touch typing, practiced touch typing, and cried: "Bloody hell this is boring, why must I type now, why? I wish to play outside and have fun. But no, here I am, having to copy an A4 sheet of text that I'd rather just read instead of painfully copy." Do know, at the time I was already the characteristic slacker that I am now, hence the opposition, not to mention I was still practicing, so my typing speed was still low. It would've only taken about 20 minutes at the time, but such is knowledge gained only after the fact. Thus I learned how to copy text from a sheet without many a typing error, and it has served me well in my days. I am capable of registering typo's before having consciously seen them on-screen, or on-paper depending on the medium. Mostly due to the fact that I learned touch typing by copying text, thus not being able to see what was actually being written to the screen, or paper, at the time of copying. Such was infuriating at my young age, and rage I would due to minor perfectionistic tendencies and just blatant stupidity on my part. Hereby I conclude a sample of 'the horrors' that I went through as a child, voluntarily.
Upon rereading the above paragraph, in my mind, I realize I actually did talk about something. How I learned to touch type to be precise. This of course is unacceptable and thus I shall attempt once more to write a paragraph that is coherent, but about absolutely nothing. It might take some preparation to do so though, so please let me think. Perhaps I could start with addressing the fact that my previous paragraph does not adhere to the points I made in its first sentence. If I do such I then would have to restate my claim and retry to achieve the mentioned goal of writing a paragraph of text about absolutely nothing. A most impossible task I suspect now. My mind dislikes useless banter about cows and calves, and thus will make it too hard for me to reach my goal. I shall persevere however, and write a paragraph about absolutely nothing. Nothing essential, intellectually stimulating, and useful at least. It will just be a waste of time, to write and to read, but we've started, and we are not stopping, please remain at my side for the duration of this epic attempt at trying to write a paragraph about absolutely nothing at all. This is a paragraph, right? Well darn.
If the above post had been writen by a normal person, it would have sounded something like:
Why sir, how insulting can you be? Who are you to say that I am insane? While this is true, only I (and trained doctors in the cause), have the right to claim whether I am in fact insane. Those doctors would still be insulting me though. Alas, you are neither me, nor a doctor trained in 'the cause', thus we shall conclude that you do nothing but harmfully insult my integrity as a non-human being of dubious intellect, sanity and stupidity. Good day to you, sir.
I was shocked to find that you can buy Moxie in New Hampshire. I tried it as soon as I saw it, and I found that it tastes kind of like sour root-beer. My students love it though.
Why sir, how insulting can you be? Who are you to say that I am insane?
Someone who has had the misfortune of being subjected to your company for a prolonged period of time.
How ridiculous. You're the only known person in the history of the world to wish to stick out by calling my presence a misfortune, and my personality cranky. Both which couldn't be further from the truth. Please, do read my posts above again, if these still sound cranky to you, sir, you must seriously consider destroying your trademarked stupidity goggles since apparently, they are a reality. Good day to you, sir.
How ridiculous. You're the only known person in the history of the world to wish to stick out by calling my presence a misfortune, and my personality cranky. Both which couldn't be further from the truth. Please, do read my posts above again, if these still sound cranky to you, sir, you must seriously consider destroying your trademarked stupidity goggles since apparently, they are a reality. Good day to you, sir.
Not cranky at all, are we? And how would I be able to see thing from your perspective without these fine Omubrand Stupidity Goggles?
Use an xwindow client to an instance of firefox running on your linux VM/parallel...?
I go into the system preferences keyboard shortcuts menu. I add a new shortcut for Firefox. I set the menu item to New Tab, and I set the keyboard shortcut to control t. I then open Firefox. I look in the File menu. Next to New Tab it says ^T for control tab instead of command+T. When I press control + t the file menu lights up, indicating that the keyboard shortcut is functioning. However, no new tab appears. If I press command+T, a new tab appears.
Someone else with the newest Mac OS try it out and let me know.
The reasoning, as my dad tells me, is to not compete with the radio broadcasts. Supposedly, at least one station in each area should be broadcasting home games, and then whoever wants to listen to their favorite team's away games, they can using Unfortunately, this doesn't really work when there's various other sports, like more local minor league, basketball, football, college sports, whatever to be broadcast as well.
