What Have You Been Listening To? (Don't make this thread a wall of embedded youtubes)
I don't know how this will fly on this forum, since so many of you dudes are too cool to listen to a lot of new releases. Still, it is worth a shot, with the sudden resurgence of music related threads. Also, this is
new new music, not just modern music, meaning we talk about music that got released this year. Links are welcome, too, if the mods are cool with that.
I'd like to start off with some heavy praise for the new Grizzly Bear record, Veckatimest. I've never
really gotten into a Griz album until this one, which I've been listening to constantly for the past couple days. I adored Knife, Easier, and Colorado off Yellow House but found myself getting kind of lost within some of it's murk on my first few listens. With this release, every song feels clearer and more filled out, and it inspired me to go back and listen to Yellow House again, which I'm starting to appreciate quite a bit more. Of course, the Griz are rocking their always incredible four-part vocal harmonies, which bring to mind Beach Boys' Pet Sounds and Panda Bear's Person Pitch.
Two Weeks, and the
As for that song Two Weeks, sounds nice, going to try the rest of the album, thanks. I don't have any new music to spread the word about myself though.
I finally got around to Passage by Pocahaunted the other day.
It expands pretty well on what I liked so much about Chains, but I think that Chains is still my favorite of theirs. As far as recommending this album, if you like drone then you already know if you like Pocahaunted. If you don't like drone, it's not the record that is going to change your mind.
The girl who sits next to me in English turned me on to this band a few weeks back, and I've since burned through their catalog and have eagerly awaited this new album. It's gonna take a few more listens to judge how it compares, but I can at least tell you that it is not a disappointment in any way, shape, or form.
The new Sonic Youth record, The Eternal, will soon be officially released and I hope to be going to the release party on Thursday.
This song made me cry.
edit: I guess I should also point out that they don't start playing Blue Ridge Mountain until like 2:30 into the video.
And to clarify my remarks on the simple songs, I think I took offense to your pointing it out because it seemed like one of those things that you only point out when you want to put it down. Obviously, this was not your intention.
EDIT: Anyhow, enough of that for now. Here's the song "Coast" from Ki, the latest Devin Townsend record. It's very mellow. I think I'm on a mellow kick lately.
Also, for The Whale Shark, Fleet Foxes's "White Winter Hymnal." I shed a man-tear.
Here is the single "Laughing With":