Looking around at various typing resources, I seem to have developed my typing skills rather well. I tend to follow most of the rules that are usually laid down, and can type accurately at around 60-65 WPM. I think most of my typing skill comes from writing that 50,000 word novel when I was 13 years old; after that it was harder not to use proper capitalization and punctuation.
I used a friend's Das Keyboard II for a few days when he accidentally left it in my car. It was like an orgasm for my hands. Unfortunately, most of my typing is done on my laptop keyboard, but I can still type pretty fast.
One more thing: These keyboards are the stupidest things I have ever seen. I cannot stand typing on them.
"Changes keyboard bindings for Mac OS X users to match Windows key bindings. Keyfixer binds both the Control and Command keys to the Windows-like shortcuts so that users can pick the key they are more comfortable with."
After a few searches, I got lucky searching "Change Keyboard" on the FF extension directory and found this on the second page. Sounds like what Scott was looking for.
I understand you've not tried it, so how can you know definitively how bad it might be? It couldn't hurt to try it. Objectively.
I have actually searched long and hard for a solution to have application specific keyboard mappings, I write most of my communications/email in Finnish but prefer to use a US keyboard for writing papers in English and for coding. This is not an easy problem and I have not found a good solution yet.
In addition: UIM in Linux can be told to change the language across the whole desktop, on a per-application basis or on a per-text-box basis.
Oh, and in the interest of science, general mockery, joking and bullshitting, I shall now attempt to write a coherent, and hopefully of some length, post about absolutely nothing utilizing my touch typist skills that I acquired at a non-school related course at the age of about ten or eleven. One sentence, more to go. I fell victim to this course at such a tender age after having heard about it from a good friend of mine in my class. He was taking the course and it excited me, for some strange and unknown reason. Because I can no longer remember said reason, it shall forever be a mystery, unless of course either of my parents remembers, but that's also doubtful. This course supplied its victims-eh I mean students, with an honest-to-god mechanical typewriter, whose keys were, besides being orgasmic-ally clicky (had I been older this typewriter would have been amazing on this level), plastered with circular, coloured, stickers. Besides obscuring the letter, numbers, and various other characters printed on the keys, they allowed for rudimentary glancing as to remember which finger should hit which key. All a load of bullshit if you ask me. This typewriter would be the platform upon which I learned touch typing, practiced touch typing, and cried: "Bloody hell this is boring, why must I type now, why? I wish to play outside and have fun. But no, here I am, having to copy an A4 sheet of text that I'd rather just read instead of painfully copy." Do know, at the time I was already the characteristic slacker that I am now, hence the opposition, not to mention I was still practicing, so my typing speed was still low. It would've only taken about 20 minutes at the time, but such is knowledge gained only after the fact. Thus I learned how to copy text from a sheet without many a typing error, and it has served me well in my days. I am capable of registering typo's before having consciously seen them on-screen, or on-paper depending on the medium. Mostly due to the fact that I learned touch typing by copying text, thus not being able to see what was actually being written to the screen, or paper, at the time of copying. Such was infuriating at my young age, and rage I would due to minor perfectionistic tendencies and just blatant stupidity on my part. Hereby I conclude a sample of 'the horrors' that I went through as a child, voluntarily.
Upon rereading the above paragraph, in my mind, I realize I actually did talk about something. How I learned to touch type to be precise. This of course is unacceptable and thus I shall attempt once more to write a paragraph that is coherent, but about absolutely nothing. It might take some preparation to do so though, so please let me think. Perhaps I could start with addressing the fact that my previous paragraph does not adhere to the points I made in its first sentence. If I do such I then would have to restate my claim and retry to achieve the mentioned goal of writing a paragraph of text about absolutely nothing. A most impossible task I suspect now. My mind dislikes useless banter about cows and calves, and thus will make it too hard for me to reach my goal. I shall persevere however, and write a paragraph about absolutely nothing. Nothing essential, intellectually stimulating, and useful at least. It will just be a waste of time, to write and to read, but we've started, and we are not stopping, please remain at my side for the duration of this epic attempt at trying to write a paragraph about absolutely nothing at all. This is a paragraph, right? Well darn.
And how would I be able to see thing from your perspective without these fine Omubrand Stupidity Goggles?